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christmas/holiday spirit

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ralphie250, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I have a real hard time being in the christmas mood. I know its about family and i enjoy spending timw with my family but it seems like it has gone all main stream.
    part of the problem is that my daughter is 6 and every christmas it seems like im not able to afford the things that she wants and deserves. maybe thats part of the problem. im not sure. just seems like as i get older i start to hate the holidays
    When i was a kid you never herd anything about christmas until thanksgiving, now it seems like it starts around halloween. what the hell happened? shareholders? things used to be closed on christmas day and now you see stores open all or most of the day. what happened to spending time with family? when did the all mighty dollar take priority over family? places used to close or be closed on christmas eve, here at my work we were informed that its another work day. regular time, and open day after christmas.
    my question is this, do you have the christmas/holiday spirit? why? why not?
  2. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    @ralphie250, I agree with everything you're saying here about the spirit and meaning of the season being degraded by commercialism coming on earlier each year. Black Friday—now devolved into Thanksgiving Day—shopping disgusts me and always has, and I fear it's only going to get worse.

    I find my own level of Christmas spirit dependent less on that and more on my overall emotional state, as well as the weather: cold and snow always helps, while gloomy and rainy, especially if warm, kills my Christmas spirit pretty quickly.

    That being said, I'm not feeling it this year. I didn't bother decorating my house at all—while neat and organized, it's not even clean—and left most of my shopping until the very last minute. I got invited to a Christmas Eve dinner with some new-ish friends, and I'm probably looking forward to that more than anything. I'll be spending Christmas Day with my family at my sister's, which is fine, just not anything I'm getting super excited about.

    Much of the lack of enthusiasm comes from a dip in my overall emotional state over the last few months. It sucks because I was all over Christmas last year, but I was also happier then in general. Hopefully with better times next year, my Christmas spirit will be in better shape by December as well.

    That being said, bring on the snow!
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
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  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    never thougjht about the weather, that does make a differnce. forecast here for christmas day is low 35 high 51 with cloudy skies. snow would be better. agree bring on the snow

    i decorated my house this year only because my daughter wanted to, if it hadnt been for that the lights would proablly still be in the closet in the basement.

    emotional state for me on the holidays makes me depressed.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I feel like it's gotten worse in our family since one side of the family started having kids. There used to be very little gifting. Now, since there are six small children, there is all this, "Let's watch the kids open presents and play with their loud, noisy toys!" I'm so not into it. The flip side is that the other side of the family does this thing where they compete to see who got Grandma and Grandpa the better gift...nevermind that Grandma and Grandpa don't really need anything, and they never get either of them things they truly want. It's sad. Pretty much anything related to gift-giving in my husband's family is a shitshow. My MIL has no idea how to gift appropriately, so we've stopped opening her presents in front of other people, as some years they're outrageous and some years they're hardly anything, but either way, they can be things that make others feel uncomfortable. It makes me feel uncomfortable to open presents in a large group like that as an adult.

    We didn't decorate at all this year. We've got a tiny apartment with no room for a tree. I've got a nice collection of Hallmark ornaments that are all in boxes at the in-laws house. We made cookies for our respective workplaces, but that was it.

    I try to focus on the things I enjoy about the holiday. I love putting in the effort to make a real showstopper of a dessert--something that takes time and patience, something other people won't think to make. I've made Yule logs, and this trifle several times Almond Sherry Christmas Trifle Recipe | Epicurious.com as it's always popular. This year I'm choosing one hard, one easy, since I'm bringing dessert twice. For one, I'm making a croquembouche.


    For the other, I'm making Christmas cake.

    Compared to all the steps involved for the croquembouche (make cream puffs, make pastry cream, fill puffs, make caramel, dip in caramel, make into tree shape), the cake will be easy.
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  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It may seem odd to you, but I find the more I refer to Buddhist philosophy/ethics, the more I get into the "Christmas spirit."
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  6. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Very little for me, and it gets worse every year.

    I've always viewed Xmas as being for children, and we never had any. Family gatherings are fine, but after a short time everybody has caught up on what others have been up to. In my family that usually means much more bad news than good news.

    Ingratitude plays a role. When folks don't have much money, yet they make the effort to buy at least something for their grandkids, those grandkids should be thankful for receiving something. BTW I'm not talking about young kids with high expectations and no idea of financial realities, I'm talking about teenagers.

    Maybe next year I'll volunteer at a shelter to see if I can do something for folks who could really use a boost, even if it's just morale.
  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    never really thought about that

    at lodge we do fruit baskets for widows and shut ins that helps sometimes
  8. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I don't feel particularly Christmasy today, but my nails do. At least that's done.
  9. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I had a reply all written out and then I apparently got autologged out and lost the whole thing.:mad:
  10. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I'm not a Christian but here's my outsiders view:
    There's a lovely Christian holiday called Christmas.......which has been completely subsumed by Shopmas.
    Shopmas now goes from Halloween to December 25th and is a retail experience designed to maximize spending, while replacing the true message of the holiday with the idea that shopping is everything.
    Shopmas also leads directly to idiots like Bill O'Reilly calling it a War on Christmas if the check out guy at WalMart doesn't say "Merry Christmas".

    Christmas fascinates me.
    Shopmas disgusts me.
    The real war on Christmas is being fought by Shopmas and it's a complete slaughter.
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  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I hate Shopmas.
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  12. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Ralphie, your daughter is six. I'm pretty sure she is still young enough to be happy with whatever you two give her. You put out lights and decorations. Did that make her happy?
    BTW, I will be working all day both christmas eve and christmas day. Please people, don't crash so I can have a low key day and get home on time for my family. Actually, I work Wednesday through Sunday.
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  13. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    What holiday? Haven't done any shopping yet, and my schedule for the 25th is a dayshift with a graveshift that evening. Took a dayshift for tomorrow when it was offered this morning. The past few years Christmas has been almost as big a non-event as my birthday.
  14. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    yeah it made her happy
  15. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I'm not feeling Christmas spirit this year. I miss my family, I have the flu, my emotions are a roller coaster and I feel guilt for not being able to be all things to all people this year. I just want to cry. It feels like everyone is jumping my case because I don't feel physically or emotionally up to celebrating anything. I'm just a sad sad mess who is questioning her purpose in life at this point.

    I can't wait to get to therapy next week and make some sense of what I'm feeling. All this crying has to stop.
  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I gave up Christmas for lent one year and haven't looked back. I participate with festivities and friends, I just removed the crazy parts of the holiday.

    I'm doing it by choice as opposed to "Tis the season"
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  17. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    Do people think you're Grinchy?
  18. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Maybe. I'm not sure because I can't speak to what is said behind my back.

    But no one has said it to me directly.
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  19. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    My ever-so-interesting schedule had me confused a bit today. Thought I was working a grave shift tonight, then I realised that today was Christmas eve and I had the easy 8 hour day. Tomorrow will be the fun day when I have the 8 hour day shift, 6 hours off, then a grave shift. Sounds like a better Christmas than last year at least.
    on that note....my "holiday spirit" has still not found me yet. If that term means holiday pay then yes I have found it.
  20. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I like not having any requirements of us for Christmas. We simply tell family it's too expensive to travel this time of year and that the stress is overwhelming. They tend to shut up. Last night we had a lovely dinner at a local high-end restaurant and today we're going to have dinner at some friends' house. We exchanged gifts ourselves for the first time in several years... Mainly because the hubs found something he wanted to get for me and the holiday was the perfect excuse to splurge a little. I don't do gifts for anyone, typically. It's just an annoying waste. My spirit is going to kick in next week, when I buy extra pet food for the animal shelters and blankets for the people shelters for the next cold snap. Because it was 82* yesterday. I do love my friends' cards, though. I have grinchy friends, funny friends, creative friends and an ah-maaaayzing card from @Poetry.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2014
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