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NFL 2014 - Weekly Picks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by rogue49, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    • Like Like x 1
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Week 12 picks

    THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas City at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at Atlanta 1:00 PM
    NY Jets at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at Chicago 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Indianapolis 1:00 PM
    Green Bay at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New England 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at Philadelphia 1:00 PM
    Cincinnati at Houston 1:00 PM
    St. Louis at San Diego 4:05 PM
    Arizona at Seattle 4:05 PM
    Miami at Denver 4:25 PM
    Washington at San Francisco 4:25 PM
    Dallas at NY Giants 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    Baltimore at New Orleans 8:30 PM

    ·Byes: Pittsburgh, Carolina
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas City X at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at Atlanta X 1:00 PM
    NY Jets at Buffalo X 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at Chicago X 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Indianapolis X 1:00 PM
    Green Bay X at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New England X 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at Philadelphia X 1:00 PM
    Cincinnati at Houston X 1:00 PM
    St. Louis at San Diego X 4:05 PM
    Arizona at Seattle X 4:05 PM
    Miami at Denver X 4:25 PM
    Washington at San Francisco X 4:25 PM
    Dallas X at NY Giants 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    Baltimore at New Orleans X 8:30 PM

    EDIT - MNF = 49
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Is it me, or does there seem to be a lot of lop-sided games this week??
    Rams just made it actually interesting vs Chargers considering their win last week vs. Denver.
  5. THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas CityX at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at AtlantaX 1:00 PM
    NY Jets at BuffaloX 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at ChicagoX 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at IndianapolisX 1:00 PM
    Green BayX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New EnglandX 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at PhiladelphiaX 1:00 PM
    CincinnatiX at Houston 1:00 PM
    St. Louis at San DiegoX 4:05 PM
    Arizona at SeattleX 4:05 PM
    Miami at DenverX 4:25 PM
    Washington at San FranciscoX 4:25 PM
    DallasX at NY Giants 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    Baltimore at New OrleansX 8:30 PM
    MNF: 46
    • Like Like x 1
  6. THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas City X at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at Atlanta X 1:00 PM
    NY Jets at Buffalo X 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at Chicago X 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at Indianapolis X 1:00 PM
    Green Bay X at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New England X 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at Philadelphia X 1:00 PM
    Cincinnati at Houston X 1:00 PM
    St. Louis at San Diego X 4:05 PM
    Arizona at Seattle X 4:05 PM
    Miami at Denver X 4:25 PM
    Washington at San Francisco X 4:25 PM
    Dallas X at NY Giants 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    Baltimore at New Orleans X 8:30 PM
    50 POINTS
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    My only consolation for week 11 is GOD did as poorly as I did.

    And week 12 appears to include quite a few Who knows? games. EDIT--Actually, no. I only see maybe three games where the visitor should win, and maybe two games where it's a possibility.
    --- merged: Nov 19, 2014 12:07 PM ---

    When in doubt, pick the home team.

    EDIT--It appears that nearly everyone who has posted their choices picked the home team. And no, I didn't alter any of my picks.

    THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas CityX at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at AtlantaX 1:00 PM.....hmmmm.....maybe not.
    NY Jets at BuffaloX 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at ChicagoX 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at IndianapolisX 1:00 PM.....a Colts loss would be sweet.
    Green BayX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New EnglandX 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at PhiladelphiaX 1:00 PM.....the Eagles NEED to win.
    Cincinnati at HoustonX 1:00 PM.....my gut feeling is the Texans will upset the yo-yo Bengals.
    St. Louis at San DiegoX 4:05 PM
    ArizonaX at Seattle 4:05 PM
    Miami at DenverX 4:25 PM.....Poutin' Peyton will deliver.
    Washington at San FranciscoX 4:25 PM
    DallasX at NY Giants 8:30 PM.....the Giants might bounce back at home, but the 'girls are most likely healed & prepared coming off a bye week.

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    Baltimore at New OrleansX 8:30 PM.....52 points.
    Don't see the Saints losing three in a row, & they're at home.

    ·Byes: Pittsburgh, Carolina
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
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  8. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas CityX at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at AtlantaX 1:00 PM
    NY JetsX at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at ChicagoX 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at IndianapolisX 1:00 PM
    Green BayX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    DetroitX at New England 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at PhiladelphiaX 1:00 PM
    CincinnatiXat Houston 1:00 PM
    St. LouisX at San Diego 4:05 PM
    Arizona at SeattleX 4:05 PM
    Miami at DenverX 4:25 PM
    WashingtonX at San Francisco 4:25 PM
    Dallas at NY GiantsX 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    BaltimoreX at New Orleans 8:30 PM

    35 POINTS
    • Like Like x 1
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    THU, NOV 20 TIME (ET) TV
    Kansas CityX at Oakland 8:25 PM

    SUN, NOV 23 TIME (ET) TV
    ClevelandX at Atlanta 1:00 PM
    NY Jets at BuffaloX 1:00 PM
    Tampa Bay at ChicagoX 1:00 PM
    Jacksonville at IndianapolisX 1:00 PM
    Green BayX at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    Detroit at New EnglandX 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at PhiladelphiaX 1:00 PM
    Cincinnati at HoustonX 1:00 PM
    St. Louis at San DiegoX 4:05 PM
    ArizonaX at Seattle 4:05 PM
    Miami at DenverX 4:25 PM
    Washington at San FranciscoX 4:25 PM
    DallasX at NY Giants 8:30 PM

    MON, NOV 24 TIME (ET) TV
    BaltimoreX at New Orleans 8:30 PM - 52

    I'm really looking forward to MNF...that will be a nice game. :cool:
  10. Baltimore and Cleveland both need to lose and the Bengals need to win.

    I have no Super Bowl aspirations, but I do have AFC North Champion aspirations.

    And the Steelers just need to find a way to lose on a bye week.
  11. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    look at the nfc south, dont give up hope
  12. It needs to be noted that I will be in Ohio when the Bengals play the Texans. Although it is not a home game, my presence near the Queen City will only make things more awesome for the Bengals.
  13. Hey @ralphie250, even I don't have enough fortitude to pick the Lions this week.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Sooner or later the give-you-hope Bengals will revert to being the let-you-down Bengals; it might start in Houston on 11-23-14. I don't see the Texans in the playoffs unless the Colts, a team that isn't as good as its records IMO, choke big time down the stretch.
    --- merged: Nov 20, 2014 12:08 PM ---
    The Patriots at home. I can't think of any team that I pick over the Pats playing at home, unless it was very late in the regular season with the Pats having secured homefield advantage in the playoffs. Mentioning the Patriots, this is an amusing thought that crossed my mind--I'd pay good money to see jackass jerry trying to tell Belichick how to coach the team.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2014
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Might be the long-range cameras that give the advantage at home, they've had time to set them up. ;) (yes, I'm being a dick and stoking the embers of paranoid conspiracy...)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i just think stafford will be on the money and the lions have a pretty good running defense and as cold as its going to be, brady might not be throwing as much as he is acustomed to, we will see
  17. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Yeah, Belicheat got caught. What's interesting is apparantly illegal filming was pretty common, it started years before the Patriots got caught. The NFL didn't know what was happening until Spygate? Yeah, right :rolleyes: . Spygate might have been a little more forgiveable with football fans if it hadn't involved a secretive coach known for his genius and his disdain for the media, and a successful team known for its arrogance.
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, the first game was a wash...because everyone got it wrong with the Raiders winning in a big upset. (but I couldn't been happier missing it, I'm still wearing my team cap with pride)

    There was a tie-breaker this week, between myself and @ZombieSquirrel, with her coming on strong, tripping on the MNF game and allowing @rogue49 to win by a nose on points...with a high game score of 61 (rogue 52, ZS - 46) :cool:
    @Borla was came in 2nd, shocked that he was passed by ZS. (you have to say nice things about her now, ref says)
    @grumpyolddude made his typical good showing, coming in 3rd...or "show"
    @ChrisNoyb came in next (but a very entertaining race anyway, with his comments on the games and picks :) )
    @ralphie250 came in last, likely still in a daze from last week's win.

    It's getting very interesting as we get closer to the end of season...I may put out an update summary after the holiday weekend and end of next week. (just to see where we're at)
    There's a lot of jockeying for Season Winner, and we've had some good latter season surges.
    It ain't over until the fat Nose Tackle showboats. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
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  19. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Even a blind @ZombieSquirrel finds a nut every now and then....

    1) She has a cute daughter. I'm fairly convinced that the entire pregnancy thing was a sham, and that the beautiful baby was actually adopted, which would explain the adorableness. But nevertheless, the kid is cute.
    2) She has cool internet friends. This one is kind of obvious. Otherwise, how would she have met the rest of us?
    3) She did a deviously nice thing for me once. @Stan needed my address to send me a HD shirt he was kind enough to buy for me on his bike trip this summer. (Side note, old guys are devious, never underestimate their abilities.) @ZombieSquirrel lied to me and said she needed my address to send me a birth announcement in thanks for me sending her a few gifts for BabySquirrel. She really didn't have the manners to do that, she was really just helping him get my address for my totally awesome shirt, which reminds me of @Stan and TFP every time I wear it.

    That was painful. Hopefully/probably that's the only time I'll have to do that...
    • Like Like x 3
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Make sure you really make sure to get your Thursday picks in this week...there's 3 games!! (@ZombieSquirrel - this means you. ;))

    Week 13 picks

    THU, NOV 27 TIME (ET) TV
    Chicago at Detroit 12:30 PM
    Philadelphia at Dallas 4:30 PM
    Seattle at San Francisco 8:30 PM

    SUN, NOV 30 TIME (ET) TV
    Cleveland at Buffalo 1:00 PM
    Washington at Indianapolis 1:00 PM
    Oakland at St. Louis 1:00 PM
    Carolina at Minnesota 1:00 PM
    New Orleans at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM
    Cincinnati at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM
    NY Giants at Jacksonville 1:00 PM
    San Diego at Baltimore 1:00 PM
    Tennessee at Houston 1:00 PM
    New England at Green Bay 4:25 PM
    Denver at Kansas City 8:30 PM

    Miami at NY Jets 8:30 PM