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Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand The World

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I've always been interested in what makes us think.
    Those thought ideas that we leverage as tools

    Below are a nice summary of some, that will put you into deep consideration.
    I've come to notice of few of these as I've experienced various situations.
    Cognitive load, cycles...or externalities (as I say, everything counts...)

    Hell I just had fun with cumulative error today...as I saw in my mgmt meeting.
    Now I just have to figure out how to surpass it and turn it around. (not an easy thing to do with the CEO... :confused:)

    BTW...here the link to the article. LINK
    It has links to the book and essays embedded within.

    What have you noted in your time??

    If you even more interested in what affects our view of the world and decision making
    Check out the link at the bottom about Behavioral Biases :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2013
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Oh well, on some you get hits...some you don't.
    Must be too out there.

    I've got the weirdest interests. :rolleyes:
  3. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    Well, if you're weird, I'm lost: I subscribe to the Edge.org newsletters. I loved This Will Change Everything. I sit in a café before grocery shopping and mull a few of the short chapters. Now, I'm doing that with last year's Edge book: This Will Make You Smarter, and next is the current one: This Explains Everything.

    But no one will explain how space-time as such emerges from quantum foam.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually I think it would be the quantum foam if it exists works within the dimensions.
    While we are still figuring out what everything in the universe may be taken up by...it is still defined by what it plays within.

    However, there may be a redefinition of this...or there may be more dimensions that we work within.
    It's just that no-one has defined them as of yet. (or in my case, hasn't had the time or space :rolleyes: )

    It needs to be this way, because dimensions are what everything works within & throughout.
    And anything you define as such, needs to be able to work here & now...and for all scales. (at least within this universe...)

    Space is the measurement of occupancy...and the distance between.
    Time is the measurement of action.
    The quantum foam would still be within these two aspects.
    One can interact with the other.
    But one is not the other.

    However, the concepts are fascinating to ponder...I love it.
    Thanks for the new media site, I was unaware of it until now. :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2013
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    If you want to think about the dimensional structure...it's easier to think of it as one continuous thing.

    Back and forth, every which way in space and direction (there is no "up")
    Back and forth, every which when in time (with Time's direction given by Entropy, not itself)
    Not smooth though...and not flat.

    Not flat, because it is warped by Mass, giving the affect of Gravity.
    And in turn, not smooth, because the same thing giving Mass, is likely how it occurs. (perhaps, the Higgs Boson)

    There are likely more dimensions than just Space & Time...not parallel universes, or those outside,
    but in truth others a part of Here & Now, just not defined as of yet.
    Many scientists are unaware that there may be something different...it is not in their mindset.

    But leads us back to topic...much the reason that they haven't figured this out yet...are even the smartest of humans
    are affected by those concepts above...they are difficult and subtle to surpass and isolated out of your way of thinking.

    Or it could be just damn laziness...dealing with the bills and other distractions. :rolleyes:
    Woe to those who ask, "why?"
  6. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    That is technically true, yes, but the sun is gradually getting hotter. As a result, the Earth will be waterless and lifeless in as little as 100 million years, which is to say, about 1/60 of the Sun's remaining time.
  7. idevourcows

    idevourcows New Member

    Hey, nice post. Mainstream reporting and casual conversation are chock full of the intellectual shortcuts that are enumerated here. I hadn't ever heard of edge.org, but it is a great find. Added to my RSS feed, and I'm currently enjoying the contributions regarding which scientific principles should be retired.

    Kaleidoscope Discovery Engine: I struggle with this one a bit. Obviously there is some truth here — innovators are informed by context, and innovators of concurrent times share that context. But I am still not convinced that the principle is universal. That's a gut feeling by the way, not the result of any deep study (so maybe I am displaying my own fallacy here). Anyway, the implications here seem strange. Taken at face value, does this mean that human progress is inevitable? And that the. Rate of progress depends mostly on what, the population size of investigators? Something to think about.

    Somehow, the juxtaposition of cultural attractors and powers of 10 tickles me.
  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    That's why most of my linens and miscellaneous stuff are still in boxes 7 years after moving in here. (also see; laziness)
    You never know when we'll need to move off planet.
    We only got a hundred million years left, give or take, right?

    @rogue49, I was surprised to find that I've thought of, and thought about some of those "concepts" before, myself. Just didn't know the new lingo.
    It seems a few of those would be common sense. ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, it likely can be summed up under the classic cliche, "Nothing new under the sun..."
    Which people often take to mean is nothing is original...but I've more often taken it as everything is based on everything else.
    Ideas, while they may be grand...often aren't used...so that means will they actually be applied somewhere else?
    Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery??
    It is only the knowledge of how you would leverage the idea to your own advantage over others that stops sharing. (financial, military, etc...)

    Second, I would think that human progression would be inevitable sooner or later, if we don't destroy ourselves.
    People are wired to progress...try for the next rung, think of alternatives...our luck has been we've developed a form of communication
    and retention of ideas too...so people use other people's ideas, methods, techniques...they're not "stealing", they're adopting.
    So the real evolution is not just adapting...but adopting. This grows your civilization exponentially.

    Gutenburg's press was considered the best invention of last millennia, for good reason, it allowed more non-isolated sharing of knowledge.
    Computers and the Internet is the next wave...while there is TONS of waste of space...there is TONS of sharing.
    It encourages transfer of ideas...and then the leveraging of them.

    You think we grew fast last millennia...this is just the start of the next.
    The only thing that will hold us back will be not killing ourselves...and the ability to retained or not overwhelmed by the multitude of info & options.
    The latter, futurist Alvin Toffler described as Future Shock. (a great book of the same name, I recommend it) Many of his predictions have come true.

    See??? I used his idea...put out in 1970...Nothing new under the sun. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,
    but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

    ~ Alvin Toffler (?)

    Toffler is also frequently cited as stating: "Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn." The words came from Herbert Gerjuoy, whom Toffler cites in full as follows: "The new education must teach the individual how to classify and reclassify information, how to evaluate its veracity, how to change categories when necessary, how to move from the concrete to the abstract and back, how to look at problems from a new direction — how to teach himself." (from wikipedia)

    Either way...it's a profound idea...and one that I agree with.
    You cannot grasp whole hardily onto an mindset for years if not decades anymore.
    Information and concepts are expounded on rapidly, new tools emerge often.
    The world is a more dynamic place.
    You've got to learn to interpret and evaluate...learn, leverage, learn, leverage.

    Even now the newer generations have accepted that you only need to reference trivia and details, looking it up quickly.
    It's the experience and ideas that you remember...where to best apply it,
    but there is not a value to being anal retentive about tedium...but only the results to move forward and prevent mistakes.

    It's learning...to apply creativity...to understand the details to the overview and the moving target.
    The one who wins is the person who analyzes and absorbs concepts faster.

    But I don't know about throwing away ideas...I like more the idea of "archiving" them.
    Filtering them out once you've evaluated whether they are needed for that situation.
    Because you'll never know when you may need them again...or can leverage them too.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Yep, I'm kickin' this back up...because I found a good article.

    Secrets of the Creative Brain

    A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQ—and why it is so often accompanied by mental illness.

    Copy of my post on Fark...
    **My real question is how I can think of this shit when I'm plastered on Cap & Coke... :confused:
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    This is big...the mass marketing and ability to self-produce/manufacture...potentially most anything.

    Not only can you do "random objects" but you could make a part that you cannot get immediately or is out of stock or production.
    Or you could potentially "tweak" a design, so it fits your own unique project.

    Sure, it's not quite there yet for metal and other complicated things, but it's another step forward.
    And the ideas and applications as they experiment and broaden the base/usage will expand rapidly.

    I know they're doing it now on the space station, so they don't have to wait to get it rocketed up.

    Do It Yourself, has taken on a whole new level.

  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Related to the general concept: don't be the "modern jackass." A Little Bit of Knowledge | This American Life Essentially, the idea is that people with a little bit of knowledge on something then try to build on it, sometimes weaving misinformation into what they're talking about. I see this all the time with people who think they know something about Common Core, and my husband sees it a lot with microwaves and chemistry.

    In regard to 3D printing, my husband would probably lose it if he could get one that's reasonably high quality for home. As it is, he knows ways to get access to one, but his DIY/maker hobbies haven't needed to go down that route yet. We've had friends use them consistently for creating custom parts for engineering projects or for prototyping, and they seem to be very useful for that.

    Related to 3D printing: Stranger Visions
    Making Art From the DNA You Leave Behind

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  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Nice article on a long-time myth...

    My humble opinion below.

    Intelligence IS relative.
    And even science and the vaunted IQ tests get it wrong.
    What is to make a difference between a scientist and a world-class musician...or a top of field businessperson??
    Or even a simple janitor...who choose not to use their ability...or is aware...or is not trained.

    Perhaps some just take that test better...perhaps they don't like some questions...and don't attempt them.

    It's also not inconsistent...it's how it's applied, when it's applied...IF it is applied.
    Sometimes it's controlled, sometimes it just "comes"...and it's if the person actually has interest.

    Intelligence is not like movies, TV or media portrays...that is fiction...or even sci-fi or fantasy.
    Like the way they show computers, cops, medicine, law, politics and so on...
    Intelligent people are NOT like computers...the answer coming out consistently, instant and always pure.

    It's subtle at times, ambiguous, sometimes it just "happens"....sometimes over a length of time.

    They see things others can't see...patterns...they do things others can't do...creating. Not magic...just not obvious to most.

    Even a potential "power" perhaps may not be obvious and blatant. (like telekinesis or a visible detectable task)
    It could be underlying, interpretive...non-quantifiable. (like an empathy, foresight...things that are scientifically possible)

    Like an incredible detective...slowly putting all the parts together.
    And even then, there may be no proof...the person just "knows".
    And how do you communicate this and convince others then??? (that's a talent in itself...and many intelligent people cannot do this)

    I'd love a real good intelligence documentary,
    one that actual considers ALL these aspects...not just the classic mindset. :cool:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    As a followup on the previous post on intelligence...

    Basically, what I was saying...intelligence and genius is relative.
    No person is an island and everything is based on something else.
    Creativity is not magic...brilliance is not magic...as the media portrays.
    Sure, it makes a good story...it's easier to give credit to one...but typically the magic is of the moment & the environ.

    Remember that people have to be ready to accept the idea, the person at the time.
    Otherwise it will be ignored or suppressed.

    Genius is wonderful...and even more fascinating is how it happens and gets known...then enjoyed.

  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Nice summary...So what's the Golden Rule here??
    Now these...I can follow. ;)

    • Like Like x 2
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, we're REALLY going to twist your noodle here.

    What inspired me to post this is first @Jetee 's quote from my guy Einstein...
    The belief in an external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all natural science. Since, however, sense perception only gives information of this external world or of "physical reality" indirectly, we can only grasp the latter by speculative means. It follows from this that our notions of physical reality can never be final. We must always be ready to change these notions - that is to say, the axiomatic basis of physics - in order to do justice to perceived facts in the most perfect way logically.
    And a interview I saw with Cosmos host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, who said at the end...and I'm paraphrasing,
    It's not just finding out new things...it's figuring out something that you didn't know to ask in the first place.

    What do you know??
    What do you don't know?
    What is everything based on?
    How are you observing?

    Even Math...it is a tool that is based on human definitions.
    Sure, you can say...It is what it is. But as our previous President said, "It depends on what the meaning of the word "IS" is. (although he said it for "legal" purposes...and CYA)

    Scientists and others techs fall into this trap all the time...saying this is a FACT.
    Their bias is on what they "know", what others taught them.
    It may even become a sort of "religion"...which disturbs them if it's deviated from... (even Einstein fell for some time into this, "God does not play with dice", speaking of Quantum Physics)
    Or even attack those who may suggest differently.

    There are people who believe in black & white, it is their world...they may even kill for it.
    There are people who believe in shades of grey
    And then colors of the rainbow
    And then the spectrum beyond what is visible normally to the eye
    And then the other senses
    And then add movement and time
    And now have them interact
    And now factor in everything that happens over that time
    And now add in flucuations in those factors
    And now add in scope...from Micro to Universal and beyond perhaps...
    Can you even grasp it?

    Now think...everything you just thought of is just one definition and one perspective.
    Now think...what do I NOT know??

    But even if you don't know it...or are aware of it. It still affects you and your surroundings.
    Whether you want to believe it or not.
    That is reality.

    And if you want to be a good science person...you'll still want to try to know it all.
    But if you're wise, you'll know that you haven't got it all. Nor does anyone else.
    And that will make you smile and be in awe.
  19. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    It was interesting until I got to this part
    Seems to me that there are all kinds of aspects of computer science that he doesn't understand there and isn't very familiar with much of the stuff written about the the singularity.
    Do I think it's going to happen tomorrow, no.
    Do I think it's going to happen the way the lady he was talking to thinks it will, probably not.
    But there is going to be a major shift in the way computer brains work within the next fifty years.
    We will just have to accept it.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I actually agree with both of you to a certain extent.
    As a person who delves into computers deep...and keeps on the cutting edge to push the envelope of capabilities in his job...I also know their limitations.
    They are very good at one thing at a time, even when it seems they are doing multiple, it's one task very fast.
    Nor are they intuitive...or aware. And there are the physical limits. Literally, physics as we know it and can apply it.

    People also don't realize how sophisticated and extensive a brain is...just one second to mimic takes a super-computer hours to compute.
    And even then, humans have not even grasped all the factors going on to actually program them.
    Mother Nature has created an awesome thing, of course with LOTS of time...and LOTS of trial & error.
    Shit, humans don't even know how animals think and correctly assess personality...or how to mathematically prove a golf-swing yet.

    But, given LOTS of time...perhaps something will occur.
    However, this is an unknown...and won't happen anytime soon.
    The future will be "done" by robots and machines...but it won't be run by them...not in many generations.

    Don't forget, we'll be different by then too. We're changing...not you yourself, but the race.

    We are our own crisis and evolution...the progression is exponential...we just don't realize it while living in it.
    We will be having our own "singularities"...
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014