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Bill Cosby - Is it true???

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by rogue49, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    That's the thing SirLance, to Charlatan and Baraka an accusation is not only a fact but a conviction and the very idea that someone is innocent until they're proven guilty is the sort of thing only rapists and rape apologists would ever believe. That's why, as you'll notice, they've already started building a narrative (post #77) and piling up the kindling.

    How many people came forwards during the Satanic Panic testifying to all sorts of things that never happened? How many people come forwards every time there's a high profile crime claiming to be the perpetrator? How many people swore throughout history that the Jews killed some kid for his blood, or started some plague, or god knows what else? How many people swear they were abducted by aliens?

    Right now we're in the middle of a nationwide panic the likes of which has not been seen since the 80's. A mass hysteria so profound that it's being openly called madness even by feminist federal judges and resulting in such absurdities as someone who looks like a rapist being convicted and sentenced as if he were that rapist by a secret court without even knowing about it until after the fact. A mass hysteria so profound that it's seen the revival of profiteering hoaxes like Rantic Marketing's fake "threat" against Emma Watson and Hollaback's racist 2 minute's hate against poor black men.

    A mass hysteria so profound that someone finally gave people like Charlatan and Baraka and so many more exactly the kind of "justice" they've been demanding. No trials, no evidence, no presumption of innocence, just one angry young man with a gun determined to stop an epidemic of rape.

    Not participating in your lynch mobbery doesn't mean I think he's innocent, or that I only believe his own testimony, it means I believe in the rule of law and innocence until guilt is proven in a court of law. Because I've seen the alternative.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wow. Presume much?

    Oh wait. I already know you do.
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Uhh dude, that is VERY bad form. :mad:
    Is that how you should treat your fellow members???
    Out of the blue, naming people in some type of hideous outlandish conspiracy??

    First of all, you're exaggerating.
    Perhaps there's some type of cultural trend going on...but these things pop up periodically over time. (on anything...and they fade)
    It's NOT some Machiavellian plot done by intent by masses of people. (for whatever reason)

    This is just a discussion on the surprising news and potential disturbing pattern of who was an esteemed entertainer. (guilty or not, proven or not...that's the debate, duh)
    Sure, the media may be doing yellow journalism...but they've been doing for everything for some time. (again, part of the debate...)

    Take a pill. Not figuratively...Seriously.
    You may need help. Get help.
    You just made an unbalanced statement in an unhinged manner.
    Attacking two fairly well known and respected members. (who people may have agreed or disagreed with in the past, but they're civil & cool)
    WTF??? :confused:

    Step back, take a breath and get your head on straight.
    We're civilized here.
    Know how to play in the sandbox with others, will ya??
    Geez. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  4. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    By definition mass hysteria isn't a conspiracy, it's mass hysteria. The whole point is nobody's holding the reigns anymore and people are falling prey to delusions and paranoid hysteria on a mass scale. There are bad faith actors using femsploitation for their own profit and self-aggrandizement but the situation just isn't controllable enough to be a conspiracy; Just look at Hollaback's racist viral video that was massively popular and resulted in a resurgence of white panic over black male sexuality as a threat to white women's sexual purity to such an extent it fed right into a shooting.

    Are Charlatan and Baraka twirling their moustaches going "All according to plan mwahaha"? No, they're not bond villains. They're the rubes in a crowd of people screaming "SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!" not realising that while they're shouting "DO SOMETHING" and "HE MUST BE GUILTY!" somebody else is getting rope, and somebody else is finding a tree, and somebody else is setting up a burning cross.

    No Rogue this isn't some machiavellian plot. It's madness. And that's not my word for it, it's the word of a feminist federal judge that happens to be one of the top legal scholars at one of the most preeminent schools of law in the entire world.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I haven't even told you my position on the issue.

    You've probably assumed it based on your perception of me as someone who might be a feminist or who might believe in social justice, and then you've taken it to a cartoonish extreme.

    Typical MRA bullshit. It's no wonder no one takes you guys seriously. One can't.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    So, I've been outta the loop for the last year... somebody explain to me why the Jello guy was giving bored white housewives drugs to have sex with his California-Raisin-crossed-with-a-pug self?

    Sounds transactional to me. "Take this Ambien while I cram my pudding pop inside you."
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I would like to see a civil suit--since criminal prosecution most likely will not to happen--go to trial with testimony from all of the accusers. Someone posted 45 at last count.

    Even if Cosby won the suit, which is a possibility given the amount of time that has passed, many things would be presented in court that would damage him. Cosby did some highly questionable things (legality aside) that would turn many people against him.
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  8. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I really don't see it that way.

    I see folks saying "take him off the pedestal" and "I'm not willing to do business or support him any longer" .
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Agreed. I used to watch his shows and comedy specials. I used to spend money on tickets to see him perform live. I used to respect his opinions on social and racial issues.

    Now I don't.

    Hardly the same as grabbing a torch and pitchfork.
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  10. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    It's pretty clear he's at a minimum a scumbag. What is not clear is whether or not his behavior constituted a crime, or if he deceived these women these women into taking pills so he could more easily induce them to have sex. Charlatan said that 45 women have come forward. There were 23 accusers in the Salem witch trials. Big numbers don't make accusations factual.

    I think he should face whatever music he has to face. He probably won't be prosecuted for anything because of statutory limits; and the same might also apply to civil action. So far he has chosen not to respond in any meaningful way.

    I'm with Borla. Unless something really exculpatory comes out, I'm done with Bill Cosby.
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  11. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    I couldn't have said it any better @Borla, I was raised watching him, listening to his records. I really respected him and looked up to that guy. Shattered reality
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  12. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Hey! You know what?

    Fuck you.

    Wow. You are ten pounds of shit in a five pound asshole.

    Don't mind me, I am just busy getting my stake set up and my kindling piled high.

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, except for his OLD work...I haven't watch Cosby in decades (including the Cosby show) ...so the point is moot for me.

    I just find it fascinating from how a story arc goes and changes over time...things you would never expect.
    I am concerned with the media's yellow journalism...but they aren't going to change, they love to sell airtime and adspace.

    In the end, 20+ women who come out saying the same thing is pretty bad...and makes it likely (No MASS feminist conspiracy withstanding :rolleyes: )
    But even if he's guilty...there's nothing most legal systems can do about it.
    And if he's not guilty...then he's simply proven to be like many corrupt Hollywood stars, drugs & sex....and not the "pure" man he portrayed. (but I never bought into this anyway, I'm too much of a cynic)

    In the end, whatever.
    But I won't abide by any flaming attacks on good members, that's bad pool. No matter what the topic. :mad:
  14. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    I went to see him perform a few years back before all this came out. It was a charity benefit.

    I don 't think there's a "mass feminist conspiracy" of any kind, and the number of people who've come forward I think tells us SOMETHING happened. Something at the very least unethical and at the most criminal.

    I don't share your cynicism and I guess I did buy into the image. It's very disappointing to find out that one entertainer you thought was admirable because he seemed to stand for values I share is really just another scumbag hollywood asshole.
  15. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Pretty much the same for me.

    I realize that there is some piling on going on and that he isn't likely to be prosecuted (for valid reasons).

    I won't be protesting his shows or calling for his head. I will be switching the channel if his work comes on and taking a pass if he comes to town.
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  16. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Here is the article from which I got the number 45: List of women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault

    This is a wide range of women over quite a few years (this is not Salem -- Apples and oranges). Of course, none of this will likely go to court, none of it will be proven in a court of law. While some assholes are crossing their arms and claiming that Cosby is a Saint until proven guilty in a court of law, I can't be so blithe and dismissive. Clearly, something is going on here and the likely scenario is not that 45 women are looking for a payout or publicity.

    Like others here, I am not saying, "string him up". I am simply saying that he is quite likely a douche bag of the top order. He is very likely a rapist, and I don't use that word lightly. That said, it's just one person's opinion. He deserves his day in court before that label is made official.

    The whole thing stinks, and the stink is emanating from Cosby.
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  17. scout

    scout New Member

    Screw Cosby and the horse he rode in on. Where there is smoke there's usually a little fire but why wait 10-30 years to come forward?

    But I do want some of those 714's!! I never had to sneak those into drinks and things for sex. Usually you just shared and everyone got fucked up then whatever happened just happened. A real treat was a 714 and a couple Preludes. You was set for an all nighter! You could drink beer and smoke all night and just get functionally fucked up. No small wonder I'm so grey at 50....
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  18. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    So, question:

    Assuming that at least some of the allegations are true, does that negate his total career and everything positive that he has said and done?
  19. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    There's a difference between refusing to participate in a lynch mob whipped up by mass hysteria and thinking the guy's a saint. I don't have to burn him in effigy to prove that I don't worship the ground he walks on. He's a washed up old man that's probably going to live his last few years in disgrace.

    If you give up late nights, loud music, wild parties, good whiskey, bad women, red meat, dessert, and fried food you'll probably live to be 100 if you don't kill yourself before you turn 30.
  20. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Really? There's a difference? Wow. Perhaps I should have given the benefit of the doubt instead of jumping to conclusions...

    Do you see what happened there? Probably not.