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Creep Factor

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by GeneticShift, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    We joke around on here about being creeps, but when it comes down to it, sometimes you run into people that just make your skin crawl.

    For example, a story from work:

    I've had my fair share of creepy customers, but this was tops. I had a lower end of middle aged woman (maybe 45?) at CS who was well dressed and very polite. I was setting up a ship to home for her, and she stood on my right across the CS counter. While I used the mouse to click around the screen, she reached over and stroked my finger while complimenting my nail polish. First major creep feel. I thanked her, but was internally freaking out. After I finished up her order, I handed her the printout and wished her a good afternoon. While she grabbed the paper from my hand, she leaned in until she was about 6 inches from my face and whispered, "You have beautiful skin" and walked away.


    I had no idea how to respond, and my first thought was "ARE YOU PLANNING ON WEARING IT???"

    On their own, nothing she said was explicitly inappropriate. Complimenting nail polish or skin can be nice, but the way it was said and the movements/touching that went along with them were terrifying. For me, anything with uninvited touching is creepy.

    What major creeps have you run into? What do you think sets off that response in your head?
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Personal space invasion is certainly something that tips me off, though unless someone is directly touching me, I'm unlikely to notice, as I have a high tolerance for space invasion.

    Creepy statements happen sometimes in my line of work. I'm grateful that most of the time, another student will whip around and tell the kid not to say that kind of shit. Teenagers don't really think things through that well.

    Most of the cases I've had directly interacting with creeps has been in cases where my creep-o-meter didn't go off and they proved to be a complete creep after some interaction.
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    If I don't know you well, don't touch me, aside from a handshake. It's not always a creep thing, but a personal space thing.

    The last time I remember being really creeped out was when I was a teenager and had a side job for a few months selling vacuums. One of the calls I got was to go to a town home that (I didn't realize it until I got there) was owned by the Catholic Church and retired priests lived there. We had to do a demo to get credit for the sales call, so I spent about an hour showing him the features and vacuuming up stuff and doing my thing.

    I don't know if he was trying to be overly friendly, if he thought his position meant he had to try to act like an instant mentor/father figure, or what. But he kept touching my arm when he would talk to me. When I was done with my demo and was saying goodbye he reached out, grabbed each side of my face, and kissed me on the forehead. I was like 17, it caught me completely off guard, and I was already walking out the door, so I just said goodbye and left. But it made me feel very uncomfortable.

    Okay, as I typed that I remembered one other more recent one. At a wine bar with my wife. Very drunk woman about 15-20 years older than me to my right, my wife to my left. My wife gets up to use the restroom and the other woman taps me on the shoulder and asks who that (my wife) is. I tell her. She makes a comment about her being a lucky woman. A little later I go to the restroom and she makes a comment to my wife about not minding if she could take me home that night. When I come back she quietly tells me and we kind of laugh about how obnoxious/creepy she is starting to be. Ten-fifteen minutes later I feel something on huge back of my chair and turn to my right. The lady (err, 'woman' is probably more appropriate) has her left heel on the top of the back of my chair, legs spread wide, about ready to pass out drunk. Not sure what kind of visual she wanted to give, but it was not appealing. So while I didn't consider her a threat or dangerous, it was pretty creepy. :p
  4. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Spending most of my time out in the open air on two wheels invites plenty of interaction with strangers, both welcome and unwelcome. In terms of inappropriate behavior, I encounter rudeness with far more frequency than creepiness, but the ick factor has also been known to happen.

    On a day long group ride last summer, one of the participants came up alongside me after a short climb to chat. This was my first—and only–interaction with this guy all day long.

    "Do you have a stationary trainer at home?"
    "Well, I have one, but I don't really use it."
    "Oh. Well you have a beautiful pedal stroke."

    Um, thanks? Don't know the guy, and he struck me as kind of a weirdo in general but seemed pretty harmless. Since I can be pretty clueless as to when people are flirting with me, maybe that's what it was. He's following me on Strava and Instagram now, too. Still harmless as far as I'm concerned.

    My ex posted of a much more disturbing encounter she had on a ride yesterday afternoon, in which some guy in an SUV—older, she said—came up alongside her and, leering, said, "Look at that ass!" Not complimentary, not cool, totally creepy and 100% inappropriate. She said she would've countered with something were it not for the fear that he might pose a threat to her safety.

    Probably one of the creepiest things I've witnessed but wasn't directly involved in was my elementary school art teacher (1st to 2nd grade), in his 60s at the time, having the boys in our class climb up to sit on his lap during class. Yeah, gross.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  5. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    There's a New Yorker cartoon showing two women at lunch, and one of them is saying, "He's a creep, but in the best sense of the word."

    I used to be very active on another online forum, which had a function to send anonymous messages (called "greets"). Over several years, I got a bunch of greets calling me a creep or creepy.

    The last one (three months ago), was just this:
    I thought, either those hostile greets are all from one person, or they are from multiple people. If they're all from the same person, then it's someone who has been participating in the forum for years, and probably somebody I know and like. If they're from multiple people, then I must unknowingly be giving off creepy vibes.

    I dropped out of active participation there as a result.

    I think "creep" mostly means someone remarkably unskilled at social interaction.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  6. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I agree that some "creepy" interactions are just exaggerations of unskilled social interactions.

    But to go along with @damnitall and @snowy, if I get leered at and something physical about me gets commented on, that's creepy, and they know exactly what they're doing.
    --- merged: Jun 2, 2014 at 12:37 PM ---
    A million times yes. I've had my hair stroked at work as well. That sets me off.

    First, I'm picturing you as a vacuum salesman and it's fucking adorable.

    And that is terrifying. Did he at least buy a vacuum?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
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  7. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I don't know what I did to deserve getting messages calling me creepy, but it is extremely unlikely the sender or senders ever met me in person.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  8. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    No I understand, I'm just saying that not all creepiness can be excused by poor social skills and using an example.

    If it helps, I've never seen you as creepy, and I think whoever the sender is just blew something out of proportion and freaked out for no reason.
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  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I just kind of assumed EVERY time you pictured me you went straight to 'adorable'. ;)

    He did not. But I was awesome at it. I quit after a few months though because I felt I was scamming people. The product was good, but I couldn't in good conscious sell something for $2100 when I knew I was allowed to negotiate all the way down to $650 if that's what it took to close them. Even as a teenager I eventually figured out that if a huge portion of your sales end up getting denied because the prospective buyer wants to spend $1500-2100 on a vacuum and gets denied credit at 21% apr, you are kind of being unethical if you are trying to talk them into it. So I guess that is kind of being a creep if you keep doing it, eh?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
  10. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago

    This incident would have ended here for me, because I would have slid my hand forward, grabbed the mouse by its cord and flipped it up and over and smacked her hand with it HARD while panic dialing the store intercom and screaming that I had a person TOUCHING me @ >my location<

    I REALLY dont tolerate people touching me if I've not invited it, or for instance - accepted their offered hand to shake.

    This is why I am typically in my office with the door closed dealing with people on the computer and the phone. God help us if someone had touched me like that.
    I'm FAR worse than - if you've seen the program - "Monk" about being touched, germs, odd "things".

    Side note. I'd probably have hosed her down with lysol and been smearing my hands and arms with sanitizer while I "waited to be rescued"
  11. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Oh, I thought of one related to what @GeneticShift said about leering.

    I was at a bar in my "hometown" with friends, including my now-husband, and we were enjoying a few drinks. There was a man in his fifties across the space of the bar, which is kind of like a speakeasy, and he was staring at me. He would not stop staring. It made me really uncomfortable. Yes, I was wearing a low-cut shirt, but hell, lots of shirts look low cut on me, and it's not an invitation to stare. Then he got up and came across the room--turns out he was my friend's mechanical engineering professor. He kept looking at me while he was talking to my friend as if fishing for an introduction. Afterward, we all agreed it was super creepy.
  13. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    But your hair is so pretty.
  14. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    --- merged: Jun 2, 2014 at 1:18 PM ---
    The official ruling of this thread:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
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  15. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I'm a big, furry guy who pretty much takes up a lot of space and I tend to be a bit of an obtuse goose so I don't think anyone's crept up on me.
    Have been in a few situations where I was used as a blocker including one time when a sailor wouldn't take one of my waitresses no for an answer and I had to go out to the front door to tell him she had left already.
    The thing is I'm sure he thought he was being persistent and endearing.
  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I had a woman about my age follow me around a store a few days ago. There was no staring, invasion of personal space, or conversation, but it struck me as odd. Of course it's entirely possible that she was working her way around the store in the same direction as me, but I ducked into the men's restroom (needed to go anyway) for a few minutes.

    This ties into the "fashion trends" thread--she was wearing tights/leggings with nothing to cover her "bits." Maybe she was shopping in more ways than one; maybe not.
  17. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I think we have to acknowledge that women, in general, are exposed to creeps on an entirely different level that most men, both in terms of quality and quantity. I've heard stories from women that have left me slack-jawed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
  18. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I am sure we've all had creepers invading our space.

    The most uncomfortable one I ever had was when I was a kid. I was working at the CNE (big annual fair in Toronto) with the Boy Scouts. We ran a wheelchair service. It was a volunteer gig.

    There was this old guy who would come and ask for me. He would sit outside our shack and wait for me so he could talk to me. I was 13? And it was just his actions, it was the way he spoke. UGH.

    I was a cute little blonde haired, blue-eyed boy. I got creeped on by guys way too often.
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  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I love Radiohead's Creep...now that I can feel for myself.

    But in all seriousness...I've seen some that are truly off the scale...sometimes not even invading personal space...or the person observed wasn't aware.

    As I've mentioned before, I had the brief pleasure of working in an adult vid store & peepshow.
    Now, most people doing anything "wrong" were just stupid, silly or weird...but not predatory.
    But there was this one guy...I remember him to this day, he is my flag standard for "creep".

    He came in...and started looking at the mags...fine, a lot of people of all types did that...that's what they're there for.
    But then I started noting he was lingering...taking quite a bit of time. Not really reading.
    And he was "reading" a mag held up a bit in front of him...but what he was doing over it was staring at other customers.
    Intense...dark...soul sucking...drawing...looks
    Slowly positioning himself in one place or another to stare at another.
    Now, he didn't make it obvious...so I don't think they knew they were targets. (I knew)
    He didn't talk, touch or engage at all.
    Just lingering...
    Just staring...

    I ended up kicking him out...forcing him to leave.
    Protesting his "innocence"
    He called owners the next day...got me in trouble, got my mgr in trouble. (those shits only cared about money)
    I quit quickly.
    I saw the dark side of humanity...and I wanted no part of it anymore.

    Hell, dealing with a guy whacking off in a booth was easier and more normal than dealing with or seeing this creep.
    Even the two guys that flashed me or inappropriate proximity when I was younger were not even on par.
  20. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Late night boredom bump.

    1. Junior year of high school, I was taking a drink at a water fountain when two boys a year behind me materialized out of nowhere to stand uncomfortably close to me. I'd been outed by that point for having a relationship with my bestfriend/first girlfriend who had since left the school on account of jacktards like these two.

    Leaning in close, one of them complimented the shape and size of my lips as I drank from the fountain, lamenting "What a waste," just loud enough for me to hear. Clearly since they wouldn't be sucking his dick anytime soon.

    2. My high school had two biology teachers who split the year up between classes, switching out halfway through the year. One of these two was highly respected, inspirational, and dearly beloved... by students who actually gave a shit about biology (I was one of them). The other was A. Fucking. Creep.

    Mr. Greenfield was his name, but he went by "Geebo." His secondary responsibility was supervising afternoon detention for the high school. Thanks to my propensity for running late in the morning, I racked up enough tardy arrivals to spend my fair share of afternoons in detention with this asshole. He'd routinely egg on a room full of emotionally challenged, hormonally charged teenage boys—detention's most common denizens—with crass remarks about anatomical photos in our textbooks and the like. On more than one occasion, he shared wildly inappropriate compliments about his own teenage daughter's physiology. And no, his first name wasn't Donald.

    I should have known what to expect from him, detention or no. Aforementioned bestfriend/girlfriend, a fellow science nerd like me, had recounted an afternoon the previous year taking notes at her desk in his class. He sidled over to her, sat his ass down on the corner of her desk, looked down first at her notebook and then at her, and remarked in the smarmiest voice imaginable, "Ooh... you're fast."

    I heard about countless other incidents like these from fellow female students, and many verbal complaints were made against him. The school board refused to discipline or, better yet, terminate him, without these complaints being submitted in writing, and apparently nobody—myself included—was willing to put them on record. At least not for another twenty years, when they finally booted his nasty creeper ass out.

    Good fucking riddance.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
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