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NFL 2014 season thread: The good, the bad, & the ugly.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Chris Noyb, Aug 10, 2014.


    POPEYE Very Tilted

    a big deal outa nothing, all psi changes with the weather, blah blah if they we're under or over it had to be the same on both sides...pleeeease.
  2. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    In golf if you cheat or use non-standard equipment, you get DQ'd from the competition. In cycling if you use drugs to gain an edge, you will be banned. I'm not sure if 1 or 2 psi made all that much difference in the outcome of the game, however, it tarnishes the image of the Patriots and makes people think that they won only because they cheated in some way.

    I don't think that it should happen in this case, but there should be a policy in place that if it is discovered that a team did cheat to win, they wouldn't be allowed to play in the next game in the playoffs. Or that that their next home game would get moved to the opposing teams stadium during the regular season. And for the Superbowl, the two teams that lost would play each other to determine who would be playing in the Superbowl.
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  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    The more that comes to light the more I think I'd be more worked up over this if the Colts-Pats game hadn't been 45-7. Or if basically every living QB ever hadn't come forward in the last 3 days to say "yeah, I did that when I played too".

    It seems that most insiders are saying this is very much driven by the QB. So this one is largely on Brady more than anyone else. I think a punishment is necessary, but some of the knee jerk stuff I've seen has been hilariously extreme. Issue a fine. Maybe dock the Pats a 5-6th round pick. That's plenty IMO. Realistically I think this could cost Brady and/or Belichick a game or so next year. But I don't see it impacting the SB at all, nor should it. And I say all of that as someone who generally doesn't root for the Pats.
  4. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I'm surprised they don't mix up all of the footballs before and during the game. The NFL should fix it by evening out the playing field by having both teams use the same ball.

    Field goal kickers wouldn't like the lower psi balls either.

    Yes, the 45-7 blowout wouldn't have been quite as much of one, possibly, but they didn't need to cheat to win. And that is the problem and why it needs to be dealt with. Nobody wants to watch a game where one team is cheating. Or their brand will be linked to cheating and they won't be able to fix it. Even if they win fairly, people will still think they cheated but just didn't get caught.
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I wonder if SpyGate will be a factor in any/if any penalties for the Patriots.
    --- merged: Jan 22, 2015 at 9:47 AM ---
    I think that's one of the reasons why some people are ready to hammer the Patriots.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
  6. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Belichick just had a press conference emphatically stating he has never had anything to do with game balls being altered, never had a discussion about it, and didn't even know the process of how balls are chosen or cared for prior to the game.

    By what I've read from former QBs, that could be accurate. It sounds like any alterations are completely QB driven. It'll be interesting to see what Brady has to say on the matter.
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    If this cheating were exclusive to the Patriots, let's say Brady in particular, I'd yell keep the entire team out of the SB (What better punishment for an NFL team than pulling them from a SB?).

    If it is widespread, deciding a punishment gets more complicated.
  8. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    My guess is a lot of teams engage in this. But a lot of people drink too. The number of people or teams engaging in illegal or cheating shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not they are held accountable.
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  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    But as others have mentioned in this thread and in the sports media, the NFL will most likely be reluctant to air dirty laundry if they ignored the cheating, esp if it was widespread. A matter of silent consent, so to say.

    I have no issue with a team being made an example of (some might even say a scapegoat). If the NFL chooses the Patriots, which involves a SB appearance, what action should the league take? My guess is they'll wait quite a while, well into the offseason, then introduce some more strict controls over the testing and possession of the footballs used in games.

    --- merged: Jan 22, 2015 at 11:46 AM ---
    It seems 11 of 12 balls used by the Patriots against the Colts were indeed underinflated. This needs to cost the Patriots big....even if "every team does it, they just happened to be the only team that got caught."

    Over time this will be largely forgotten, and the Patriots legacy will be fine. But in my mind the what the team has done with Belichick & Brady will be tarnished.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
  10. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Define 'cost them big'. What is appropriate in your opinion?
  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    The vindictive me says:

    I don't see a monetary fine hurting them, unless it was directed specifically at Brady. Suspending Brady for a season without pay would be good. His actual involvement will be difficult to prove unless some members of the Patriots staff can prove that he instructed some folks to deflate the balls.

    Ban Belichick from the NFL for two seasons. His return to the NFL would be subject to approval. The approval portion would be to support the unwritten (and probably completely illegal) idea that he stay completely out of football at any level in any country during his two year ban. While he might not have been directly involved, I have no doubt that he knew about it.

    Any lower level employees directly involved in the cheating would be banned from the NFL for a year. With the same approval procees as Belichick for the same reason.

    Lose all of their top draft choices, say the fourth round and up, for four years. Of course this wouldn't hurt them until they start losing and actually need those potentially better players.

    A twenty percent reduction in their salary cap for at least two years. This would make it very difficult for them to keep and/or sign better players.

    Shave three wins off their regular season record for two years when it comes to the playoffs. Example--They finish 12-4, but in the playoff formula they're 9-7. They can't be champion of the AFC East for at least two years. Hopefully this would mean they wouldn't make the POs, but if they did, they would have to make it as a wildcard team playing on the road. I have no idea if this is workable.

    All of the above would be to punish the team, not just the individuals directly involved the cheating. As they do in the military.
  12. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Burn down their stadium too?

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  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I did specify "vindictive." :D

    Just imagine what my thoughs would be if it were that NFL franchise in Dallas :p.
  14. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    You made me chuckle. :D I think on a scale of "slap on the wrist" to "throw them in jail" your punishment falls somewhere near "murder their entire family". :p
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  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    All righty then, Borla, let's say that evidence clearly proves that Brady & Belichick were in on it. What would you, or anybody else who cares to share, do to punish the Patriots?

    Edit--Man, typos are haunting me today.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  16. weezer

    weezer Getting Tilted

    this mortal coil
    I tend to agree with Borla on this one. I think absent the spygate scandal a few years back, this isn't nearly as big a story. It also makes for some interesting drama heading into superbowl week, which helps fuel the round the clock sportscenter spin machine. If I had to bet, by this time next year we will have a hard time remembering why we thought this was such a big deal.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. I think the whole deflate-gate is bullshit. I tend to agree with @Popeye about the weather being a potential factor. Inflate the balls to the league minimum 11.5 psi in a 70* room, then let them set outside in @35* for four or five hours. I've heard that a 10* change in temperature can make a 1 psi difference. Also... what about the equipment used to fill and test the pressure in the balls? I've seen identical pressure gauges read several psi different, even new out of the packaging. This whole issue is one that could have been sprung on any winning team by any losing team in any cold weather venue ever. Right now, I believe it is being driven by hatred/jealousy of the Patriots, Belichick and Brady. This is a successful franchise. Spygate was a long time ago. Get over it.

    I don't get the Brady-hate. He wins. He takes a lower salary to free up cap so the team can sign better players. He runs the QB sneak more often and more successfully than anyone in a generation. He's generous to his teammates. He has proven leadership skills. He's done well for a sixth round compensatory pick. He wins. Beat him on the field or get over it.

    Tom Brady did not write the Tuck Rule. It was in place before he entered the league. He did not invoke the Tuck Rule. The referee made that call in that long ago Oakland game. It happened in 2001 and the league didn't change the rule until 2013. Get over it.

    If there were only one week between the conference finals and the Super Bowl, we wouldn't have to put up with this kind of crap. We would be talking about real football things like: can a one-armed Sherman cash the checks his mouth is writing:D
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  18. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    If it can be proven that Brady and Belichick both knew something was purposefully done to circumvent the rules I would fine them both heavily. For the NFL that means something in the $50-100k range, that is at the high end of what most fines on individuals can reach. Then, and mainly because at this point it would mean they'd both blatantly lied about it, I'd include a one game suspension for next season. Worst case throw in a 5-6th round draft pick being taken away. That would be the worst I would say, and only if it comes out they both knew.

    As it stands with the info we have now, I don't think there is enough to prove they deserve a harsh punishment. Yes, circumstantial evidence points to (probably involving Brady, not Belichick) some manipulation of the footballs.

    But, and this comes from some of my business background where I have to help with root cause analysis of why systems failed, I have some serious questions about the procedure used to check the balls first.
    How accurate are the tools used to measure the air pressure?
    How well trained are the officials doing it?
    How often do footballs lose pressure during a game, and by how much?
    What impact does temperature have on the air pressure variance?

    I have a hard time agreeing with someone hanging Brady from the rafters on this one if the league doesn't either have specific evidence showing someone purposefully altered the footballs, or at leaast good previous data accumulated to prove it couldn't have been from temperature, differences in gauges, or any other cause that may happen during a game.

    I don't totally believe Brady's story today in the press conference (I watched the entire thing, from start to finish, live). He said at one point that he likes the ball at 11.5 PSI, then later said he probably couldn't tell a difference between 11.5 and 13.5PSI. If you can't tell a difference, how do you know what you like? That makes no sense to me.

    But, at the end of the day, I think it could be just as likely that NE provided balls at a slightly under-spec PSI and the officials approved it. If that is the case, I have a hard time hammering Brady or the Pats.

    So, assuming we don't get explicit proof or a confession that Brady or Belichick purposefully altered, or had altered, the balls after the officials approved them, I think the most it deserves is a fine. However, I think this will be an interesting case for Goodell, because a lot of fans will be happy if he just issues a knee-jerk response and comes down hard on them. That has to appeal to him after all the flak he's taken this year.
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  19. bobby

    bobby More Than Slightly Tilted ! Donor

    12th man.jpg
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  20. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Yes, Brady's claim sounded bogus.

    If Goodell wants to make an example of a team, the Patriots would be a convenient scapegoat, or would be very deserving, depending on how you look at it.

    If this is a wink-and-nod-because-all-teams-do-it situation, yes, a slap on the wrist for the Patriots, and a much more stringent inspection system by the league.


    What the hell :p.....let the Seahawks provide the balls for the Patriots in the SB with no inspection by the league. That might be the 'Hawks only chance of winning :D.