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Evaluating partners: a gender difference?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Street Pattern, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    An anonymous post in another forum was as follows:
    I thought this is more likely to have been written by a woman than by a man.

    It occurred to me that heterosexual women are much more likely to evaluate and rank the quality of their sexual partners. I think women tend to summarize and remember each past partner in terms of how good they were. Women who have experience with multiple partners can immediately identify which were the best or the worst.

    Men don't think this way.

    Maybe I'm generalizing from the single example of myself. I think back of all the women I've been intimate with, and I have no concept of any of them being "better in bed" than the others. There are memorable moments, but I wasn't handing out grades. The most memorable differences among these women are non-sexual.

    Thinking about it, I guess I thought the overall quality of a sexual encounter was primarily my responsibility. The male role in sexual intercourse is routinely described as performance (e.g., "he was drunk and just couldn't perform").

    By contrast, my wife has a concise evaluation for each of the partners she has had, and she thinks most other women do the same.

    What do you think?
  2. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I don't know who you've been talking to, but you must think differently than a lot of people.

    I've had an ex who, during pillow talk, ranked me on several sexual facets in comparison to previous partners.

    That's great that you don't do the ranking, but I think that most people subconsciously do it, only the jerks bring it up as a "ranking".
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  3. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I remember some random highlights and lowlights from my sexual experiences.
    If you asked me to rank my partners I would need to think about it because it's not something I have really thought through before.
    I'm a guy, so there's one data point.
  4. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I don't rank the people I've been with or give grades.
    Some were certainly more memorable than others and of course the long term relationships leave the deepest marks but for me it tends to be based on emotion and how much it scratched the itch I was feeling at the time.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
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  5. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This is pretty much how I feel after thinking about it. The fact is, I've been with my husband for nine years now, which overshadows my previous sexual relationships completely. It isn't that I don't remember them, because I do, but I don't really compare them to what I have now. Oh, there are some things I miss--specific highlights, like one guy who was really excellent at oral, and another who was incredibly kinky--but it's not really a matter of better or worse. It's more of--that thing they did was nice.
  6. girldetective

    girldetective Getting Tilted

    To be honest, there are 2 people that would be hard to beat as physical lovers in my bed. I dont know that Ill run across the likes of them again. So, I guess I have ranked them. But, they were not necessarily my favorite lovers and I have no grading system. Nothing like what films or books might portray as a man's little black book w/defining codes, or notches on the bedpost, or even the colloquial locker room talk.

    Its funny, when I read the quote in the OP, I automatically thought it was from a man, given their more competitive nature, I guess. There is a whole industry that is devoted to men ranking women, and men often portray themselves as rankers in real life. I have been ranked over and over to my face, and a couple of times Ive overheard some casual remarks between men, In fact, I can sometimes walk down a street and feel myself being ranked. And this even before bed. And, I think many, many women feel this sort of ranking every day.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
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  7. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I don't go over and over the list of people with whom I've had sex and rank them. If asked, however, I could tell you which ones were memorable. I might, if pressed even be able to say which time was best, but I am not sure I would want to rank my partners based around sex. There are so many other factors that need to be considered.
  8. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I'm not talking about how people view someone's appearance -- obviously there is widespread "looks" competition and a kind of hierarchy, etc. Nor is it about how much you like or love the person.

    Rather, this is about the kinds of qualities or skills that you'd only find out by actually having a sexual encounter with them.

    I haven't heard many "locker room" type conversations with other men, and most of those were years ago, but I do see things men and women have written about their sex lives in literature, media, online fora, etc.

    I have observed that men talk about casual sex as if it were like achieving a goal in soccer. I can't think of a time when a guy spoke or wrote at all about the experience of having sex with someone, compared to others, except to critique/defend/brag about HIS OWN performance.

    I get the sense that when women talk about men they have been with, they often append a quick evaluation, like "I slept with him. Not bad."

    Remember the scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral where Andie MacDowell['s character] lays out her whole sexual history for Hugh Grant? She lists fifty-some partners by number, and tags each one with something about the quality of the experience she had.

    Like I said above, my wife did exactly the same thing, when discussing her past beaux.

    A man who did a comparable exposition might mention the emotional connection, her personality, her appearance or her physical attributes. He would be much less likely to say anything about what the experience itself was like.

    I think Woody Allen spoke for a lot of men when he said: “Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.” Or the old saying: "Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good." I can't imagine a woman saying that. Unless something goes wildly wrong, I don't think men are inclined to be critical.

    Likewise for me, except that it's been 28 years.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
  9. Jaziz New Member

    Czech Republic
    I do not have any ranking or something like that.
    However I can say to which of my sexual partners I would give another go. I also remember which was open for kinky stuff.

    I also think that ranking I this case would be a bad idea cause some excel I something and the other in something else. But still the other one can learn the first thing and basically be better the the first person... But still the perfect lover does not exist.
  10. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Same with me, 2 men, head, shoulders and dick above the others. My ex husband was the best I ever had, and I've had a lot. He just seemed to intuitively know exactly what to do. He never seemed like he was working at it, but my orgasms would just roll in, like the surf.
    Some men turn giving their bed partner orgasms into some kind of formulaic job. I don't like that. Unfortunately, my ex was also a practicing alcoholic. A con, a liar, and after I left him, a stalker. But I told an acquaintance that he was an incredible lover, hoping that she would take his attention off of me, and... it worked.:)

    My current guy is the other one, trained by me.:D He was married for twenty years (then widowed) to a woman who gave him two children, and sex once or twice a month, missionary with the lights off. I knew him well enough to recognize that he was a caring, intelligent, and lonely adult looking for a healthy relationship. He was smart, physically fit, financially responsible, had a good sense of humor and a cute little Swedish accent.
    I applied the business maxim of "hiring for character" figuring that I could "train for (sexual) skill." It was a little touch and go at first -- men are intimidated by women that are more experienced than they are -- and I was afraid I might scare him off, but we worked through it, and he is a great lover, a partner, and like @Street Pattern's experience with his wife, I can see it just getting better and better with time.:):)

    Everyone else was just an also ran, but that's OK. You know, sometimes we are just scratching each other's itches. Alcohol was often involved, and I have a sexual appetite too, I was the aggressor, often as not, and I was always a great lay, in my never to be humble opinion. A few fuck buddies that were better buddies than fucks. A few premature ejaculators. That's OK too. There's more to good sex than sex.

    I spent about three years working the circuit as a topless dancer. I constantly felt myself being ranked. By club managers, by talent agents, and by the other dancers. I was an average dancer, but blessed with the perfect body for that line of work, I always got the best tips, and the club owners and managers worked me long hours. I could play the exploited card, but I knew exactly what I was doing, getting into it at age 24 instead of 18. I just worked my little butt off, took the piles of money, and ran when I was ready.
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  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    While I don't think about it in terms of ranking, I could easily rank the best/worst at BJ's and best sex over all.

    I think because I am happier being the doer then the doie, their skills don't matter a huge deal to me. There was only one particular time which included the worst BJ of my life (painful) and the best sex of my life in terms of what she did. Same woman. I'm not sure how that works but my guess is her over enthusiasm with the BJ is what made it painful but likewise made the sex itself much better than average.
  12. WatNuts New Member

    Sounds like a pretty generic comment.

    Yet, I see the point. Many women will have the desire to come to conclusions about their sexual partner's aptitude, but so will many men. The emotions can get in the way of how well they actually are able to categorize, though. Normal.
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Not a problem for me; I wish that my list of former lovers was long enough to bother ranking them.
    Hopefully (for me :D ) it's pretty much the same for my wife.

    In very general terms, I think that men tend to focus on the conquest more than the result (don't really rank former lovers), while women tend to focus on the result rather than the conquest (they do rank former lovers). Of course there are exceptions to this general observation, and how many details that are recalled will vary from person to person.
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  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I don't really rank lovers...but there have been a few that were much better at the same time. I won't deny it or attempt to be overly PC.

    I think the key was the passion they gave...the willingness to just let it go.
    But this can go for anyone.

    My philosophy is to give...then I'll get in return.
    Seems to work for me.

    However, I do find there IS a pattern of difference between the sexes in honest conversations I've had over the years...

    Men tend to generalize or exaggerate when describing things...they'll only talk about vague ex's and those they don't care for as much (at least face to face, the board is more anonymous)
    ...not anyone that's a SO or mate...that's verboten to get into...or other men are weirded out if hearing about specific SO's.

    Women tend to be VERY specific and in detail...and they talk about current love interests or mates
    ...but not about ex's or those they don't care for as much. And other women love to delve into the details and compare SOs.

    Now, this is not to say there's not exceptions...but that's the trend. At least that's what I've noticed.

    But as to actual activity...that's up in the air.
    I've heard about all different levels of sex, each varying to personality and mood. Gender is irrelevant.
    Sometimes the man is more into it...sometimes the woman is...and often it fluxes over time.

    As to evaluating...it depends on the breadth of variety and experience the person has to compare (you really can't evaluate well if you don't have something to contrast)
    and if they're aware. (some aren't really, it's just of the moment...pleasurable, yes...but not contextually)
    And some have unrealistic expectations too. (emotionally or physically)
    But this is not affected by gender...at least by current generations.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  15. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    I made a graph.


    I don't naturally rank my partners in respect to one another. They just fall on a bell curve, like anything else. Adding a person's data point does not impact the placement of others, in my overall view.
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