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Older Men/Women (now NSFW)

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by ZombieSquirrel, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. I may have a crush on someone who is nearly 30 years my senior.

    Having always been attracted to people older than I am, I wasn't initially alarmed by my attraction to him. He's really smart and extremely humorous. I'm 30 and I assumed he was in his 40s due to the fact that he is active and has younger children. When I learned that he was actually 57, I was a bit shocked.

    Someone who is 10-15 years older than I am is manageable. At least for me. I just don't know about 27 years older. What could we possibly have in common?

    Do any of you have a "too old" age? There is that formula out there for determining what is too young, half your age plus 7. So for me, 30/2=15 + 7 = 22. I have no desire to date a 22 year old. 57/2=28.5 +7=35.5. Ok, by this formula I am too young for him.

    What's my "too old" if I use a reverse formula?

    30-7=23 x2= 46.

    I could handle 46, but wouldn't turn down anyone who was 47. ;-)
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  2. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Only one way to find out.
    That half plus seven thing is a bit silly, especially as we get older. Happiness in a relationship can't be found in an equation.

    Damn...missed the cut off...lol
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    How old is mm? I'd go at least that age. :)

    Seriously, I am 33. I have literally never dated a younger woman, though most have only been older by a little bit. My wife is 15 months older, which is negligible. If I were single again, I think I would consider a pretty wide age range. Though I think it's socially considered a little different for a guy to date someone significantly older, it wouldn't stop me if I felt she was worth it.
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  4. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Depends. Next to character and certain amount of knowledge, my partner has to be of an appropriate age to physically fit into a long-term partnership with me.

    Since I want kids in 5-8 years, any woman above 40 years of age is a no-go for me; not only because of possible fertility issues but also because if I can run around with the kids, she better be able to as well.

    The other way around, I don't (and maybe won't) have any restrictions for minimum age, other than legal age. The character and knowledge factors are more important than age to me. Age is something to consider when things get serious and you see a future with the other person.
  5. My buddies say that the best way to determine if a lady is too young is to ask her if she knows who Kevin Costner is.
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  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    • Like Like x 6
  7. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    my cutoff? That's easy, when you're either too young or too old for your brain to function normally and I have to decipher every sentence you utter.

    That..and the whole wrinkled vajayjay doesn't do much for me.
  8. MrBean

    MrBean New Member

    Does he have a wife? ;)
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wrinkled. For his pleasure.
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  10. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    it's amazing how much Jazz's private bits show up around here.

    I was gonna continue the threadjack with the video of Courtney Cox on Letterman saying she bedazzled her vajayjay.. but.. Jazz's wrinkled bits are way better.

    ZS: Ya can't help who you're attracted to. King is attracted to HS freshmen.. you're attracted to older men, Cinn is attracted to.. well.. shit apparently. Just kiddin' Lordeden! You just go with the flow and enjoy yourself..that's the key. Putting equations on every facet of life just turns into a boring mess that has you still wishin' for morning sex.
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Me? I can't wait for my current relationship to fail so I can go cougar hunting.

    Zero pretense and you can go Dutch on everything without feeling like a dick.
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  12. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    I have a friend that married a guy 32 years older than her when she was 26. They just had their second kid, and her daughter-in-law is a few years older than her.

    It works for them.

    And Glory....

    Nevermind. Not worth it.
  13. Divorced, and apparently the ex wife is crazy. That's coming from co-workers who have met her.

    I think the co-worker thing is more discouraging than the age thing though. I was just interested in knowing what people thought about age.
  14. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed


  15. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    Love is blind, thank god Cinn lost her glasses a long time ago.


    As for the OP, I can answer that in terms even a Bengals fan can understand.


    I kidd, I kidd. For a serious answer, whatever floats your boat. I haven't met many women younger than myself that I would consider dating (fucking, Yes. dating, no.) and the same thing goes for women a lot older than me. Age never bothered me, so I say, if it makes you happy, go for it.


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  16. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    For me its more about life experiences than physical age, in relationship capability sense.Generally speaking, there is a strong correlation between physical age and the chances of the life experiences being similar or not. I'm actually for the first time dating someone who is within a year of my age, which is an absolute first for me. The reason why it's working is because the life experiences of this person thus far are equivalent to those I have previously typically found in those 32-38 range.

    Every person is going to be different, and the baggage they've got going at the time is going to influence our compatibility for everything from a fun night to a relationship.

    In the strictly sex/physical sense.. I've found, generally speaking, the older I go, the better it gets.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Well put.
  18. This is why I tend to date men older than me because I have been through more in my 30 years than most.

    Just a roll in the hay is generally reserved for the younger ones.
  19. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    mmm....older men.

    The last few relationships/flings would seem to disprove it, but I generally like older men. There's just less bullshit to deal with. I haven't really thought about what "too old" would be...but I'd probably put it at 50ish, only because I'd be a little weirded out by introducing him to my parents ("oh, hey, I graduated in '79, too!")

    Don't forget about our May-December friends, ZombieSquirrel . I forget what the exact age difference is there, but it's at least 20 years (isn't his first son our age?) They seem to be getting on just fine.
  20. Oh yeah, D&J. They met at work too. :D His first son IS close to our age. He's good looking too, but Gay. But I digress....

    G's kids are NOT close to my age as I am old enough to be their mother.

    The only challenge with dating an older person is that I don't have children and would very much like one of my own. Would an older person be interested in raising another child?