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What is your Nature?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by rogue49, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    For as deep as I may think at times...often I'm surface level.

    But at least I'm aware of my limitations (those I'm aware of... ;) )
    And in many ways, I enjoy being just plain...just for the fun of it.
    And there is at times a price to pay for knowing the details and complexity...and the flowing dynamics of it.

    There are many layers to many things...and it's all moving.

    And you may not want to think about matters at that level for certain things.

    While I do "politics" for survival & success...I don't like being up there...there's only so far I will go.
    It's not my nature or desire.
    I'd rather think deep about how things work.
    Not how to get people to do what I want.

    Some are like helicopters...flying because it is a tool.
    Some are like birds...flying because it is who they are.

    For me, politics is a necessity, a tool, something I have to practice and push.
    Science is my nature...something that just comes.


    What is your nature??
    What do you think deep on or do...just because? (It can be anything)

    Also, what do you have to push at? A thing you need to do, but doesn't come naturally.
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ah...so I'm the only one that has a nature that they instinctively follow or do?? :confused:

    Or something that they have to do that they have to work against or strive for??


    Any of the above and oh so much more...ANYTHING!!

    Surely I'm not the only one in the world.
    Or is it just summer or a holiday and no one is into sharing...
  3. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    As I get older I see nature as being more fluid. Your nature doesn't stay completely rooted. I am not the same person I was 20 years ago. I doubt I'll be the same person I am now, 20 years from now. There is only one constant in my life and that is that I have to know WHY something works. I hate following directions, I need to know the science behind everything. Without complete understanding there can never be mastery.
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  4. PlaysWithPixels

    PlaysWithPixels Getting Tilted

    I'm INTJ... There are whole Pinterest boards dedicated to how messed up my personality is... ;)
  5. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I think about this a lot. I'll write more in a bit.

    I see it differently. As I get older, I think I'm more set in my ways, less patient with stuff I don't enjoy, more determined to focus on the stuff I like doing.
  6. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Politics is just as inescapable a part of the human condition as childbirth and sewage.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    True...but what I'm saying is that it doesn't come natural to me...as it does for some others.
    It's my inherent nature to be honest, a straight-shooter, take things as face-value, say what I mean, WYSIWYG, not manipulate, naive, etc.
    Politics I've had to work at all my life.
    And I don't dive into it with gusto or relish as others enjoy.

    Now, I've had to become something I'm not...not that I don't value it...nor that I'm bad at it.
    But it has come after a long time and lots of trial & error and pain.

    Some I've found come to it quite instinctively and work with it on a intuitive level.
    For me, it's something that I have to push.

    I'm actually quite good now, but there are still holes since I often trust where I should not...in the context of knowing & aware of events and actions.
    And manipulation, forget about...I'm very uncoordinated and untalented at that.
    Others subtlety work their "magic" behind the scenes to get what they want. Me, I'm still up front.

    @StreetPattern, you're in Politics as part of your career...does it come as nature to you??
    Both awareness...and acting on it.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  8. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm an ENTJ with social anxiety disorder, so I feel you.

    My nature? I'm a worrier, anxious, but I hide it well. It will come barreling out at unfortunate times. I'm a depressive, but I hide that well too, keeping it tucked deep down under a layer of general good cheer, optimism, and a smile. I suppose I decided that I would embrace the power of positive thinking a couple of years ago, so I do that, and it keeps the worry, anxiety, and sadness at bay.

    I'm a teacher, always have been, and while it's in my general nature to teach others about things, I know one thing I cannot teach now--I cannot teach my husband how to drive in the city. I have plans to give friends cooking lessons in a month or so. I'm looking forward to that.

    I've become a neat freak in the last couple of years. I'm not so preoccupied by it that it rules my life, but I generally prefer my space to be clean, orderly, and organized. It keeps me calm and less anxious; I've noticed my anxiety increases if my space is disorganized. Therefore, I prefer my life to be organized.

    I generally prefer structure and schedules, but if you tell me we're just going to huck all that out of the window and fly by the seat of our pants, cool. What I hate, though, is a half-formed plan. If we're going to have a plan, it ought to be complete, as generally--being the teacher and ENTJ--getting people through the plan, and organized enough to see the plan through, falls to me. I can generally work with it, though. Case in point: whenever I take over for my mentor, his lesson plan usually consists of one sentence describing what the kids should be doing. I can deal with that if you trust me. I also hate when the plan changes at the very last minute; since I have social anxiety, I script a lot of things, and if the plan changes, well, shit, there went all of my scripts!

    I am a cook and a hostess--if you come over to my house, I want you to feel comfortable, to be well-fed, and have plenty to drink. Even if we're not having a formal party, I will usually cook something. If you're having a party, I want to bring something. Mi casa es su casa; I'm not going to get you that beer after I show you where the beer is the first time. Cooking and baking are strong parts of my identity, as I've been doing both for a long time, and the baking thing is a family legacy.

    I don't mind other people being in charge--so long as they are doing it well. If someone is doing a shitty job of being in charge, that pisses me off to no end. See: ENTJ.

    Despite spells where I don't work (such as the present), I'm a hard worker and have a reputation as such when I am fully employed. I am efficient and drive myself to be so. During the hours that I work, I am generally very focused on getting what I need to get done done. It's not in my nature to take work home unless I have to; I'd rather push myself to do more during the work hours that I have, so I can enjoy my time at home for what it is.

    I'm a creator. I always have to be creating or working on something. When I was a teen, I was an avid artist and writer. Now I mostly write. I draw sometimes still, when it will help me to visualize a place that I am writing about, but it is rare compared to how much I write. I write a lot. Even when I was supposed to be writing my thesis, I'd churn out 4500 words or so in the space of an hour just to get the ideas out of my head. It has its benefits; writing fiction has also made me a stronger academic writer.

    I think that touched on most things that I consider a core part of who I am.
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  9. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    You and I probably think very different things when we hear the word "politics".

    I move easily in the political milieu, despite my natural shyness, because it's a world where specialized knowledge, intelligence, and experience get noticed and taken seriously.

    I think I'll expand on this in the "Ask a Politician" thread.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    True, you're speaking about classic Politics, which I'm just as fascinated by (your post in Ask was excellent) nor have any experience in
    beyond winning Treasury Officer in my fraternity.

    I'm talking more about workplace politics...or perhaps the politics within the job itself, after you win.
    The back & forth that you feel in competing agendas with equal or higher level associates.

    Being able to catch a predator before they strike...or sell and move forward an idea, even against opponents.
    Or simply make the "powers that be" happy with their warm & fuzzies or despite their pettiness.
    This is a serious soft skill.
    And what I deal with on a daily basis...not one that came natural to me.
  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    I used to be an INTJ now I'm a "mild" ENTJ. One thing I've found over the years, is that internet forums are full of INTJ's, far more than the general population. I think it fits that sort of personality well. I can say I've only become an ENTJ in the last five years or so, and the "E" part is just a bit stronger than the "I", but I was always on the borderline of both.

    E's have more fun :p
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm uncertain about my nature. I'm still sorting through my delusions.
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  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, but I'm not talking about Myers-Briggs types...

    But what do you do naturally? What comes second-nature to you?
    What do you do that "just comes"...it is a part of what you are??

    For example, what is your "knack"?
    What do you do that may do more intuitively versus other people??
  14. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    My "knack" is working with data.

    I think of data (all kinds of data) as news from the real world.

    This predilection has worked out really well for me.
  15. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I'm socially retarded and really have to try in order to get along in society at all, but I often have a natural knack for fixing mechanical things. Not anything professional-level like a trained auto mechanic or anything, although I could definitely have gone in that direction, I'm just a born tinkerer.
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    But that's just it--what I do naturally ties in directly to my Myers-Briggs. Trying to avoid this for years just bit me in the ass.
  17. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I listen. I'm a natural fixer. I've been told I'm a kick-ass therapist. I'm a diagnostician, too. No married what is happening, I like to figure out what is going on, and the underlying cause.
    I'm also anxious by nature. I hate disappointing certain people and this affects my anxiety levels. Problem solvers with anxiety are interesting.
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  18. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Introverted worrier, with paranoid tendencies. Gigantic math and problem solving skills, and tinkering skills, paired with a huge amount of self-doubt, so I can do stuff, but it never gets out into the world. Wheee!!! My communications skills suck, because I generally don't feel like communicating.

    Strong as an ox. I probably could have been a competitive lifter (drug free, no less) but don't have much of a competitive side.

    And apparently, according to a test I took on FB, I'm 74% bitch. (not surprising)
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  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Do you find you just do math & problems naturally...even diving into it automatically...to enjoy it.
    And is it a "knack" you have in comparison to others...even in your field...even at your level??

    On the other hand, do you find yourself not only having a "hole" in communications...but you have to "work at it" in those situations you're forced to?
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  20. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I love politics for the same reasons I love history.
    The people, their stories, how they affect the course of what is going on, it's fascinating from a distance and thrilling when you're in the middle of it.
    Writing is my way to create worlds and pass them along to other people.
    I'm friendly and gregarious but find myself being more of an observer than an active participant.
    I love deeply and passionately without reservation which can put some people off.
    Most of all I believe that the world isn't fair so people have to be.
    That seems to put me in a rather small group.
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