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Does tons of selfies seem conceited and annoying to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by chelle, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    I can't stand people who post nothing but pictures of themselves. It's not even that they're ugly but it just sends out the message, "look at me I'm so hot, especially with no clothes on!" And that their instagram or facebook is nothing but pics of themselves. Is it just me or is that a huge turnoff? It seems like it is only me since they have 40k+ followers lol.

    Not just women but men too. I seen some pretty good looking guys but all they do is post their selfies of the same crap and nothing but themselves.
    One time a guy requested me on Facebook whom was cute. But he had nothing but pics of himself and messages me to like his photos and he will do the same......wtf.
    In my opinion, people are so much more attractive if they don't come off as conceited. I know a really pretty girl, she seems confident but posts pics of a mix of everything from her life like food, selfies, quotes, etc. same with an import model I've met.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
  2. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    It shows isolation and a cry for friendship.
    Most people would rather take pictures with friends, but if they have none, they instead take pictures of themselves to share with their friends. If you notice a close friend doing this, take time to reconnect in person.

    If it's a celebrity, they probably have a manager telling them this is what their public wants. It is likely not their decision to bombard the world with photos.
  3. chelle

    chelle Vertical

    Well yeah celebrities are different lol. They're paid for their image and it's their career.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Selfies by themselves aren't a bad thing. Thousands of selfies? Perhaps. Selfies don't tell a story, though, so I'm not likely to rush to judgment.

    Personally, I take a lot of selfies but don't really post them as I'm usually checking to see that my makeup looks good before I step out of the house.
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I takes some selfies. Right now it's just me and myselfie until I go home in a few weeks. I documented my weight changes. And my yoga success. :) but, thousands?
  6. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I usually only take a selfie if it is to show off something behind me that is notable, or I'm with someone and want to show we were together.

    A reasonable amount of them is just part of the tech culture currently. I do think some people take it too far into vanity or narcissism, but I tend to not pay those people any attention anyway, so what do I care?
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Whatever works for you.

    We all have our things...
    Some of us have the TFP. ;)
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  8. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    The ones that I have to shake my head over are the guys without a shirt with a "I am so ripped!" theme or the girls with the "Oops! forgot I was only wearing my underwear (or less) when I took this picture in the bathroom mirror" . Especially if it is "post every other day" schedule with them.
    Taking them is fine, but do you really need to post them?
  9. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I just like taking pictures and many folks do not dig having their pic taken, and no one ever takes a pic of me (prolly cos I don't ask). That said, almost all my selfies are an attempt to get a decent headshot for the various social media in which it is considered bad form to not have a shot of yourself. I like to change them up about twice a year. I'll do the occasional selfie here at the TFP but it is more a way to say "hi" and feel closer to folks.

    "Thousands"of selfies seems like someone has a lot of time on their hands. It's a pretty harmless habit, though.
  10. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Isn't Kim Kardashian's entire existence one big selfie?
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  11. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I've taken all of two selfies. One of which is actually online, occasionally. Too many selfies is probably a sign of narcissism. None might be a sign of no self-esteem. A few is quite okay, I'm sure. I have an old friend who only posts pictures of her family. It's like she's the camera, or something. No pictures of her on her FB page at all, but hundreds of other folks.
  12. Depends ...bc it was a fad a lot of girls did it so ppl didn't look at them and think they think they're ugly ..if a girls single and in any school especially high school threw college they feel the need to prove they don't doubt themselves though some are def searching for compliments ...

    Sometimes the timing means something ..could be trying to remind someone(like an ex) they're still here or some BS bc facebook was different for awhile back when it started to get hyped in like 06-09 ..

    Then Instagram basically asks for a few ...

    Now selfies bc you're out somewhere and you want a pic of you with something ..make it about both not just where you zoom in and can barely tell you're at whatever (some land mark/destination/new car etc) ..

    Overall idc if a girl wants to show off whatever fine by me but when they cake makeup on for a selfies about sitting home ...hate that .

    Overall you can tell an attention who're right away and that seems to be what most the hates really directed at..
  13. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Most of my self portraits have been playing with the camera and I was the only model handy. A smaller number of them get posted on here to torture you gu......er......share how I young I look at 111 or thereabouts (not sure off the top of my head what year this site has for my birth year)

    As far as posting them is concerned, I choose 'no' normally, especially if you look at how many I have taken just testing/playing with things on my cameras. Most of them will remain offline.
    Pardon what could be considered a plug, but this is my "best" self portrait as taken by a tripod and timer on the DSLR. <See page here> showing me holding my favourite camera.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  14. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I try to get others to take pictures of me. I look stupid or constipated or something when I take selfies. My tiny brain doesn't get where to position the camera properly :(
  15. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    My daughters are of the generation that take selfies all the time but they are all based on events or special moments.
    It seems to be a way to share emotions.
    Personally I like seeing them packed into a car heading on a trip, all smiling or a stunning picture before my kiddo heads out for the evening.
    I don't think it's narcissism because it's a new generation, they are recording their reactions to the world.
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  16. Agreed but selfies for no reason (like 10 of them in the bathroom mirror pics we've all seen ..not dirty just using the mirror and usually I'm betting edited ) ...those are slightly different but what you said is correct this generation takes selfies almost as a show of an accomplishment/go somewhere/sights/etc.. And that's just how it is that's not wrong just different generations do different things as tech advances ...

    Imagine our kids kids generations tech with how fast technology is growing lol..
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  17. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    3D selfies?
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  18. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I don't see selfies as any more of an indulgence in mindless vanity than anything men and women have done before.

    Hell, didn't we used to have rich folks wearing powdered wigs and talking grand about themselves in third person?

    I take selfies with my current girlfriend all the time because asking/finding strangers to do it is difficult at times.

    That and when you have a camera that is designed for selfies, you don't really have an excuse not to take them.

    /if it can exist, Amazon has it


    Any big-black-framed-glasses+shaved-balls hipster can tell you the history of photography and how it used to be complicated, used to be expensive and used to be a big deal. Flash powder and tin plates and all that. At first only the rich and famous got photographed. As it proliferated and as technology improved, it became accessible to dirty proles. Now nearly everybody has a 5-10 megapixel camera on their cellphone, the device they carry literally everywhere with them, including the bedroom and bathroom. You do the math on why selfies are a thing. If you wanna talk about vain, hit up a museum and check out the old fucks that paid fat doubloons for some patient guy to literally paint their likeness on a canvas and hang it above their fireplace.

    Ultimate selfie.


    To suggest that selfies are a sign that people don't have friends, one needs to consider what friendship in the developed world is these days. People don't sit in parlors, drinking tea and going through a canned dialog of smalltalk anymore. You're lucky to get a text message from your BFF, a 5 minute phone call from your mom and an email from your dad. It's mostly electronic, it's largely self-centered and it's pretty isolated and compartmentalized. For better or worse, that is socializing for today's yutes.

    No worries, though... eventually a horrible nuclear war or inevitable climate change or the wrath of Angry White Jesus will set things right. We'll all once again be huddled around campfires and telling stories about what the elders call constellations.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
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  19. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    I agree with a lot of what @plan9 said.

    But to add to it...

    A selfie is not inherently good or bad. It does not reflect the worth of the person engaging in it or those who abstain. Your judgement is a reflection of you, not them.

    In simpler words... as a female, when you meet/see a beautiful female, do you automatically tear her down because you're insecure and unhappy with your looks, or do you admire her for the work she has put into herself? When you meet someone smarter than you, do you get jealous and think to yourself negative things about them, or are you happy because you now have this amazing opportunity to befriend someone who can teach you something new and exciting?

    Let's do some quotes.

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  20. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Ha. The TFP is a wayback machine.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
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