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Bf is on the small side, will sexual intercourse suck?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by chelle, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    I still haven't got to bang him lol... We got into a bad car accident Sunday and I ended up getting a ride to the hospital so I'm really sore and pretty banged up but I'm okay. So far I feel the sexual tension building and it's not so bad it's kinda fun because it's like waiting to be unleashed. Anyways, we send pics to each other... I was wondering if my bf's dick is partial circumcised? Don't get me wrong I think it looks nice but I can't tell if it's circumsised or not because there seems to be extra skin. Doesn't look like other circumcised penises.
  2. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    -+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+-
    Chelle, it's a really bad idea to post other people's intimate pictures without their permission. Since your boyfriend isn't a member of TFP, I'm removing your link. Please do not put it back up. If someone had done the same with a picture I'd sent them, I'd be incredibly mad at them.
  3. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    He doesn't know it's a forum but he has told me he didn't care if people ended up seeing his picture as long as they didn't know who he was or if his face wasn't on it. Okay, so if I can't put up pictures...can someone tell me how would I know if it's circumstanced, partially circumscribed or uncut when erect?? Photos??
  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    We can't verify his consent. And around here, that's a big deal. That's why we have a Tilted Exhibition in the first place with some very specific rules for it.

    Penises are either circumsized or they're not. There's no "partial" option. Your best bet is to ask. If he's sending you a picture of it, I think that you're on good enough terms to ask.
  5. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    On the internet there seems to be such a thing unless everyone is wrong. I guess it is cut then.. I wonder what an uncut one feels like because scientifically it is said to feel better for women and men.
  6. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I'd love to see the "scientific papers" and "empirical data" that support your claim.
  7. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    If you are looking at an uncircumcised penis, you will know. If when you go down on him it looks like there is a snake coming out of a burrow, that is an uncircumcised penis. Hence... One Eyed Snake ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Google "uncircumcised penis" then "images".

    The only partial circumcisions I can imagine would probably be more accurately described as botched or mangled circumcisions -the result of inept doctors or drunken mohel.

    What happened to page 7 of this thread?
  9. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    It's still there. Hit "< Prev" on the list of page numbers at the top or bottom of the page if you want to see it. This is a known bug in XenForo that the developer should hopefully be fixing.
  10. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I think it's probably circumstanced, myself.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. ring


  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I have a little rhyme to help me: a penis disguised is uncircumcised.
  13. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    is this thread still alive?
  14. ring


    Seeing it in its flaccid state, I would agree.
    When fully erect, with the head fully exposed,
    I can understand how there might be some confusion if the sexual partner is verdant to the experience.
    More questions for chelle:


    1. Have you seen your boyfriend's penis when he doesn't have a hard-on?
    2. When you manually or orally play with your boyfriend's penis when its erect, do you feel "extra skin" sliding back and forth?

    I'm sorry to hear you both were in a car accident.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Is your boyfriend okay?
  15. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    An overgrown clitoris, really. :D

    Interesting site, ring. Us American women don't get to see much in the way of uncircumcised penises, though I hear parents are beginning to trend towards NOT automatically opting for circumcision. I remember when I had my son (18 years ago), I contemplated not having him circumcised - mostly due to the instinctual desire that he not suffer any pain as I wasn't up on the pros and cons of having it done, at the time. His father wouldn't hear of it though. He was damned well going to make sure his son sported a dick just like his.
  16. chelle, if he does it right the size of it really doesn't matter. He's got 10 fingers, two lips and one tongue. All of that should very much become as much of a factor as size. In fact more important. Intercourse is only a small part of the entire moment.

    So says the man who obviously has a short dick and no staying power.
  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'm calling bullshit. *throws flag*

    I fail to believe that a car accident, however bad, would prevent a young couple from fucking.

    As a dozen plus member of the I-95 Road Head Club, there is always time for a good orgasm.

    /and that's the story of how my exwife tried to kill me
  18. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    Hmm...I forgot where I read but I remember reading some things online where it says that men have a lot more nerve endings...and when it is removed you're also removing many of those too. I know that is a fact.
    I don't know how it is for women, but I just hear it feels better because it's more natural and there is more skin to rub up against, but who knows.
  19. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Maybe a dick is just a dick. If an additional millimeter or two of wang hood skin is what is preventing me from being the best crotch plumber lover ever, I guess I'm already a failure and should drink the Kool-Aid. Seeing that I've been with women that have shoved all sorts of household implements in there in the search to get off, I'm guessin' a lot of things feel good. "Uh, why are you washing the handle of that paint brush?"
  20. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi chelle. :eek: Bloody hell .... I'm glad your OK.

    Take care :)