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If S&M Is Going Mainstream, Why Are Lawmakers Banning It?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Street Pattern, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Ralphie, I used to go to 91/2 weeks in Atlanta and I'm pretty sure there was one near the big chicken. That was almost 20 years ago. So even though it's on the books in Georgia, I don't think it is very enforced.
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Essentially, when people who don't like sex get in power...

    "Well, if I don't like it...then everyone should not like it"
  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    mose of the sex shops here sell "tobacco smoking accessories". and there is a list of words that cant be spoken in these places like pot, marijuana, parole officer, jail, drug test, etc.... you get the point. i ahve seen people get kicked out for using these words
    most of the sex shops are in certain counties, alof of counties in ga dont allow these kind of shops. call it the bible belt if you will. fulton county has 80% of them in ga. fulton county is where the city of atlanta is incoroprated.
    there are alot of places that are off the books if you will say that people know there a front for these kind of stores but there so hidden that most people dont know there there unless youre looking for them. i live in clayton county and there are a handfull.
    most of the time during elections there are always elections for these types of things but the hard core southern baptists put a stop to it.

    this big chicken??[​IMG] its still there and the mouth still moves
  4. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    No matter how insulting a word is, any rule against using it should always have a literary and sexual fantasy exception.

    (Also: it's not always masochism when such words are used in play, let alone in literature.)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  5. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Oh yeah. I used to go down to little five points and look at the freaks in the head shops. The big chicken on Marietta parkway. I even ate there once. I remember 91/2 weeks had a gallon jug of astroglide with a pump dispenser.
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  6. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Motion Lotion is a name for sex lube, and for chainsaw chain lube. Gives a new meaning to the line from Heathers, "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw."
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  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    little 5 points is still the same. lol
  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Yeah, that's actually not a bad example of what I meant. That is offensive, but I'm not sure it's annoying enough for me to make a cause out of it. Maybe it would be different if I were British, or maybe it would be different if I gave a fuck about sports, or soccer specifically. But right now...annoyed, but not enough to make a thing.
  9. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Here's where you and I once again butt heads about economic theories. The issue of sex and particularly sex work is a big divide between the radical and liberal feminist movements; radical feminists tend to believe that sex work from pornography to prostitution is the unethical exploitation of those involved, liberal feminists tend to believe that the choice of each individual involved in sex work is an issue of their agency. I consider myself a feminist and a socialist (I'd appreciate if those who remember the unfortunate period when I was a libertarian laugh with me rather than at me now,) and I see the ethics of sex work transactions as evidence that feminism and capitalism are fundamentally incompatible. Agency and consent are conditional when commodification of sexuality and sex acts can exist.
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  10. girldetective

    girldetective Getting Tilted

    Lindy: I understand what you are saying re degradation because I used to wonder the same thing. However, like MSD above, I learned that any kind of sex work that a woman consents to for money which is hers to keep 100%, is her livelihood, and that is empowering. It is her choice to do as she pleases, (and maybe please herself at the same time!) If she chooses to use a go-between, an agent so to speak, that is also her choice if she is willing to pay a percentage (perhaps not the best business sense). This is feminism, and capitalism, at its core. I tend to think that women are smart and most know degradation when they see it. If you are suggesting that a woman does not have a choice in how she uses her body or that she may not understand what she is doing, then we are talking slavery or retardation, and that is another case altogether that might be beyond the scope of this thread.

    On the OP: I have little to say (but still want to weigh in now that Im here!) other than I think very few, if any, consensual sexual practices by adults should be banned by any legislative body, That said, I am sort tired of the BDSM genre. It just makes me sigh and think about pink and clouds, and white linen. It has me wanting to smell lemon and honeysuckle, and I look out the window to see beyond. A hard fuck is fancied sometimes, but so is the quiet, slow, head2toe slippery sort of thing. I dont know. Lately, I just sort of long for a caress of the tit rather than a pinch.

    And you know, other than troublemakers or lawyers, you can still do what you want behind closed doors with whomever you want, as long they arent weird whistleblowers. Its a shame that social constructs oft repeat themselves (Victoria), but little by little change happens for better or worse. Maybe.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
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  11. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I am neither radical nor liberal. I am a pragmatic feminist. I believe that sex work choice is an issue of agency. I can also speak to this as someone who actually was a sex worker. I don't know of anyone else on this board that can say that. I spent nearly three years as a stripper, exotic dancer, whatever. I did it as a free choice. I did it mostly for the money, and the money was incredibly good. Cash. You have no idea.It paid for grad school.

    I did it as a college graduate who certainly had other options. I might even say that on occasion, I was the exploiter. Some drunk working class guy or student sticks a $50 in my g-string while I give him a stevie (motorboating) and run my fingers up his leg but don't quite touch his dick. Besides the money, it gave me a great sense of power and desirability.
    A hot body gutsy woman has a real advantage in sex work. No man could have my 'qualifications' for the job.:D I knew dancers that did a little 'private work' on the side. Idid the occasional lap dance, but never turned a trick.

    I paid a percentage to the club. You have to be good to the bouncers, bartenders, waitresses, and the other dancers. I was a star, the big fish in the small pond. I had the big boobs and the skinny little high school butt. It was an incredibly empowering... almost addictive experience. I did a 'girl next door' schtick. Pig tails, white sox, no makeup. I knew that after the club closed I was going to be forty guys' jackoff fantasy. Or not. maybe they all went home to their wives/girlfriends.

    My take on it is that it's more artisanal than capitalist. I exploited my skills and my great body. Not much capital. Sex work as a stripper or prostitute isn't very capital intensive. Porn, maybe, but I think the internet has/is changing that.