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Share your superstitions

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by DamnitAll, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    So, I'm not the most superstitious person around, but I do have a few. There's little doubt in my mind that my obsessive compulsive tendencies probably feed them quite a bit, as does my lifelong experience as a habitual worrywart.

    The most pronounced (and I've unfortunately been this way my whole life): If I'm worried about someone in transit getting home from somewhere, I'll resort to playing mind games with myself to keep from calling or texting to check on him or her, since trying to reach him or her and not getting a response will make the worrying that much worse.

    I refrain from talking about or sometimes thinking about something I'm really looking forward to because I fear my enthusiasm will jinx it. Sometimes I'll attempt to do the opposite and convince myself that the antithesis of what I'm looking forward to is bound to happen—like dismissing forecasts for snowstorms even though I'm hoping for lots and lots of snow.

    I always make wishes on eyelashes, shooting stars, and identical numbers on a clock.

    There are others though they're not coming to mind at the moment. Funny thing is, I've held off starting this thread because I've been superstitious about it. Maybe thrusting these ridiculous notions—some of them, at least—into the harsh light of day will weaken them a bit.

    What are your superstitions?
    Have you always had them?
    Have they changed or evolved over time?
    Do they ever prevent you from doing things you'd probably do without them, or force you to perform actions you wouldn't otherwise?
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I don't have superstitions...but I do enjoy thinking about them for fun & color...it puts a smile on my face.

    Lucky pennies...I love them. I don't care what side they are or what they look like. When I pick them up and keep them, I do a little air kiss to them.

    Blowing eyelashes are fun...but the "wishes" I do...are simply vague thoughts, mostly on reversing my burdens at the moment.
    But I like blowing on dandelions too. Or sucking on tiny honeysuckle stems. So these are tiny things of my youthful heart.

    One thing that I believe is my own...I take for a good omen. (again, I don't believe it...it's just fun & warm)
    When I see a wild rabbit...it puts a smile in my mind.
    It reminds me of when the King of the Leprechauns in "Darby O'Gill & The Little People" turns in to a rabbit to escape. (I'm dating myself...)

    AND one time, in my mid-teens...I saw a rainbow...and whimsically I tried to follow it to it's end...even though I know you truly can't.
    And yet...as I followed it thru a back-woods path...all the way to a sunny and grassy dead-end, framed by light hills. I actually saw the END.
    When I looked down into the grass where it came...there was a handsome rabbit...just sitting there.
    A rabbit...at the end of a rainbow?? Perhaps a Leprechaun? a brief thought flitted thru my mind.
    It bounded away...I didn't even try to find some mythical gold. (perhaps out of respect??)
    But to this day...they give me a warm memory.

    And I share it with my pups too, when they spot one on our walks.
    We all saw two the other day, a grand sunny day...
    First a cute bunny babe, nestled in the complex flower bush eating grass...I didn't let the dogs spook it, so it could continue its green meal.
    The next a bit later, near the woods, an adult with a wonderful tail
    ...since the girls were on leases and it near trees, I let them out to their ends to let them have their way with a starting pull and it bounded away as rabbits do.

    It was fun for all of us.
    And that's all that matters.
    A good omen. :cool:
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I generally focus on positive superstitions: making wishes on things and lucky pennies. I'll turn pennies to the right side for others but won't pick them up for myself. It's completely nonsensical, but whatever.
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  4. 1) I've never been able to step on a crack. My mother has been dead for nearly 10 years. I shouldn't worry about cracking her back. (I've almost fallen trying to avoid a crack)
    2) I only bother with heads up pennies. Tails up are bad luck.
    3) If the Bengals are winning while I'm in the kitchen, and then a bad play happens when I start watching the game, I'll had back to the kitchen.
    4) I count stairs as I go up them, but never down. Always have as long as I have been able to count.
    5) I always make a wish at 11:11

    There are more, but I need to make sure all the folders on my desk are parallel to the edge of the desk.
  5. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I wear a medallion around my neck of St. Jude patron saint of hopeless cases, impossible missions, and policemen. I'm not a policeman.

    I've worn it since I was in high school. I never take it off except for surgery, MRI, and repair.

    I had the shittiest day of my teenage life when I took it off to shower.

    I'm no longer a practicing catholic but I still wear it.
  6. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    If things start to go south in a game I'm watching, I will change channels, shut off the TV, or leave the room.

    Another one, not related: I knock on wood. A lot.
  7. desal75

    desal75 New Member

    Buffalo, NY
    I will NOT pick up a tails penny. Even in my own home. I've had them sit on my floor for days until either someone else gets them or I kick it under the couch.
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  8. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    "I'm going to @desal75 house and pickup the tree fiddy that's under the couch," said the lochness monster.
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  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I "knock on wood", but I use my bald noggin' as a joke.
    So it's not significant, just a reference during conversation.
  10. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I think finding coins on the ground is lucky, and it doesn't matter which way up it is.

    (I know a prominent lawyer who is deeply, deeply into scanning the ground for loose change. For him, pennies are the best. He says a found quarter is worth 1/25 as much luck as a found penny.)

    By the same token, I think that unintentionally dropping and losing coins is bad karma.

    Worse than that is dropping and losing pills. I am extraordinarily careful when opening bottles of small medicine tablets.

    Good-luck charms and amulets have a powerful placebo effect. People who think they're lucky are more likely to be lucky. That's because we all have more control over things than we realize.

    Many years ago, I decided I wanted to harness that power, so I invented a harmless superstition: Vitamin C increases your luck. I started taking Vitamin C every day.

    It was frightening how easy it was to get myself to believe in it.

    My attachment to that "superstition" has faded over the years, but I still take Vitamin C every day.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  11. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I am trying to think if I have any superstitions. I suppose the knock wood thing, but I only do it for comic effect.
  12. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    the whole black cat thing, everytime a black cat goes in front of me i make an X on my window if im in my truck. you should see the top left corner of my winshield. looks like a big game of tic tac toe with only x's.
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I have no serious superstitions. I do avoid discussing anything still "in the works" for fear of jinxing it. My biggest 'don't mention it for fear of jinxing it' is getting through traffic signals while they're green.
  14. desal75

    desal75 New Member

    Buffalo, NY
    Lol you are more than welcome to it!!

    Another one popped into my head. I work with juvenile delinquents and I always try not to mention the name of past residents who have been released. Sounds silly right? Well every time we talk about one of our old kids they come strolling back into the facility with handcuffs and new charges within a few days.
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  15. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    I have to have my car stereo volume on an even number, but that's more of an OCD symptom than a superstition I guess. I don't ever show my fortune cookie predictions to anyone though, as that will void them for sure.
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  16. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Being the bird nerd that I am, I'll frequently make the one-handed "I love you" symbol when I see my favorite native species. Occasionally I'll mistake a native species for one I'm not as fond of (Eurasian house sparrows, starlings, pigeons, etc.) and give them an ILY symbol by accident, at which point I'll mentally take it back.

    I talk to birds and animals all the time, and I'll always tell my favorites to "stay safe, healthy and warm/cool," depending on the weather conditions outside. I also tell the four legged ones—groundhogs, rabbits, deer, squirrels, etc.—to stay off the road... as if they can understand me.
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  17. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    You would love one of the books I recently bought (you probably already have it), National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Fourth Edition. I love it. It cost a whopping $.50 (fifty cents) at a Salvation Army store.
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  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    See folks, she's actually Cinderella...or is it Snow White...ok, a Disney princess.
    (with legs and arms of steel and she plays an instrument instead of singing ;) don't hit me...)

    I wouldn't call myself a bird nerd, but I have watched them for decades since I was 10 years old,
    when I learned about them from an old woman I befriended at a retirement home. (still have the worn book she gave me)

    I don't know if I'd call them "superstitions" but I do "little habits" that are just fun.
    Like I try not to get off the pot until I get under a 3 min game of solitaire...fortunately, I'm good so this typically isn't a problem. (helps me focus/relax...)
    Or other little things that I do, like I have a large 20-sided die faced up in my car, I'll touch the 20 with a finger. (hey, better than fuzzy dice)

    Now, I don't truly believe these, nor do I think if I don't, it's bad...it's just fun.

    But strangely, I don't read daily horoscopes anymore, which I do not believe
    ...but I love the overall summaries descriptions for the signs. (especially mine, Sag) and I liked the book that combined Greek and Chinese together.
    The symbolism is wonderful.
    However, I found myself making subtle choices by what I had read on the daily, almost subliminal...but I was aware of it after the fact.
    So to make sure I was making unbiased decisions not colored by a silly paragraph...I stopped.
    For me, it's one thing reading a general description which is fun...versus a daily one which makes a statement about your day. (even if not true)

    Then again, I'm wary of anyone coloring my bias, family, friends, etc... So I usually don't ask for feedback or opinion until after.
    Decisions should be based on the facts. So unless I haven't actually experienced a thing, I don't look for input from familiar people.
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