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Do you like wearing underwear? -NSFW

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by AlwaysCurious, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. AlwaysCurious

    AlwaysCurious Vertical

    Great Britain
    Panties are nice, i prefer the shorts style myself...bra though...i don't like. I wore a chunky jumper to my local supermarket today, no bra in underneath..... Utter bliss.
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    depends on my mood and the need.
    but I don't mind going commando.
  3. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Depends on what pants I'm wearing and what I'm doing. My boobs have shrunk, so I don't need a bra around the house, but I always wear either a regular one or a sports bra when I go out. I wear bikinis, unless I'm at home then they come off when comfy pants go on. Jeans require underwear. So do lightweight khakis or whatnot. They rub the box uncomfortably without.
  4. AlwaysCurious

    AlwaysCurious Vertical

    Great Britain
    Boobs shrink?!
    *hugs own boobs* they're not the biggest as they are....

    Yeah, jeans definitely need underwear.

    Has anyone tried the hipster/bumster thing (lowhanging jeans/chinos/pants)
    Its so comfy!!!!!
  5. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I like the hipster ones a lot. They make my butt look nice.
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  6. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    The first time I lost a lot of weight, my boobs shrunk from almost DDs to a solid C. As my weight bounced around, they stayed within the C range. I just lost almost 20 lbs the right way and I need new bras. I'm guessing I'm at a B to a B-and-a-half.
  7. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Like it needs help.

    Having a layer of something between sensitive bits and a zipper is a good thing.
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  8. AlwaysCurious

    AlwaysCurious Vertical

    Great Britain
    Wow....never thought about it that way, @noodle. Tbf, getting new bras is awesome, even if i don't like to wear them all the time. Makes ya feel all pretty!

    Hahahaha @Stan, well, that's prolly more off a factor for guys than girls, haha. My bf have a pair of jeans with a button up fly which look gorgeous on him though. So zips aren't always necessary.
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Do I like it? It is what it is. I more or less have to wear it.
  10. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I always wear boxer shorts. Going commando would be uncomfortable, whether in black jeans or dress pants, because of all the interior seams, zippers, etc.

    When I dress up in a jacket and tie, I wear a white t-shirt under my dress shirt.

    That's it.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  11. Fraeia

    Fraeia Getting Tilted

    Hate bras, but they're a necessary evil.
    Tolerate panties, but occasionally thankful for them.

    I tried making the switch to boxers, but they were too annoying, can't see how most guys wear them. It's like wearing shorts under your pants.
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  12. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Boxer briefs are the way to go. Under Armour.
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  13. Fraeia

    Fraeia Getting Tilted

    Without ever having brothers or male partners, I must turn to the TFP for all my non-gender-conforming underwear advice. Thanks Borla :)
  14. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I've never been comfortable with boxers. I use briefs only. Preferably with racing stripes..:D

    For work, I wear an undershirt to maintain decorum. At home, it's usually just a t-shirt.
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  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I wish more men would wear sexy briefs. Like well cut nut huggers. Rawr.
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  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Boxer briefs, standard FTL because they have the longer leg that doesn't ride up my thighs.

    White v-necks t-shirts if I'm wearing a nice shirt that I don't want to get the armpits grungy. Yes, it happens over time, and since I take care of my shirts I keep them long enough it to happen.

    I used to, even thongs, back when I was fit enough to look good in them.
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    And they can't be white. White just reminds me of my dad.
  18. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    One thing I have noticed: I absolutely can not sleep comfortably naked.
    I am a very "active" sleeper.
    I'm rolling around and squishing stuff that does not like to be squished.
    So even after sexy fun time, when the wife just wants to cuddle up and sleep I put my pajama bottoms or boxers back on.
  19. I'm probably in the minority actually prefer wearing a bra. They don't bother me. I'd have two black eyes if I didn't wear one.

    I don't like going commando. It weirds me out.

    I suppose I just need undergarments to feel....supported.

    I almost didn't click on this because I saw @borla did and I didn't want to think about his underwear. Ick.
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  20. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    I was raised to think that wearing underwear is not some kind of optional thing. you just DO.