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What video games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Ice|Burn, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Civ V.

    My husband got this for me last Christmas, and I still love playing it.

    Just one more turn...

    I'm meaning to give Skyrim a revisit soon.
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  2. Civ V right now. Been playing multi with friends over the net with Steam. Love the ability to save multiplayer games. Waiting another year before I buy the new Civ. Need to give them time to develop good dlc and patches. I like the direction they went with though.
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  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I just started playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. (It's was on sale, so I got it for 40% off!)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJqxfkgSUog

    I have the PS4 version, but it's also on PC. Actually, it's probably a tad better to play on PC given the interface. However, I've been pleased with how they set up the interface on the PS4. It's actually quite easy to use, just not as easy as point-and-click.

    Anyway, I'm maybe a couple of hours into this, and wow! Every half hour or so a new gameplay feature was revealed that wowed me. It keep showing just how expansive the game is. Its size is reminiscent of Skyrim but without the sandbox openness that I tend to get lost in. I loved Dragon Age: Origins because of its narrative and immersive elements (story + art direction, music, voice talent, etc.—and the lore...oh, the lore....). DA:I has all of that but the added element of openness not available previously. It's a good middle ground between the "rails" of story-based RPGs and the "sandbox" of Skyrim. The balance is commendable. I've read how the producers tried hard to learn from the past (both successes and mistakes), and it shows. I love the game already, and it has barely started for me.

    Now to resist rerolling my character. (It's always a big risk when you're under level 5 in these games.)

    I'm currently playing a mage, but I already want to respec my magic tree. (This option is available for any class.) I kinda screwed it up when I realized how I would want to go forward with my party makeup.

    But the thing is I normally play sword-and-shield tank types in these games.

    So I don't know how things will pan out.

    The Quinari are now a playable race. Why am I not a Quinari warrior?

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiKfX48P7AA

    I don't know.

    Do I want to play through this game two or three times, or do I need to decide between mage and warrior?

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
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  4. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    NNNGH I wanna play this game soooo baaaaad! I missed the 50% off on Origin though. Gonna wait for the next sale. I should avoid the temptation until exams are over anyways. :/ *pouts* I'm really glad you like it though!
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  5. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    pillars of eternity is incredible. it took me right back to my 100's of hours in the baldurs gates and icewind dales; even down to the stone sounding clicks when i hit buttons on the interface. so proud i backed this and wasteland 2 and tides of numenara. it's like having a 900 page high fantasy or scifi novel with choose your own adventure and moving parts.

    Pillars of Eternity on Steam
  6. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I'm loving The TALOS Principle on Steam, made by the people who made the Serious Sam series (but the game is literally the polar opposite of the trigger-happy Sam series). This game has been likened to Portal - if Portal had happened on Myst Island instead of in a lab. It's absolutely gorgeous, packed with high-brow, thought-provoking philosophy that gets narrated to you by a calming "god-voice" as you move through the game, wistfully soothing classical music, and devious puzzles. Brilliant.

    I also just finished Crysis 3 on my newly-upgraded system - I'll further detail my upgrades in another thread, perhaps in the Tilted Gear subforum. Of course, system-meltingly gorgeous graphics are a given in Crysis 3, but I can say I was very happy with the ending - it really brought the series to a rewarding and sentimental close for Prophet, Psycho, and the rest of Raptor Team, with many references to the previous games.

    And I just bought RWR (Running With Rifles) on Steam, so I'll find out shortly why this is apparently all the rage with everyone at work right now :)

    And finally, O M G ! ! ! I just found out a few minutes ago that a new Deus Ex is coming out: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I'm absolutely bugging out over it I'm so excited! I believe it's being made by the same people who made Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it has a different and much-superior graphics engine than Human Revolution (the Dawn Engine versus the older Crystal Engine), and the soundtrack is also by Michael McCann who did DX:HR's soundtrack, which is so phenomenal that I still sometimes listen to The Wings of Icarus and the Sarif/UNATCO Intro tracks in my car...

    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
  7. Stick

    Stick Vertical

    Mudgee, Australia
    Elder scrolls V
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    If I catch wind of another sale, I'll give you a heads up.

    I got the full digital deluxe edition for the extra $10 (before discount). I'm not sure about the items you get, but I figured it was worth it for the soundtrack download. (I love RPG soundtracks like these.)

    It's too bad you missed the Origin sale. It's still on sale for the PS3 and PS4 through Sony (30% off; 40% off with PSN membership) until tomorrow.

    Anyway, not to rub it in, but I've now been exploring the first area for a while, and even the "boring side quests" have been fun because the world is so cool. I've read that people have been recommending leaving the first area (the Hinterlands) ASAP, but I'm an RPG explorer at heart, not a power gamer, so I'm really loving seeing all the nooks and crannies. I already like this game more than Skyrim.
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  9. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Yeah my friends got the game right when it came out, and played every nook and cranny of the map. Took a loooooong time, but they said it was all awesome. :D
    Sadly, I don't have a PS3 anymore, I sold it. I'm just not a console gamer, unless we're talking the original Nintendo system! But I have played some incredible games on the PS3 and PS4 that I've loved, like LBP3 and Beyond: Two Souls. But yeah, if its for PC, I'll pick that above anything else.
    I agree with you, the deluxe edition is worth it for the soundtrack. My study music is almost exclusively songs from my favourite game soundtracks, laced with some movie soundtracks. From what I saw on Origin, there's quite a bit of DLC to buy on top of the deluxe edition contents, so I figure its worth the $10 extra, especially when I buy it on sale.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
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  10. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    World of Warships. It's quite addicting, and I'm not a super hardcore gamer.
  11. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I got the new Batman Arkham game with my new laptop. Played it for a little while. It's okay.
  12. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Misplaced my copy of Command and Conquer when I moved yet again, so I have been playing GTA V on the PS3. Bloody worthless controls for anything involving FPS/precise aiming type of thing and the helicopter are nearly impossible to fly but the console controller is better at driving definitely.
  13. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    On a whim I downloaded Crysis: Warhead on Steam for like $4.95 even though I already own the physical copy because it was just easier to download it and forever have it instantly available than to dig up the disk and manuall install it. I did it because I'd only ever played (very sluggishly at 20-30FPS max) it on my old ASUS G60VX laptop with its 1GB GTX 260M GPU, and I wanted to finally have the satisfaction of just absolutely cranking the the graphics to the max at 1080p on my new SuperClocked 4GB GTX 970 and watching it run smooth as butter :)

    My cousin got me playing Terraria on Steam, which is basically MineCraft as a 2D platformer. It's a bit cutesy for me, but nerdy and social and fun. I've downloaded Running with Rifles, but not played it yet.

    I've also downloaded The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which is beautiful and enigmatic and intriguing so far.

    I finally finished Dear Esther. To anyone who is not a not a hardcore gamer and just wants a visually beautiful game with no combat, Dear Esther is basically a short, 2-3 hour experience where you wander around this gorgeous island somewhere off the Scottish Isles and stare at mesmerizing landscapes, shipwrecks, abandoned shacks, and atmospherically lit caves bathed in blue and orange and green light complete with flowing underground rivers and fantastic waterfalls as this serene but sad British guy narrates random segments of this disjointed story to you (different parts of the story are told to you at randomized different points every time you play through the game so it's always different), and gradually it all sort of comes together to make a strange, otherworldly ghost story of sadness, regret, retribution, and acceptance. Lots of feels. It's basically like having a twisty, vague novel read to you as you wander around beautiful scenery and make mental connections and have feels. Not at all challenging, and yet unforgettable and very cerebral. I highly recommend it.
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  14. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    Steam is my gaming site and have been playing" Cities Skylines" after Sim City was a waist of my money. Slow but challenging. I also have "Command and Conquer " fast action
  15. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Much to my dismay, I've been sucked into The Sims Medieval. It gets repetitive after a while, but I'm all, "I can totally beat this quest with a platinum medal!" and keep coming back to it.

    I recently played through all but the most recent Blackwell series games and had a lot of fun. I've been playing Wolf Among US off and on, and it's okay--I like the concept and the story, but it doesn't seem like my choices really affect the gameplay all that much.
  16. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I forgot about this thread.

    I'm actually working through Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, which is pretty old school now. It got that new Steam update and I'm using the restored content patch. It doesn't fix everything; the game is still kind of unbalanced, to the point where my not even fully combat oriented character is just tearing through everything in the later levels. Still, Fallout had that problem and it's one of my all time favourite games, so I guess I can look past it.
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  17. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I have a raging fanboy boner for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I can't WAIT till that game drops!
  18. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Steam has a bunch of games on sale right now. I picked up the last Blackwell game, Blackwell Epiphany, so I'll probably play that for a bit tonight.

    Started playing Banished again this weekend, and was all "why did I find this hard? I've totally mastered this." And then everyone starved to death. :confused:
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  19. Still playing Civ, but I started back playing Age of Empires again. Since they pushed the update the new AI is pretty slick.
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  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    That means the game is working properly.

    I once spent the better part of an hour desperately trying to save my settlement from slowly starving to death over several seasons.

    It's not on sale, but have you played this yet? Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons on Steam

    I started it a while back, but I haven't returned to it yet. It's beautiful and has interesting gameplay.

    Also, I really want to play this (Elegy for a Dead World on Steam):

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfps2HKE4B4
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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