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Internet Lunatics - RadFems, PUA's, MRA's, MGTOW's, etc.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by OtherSyde, May 5, 2014.

  1. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    WARNING: Some of these articles might be triggers, or possibly just so brain - meltingly stupid and appallingly offensive that they may cause you to become severely depressed or punch your monitor.

    Has anyone else stumbled across some of the various pieces of "writing" vomited onto the internet by these types of... Let's call them "ideologically avant-garde think-tanks?"

    This whole thread discussion idea was borne out of a reply I started writing to a comment from @redravin in the sex and female assertiveness thread, in reference to mention of these slightly sexist articles found on the site Return Of Kings, which sort of snowballed into a discussion of its own:
    The irony is that despite their whole elaborate front about being "real men" in the classical sense and reclaiming their masculinity and taking the "red pill" of "reality" is that their whole bullshit charade is predicated on having been a bunch of spineless oblivious dweebs all their lives and then suddenly figuring out their place in society, and thinking they can just jump to the top of the power structure and become manliness experts through massive overcompensation and use of re-appropriated and re-purposed (and largely misunderstood) social/gender/pop-psychology concepts. They self-righteously and aggressively brow-beat into submission anyone who disagrees with their sacred golden ideals of manhood and "logic" with the the raging tenacity (and maturity) of a gaggle of Adderall-chomping angry 12-year-old YouTube Aspergers twits, and the frothy-mouthed spastic verbal vitriol normally reserved for morally righteous hardcore Right-Wingers raving about the Evil Gay Agenda in the Fox News Forums. A second irony is that the MRA/MGTOW/PUA's intense hatred and primal animosity towards feminism and especially RadFems is really nothing more than an inverted mirror image of the most extreme RadFem opinions anyway.

    Also, bonus irony: These people generally despise or at least disdain anyone who isn't straight/cis/male/conservative and usually white, some of them being blatantly racist and some being more subtly so. So, it's particularly ironic that their whole Red Pill (Conservative Alpha-Cock Reality) versus Blue Pill (Liberal Beta-Fag Delusion) philosophy is based on the Matrix, obviously - and was invented by a transgender person (Lana Wachowski).

    Here are some of their shining pinnacles of sociocultural brilliance, for your viewing pleasure:

    10 Reasons We Need Mandatory Classes in Stripping and Prostitution for All Girls

    Why Society Owes Men Sex

    How to Seduce a Lesbian as a Straight Man (And Not Just the Ugly Bull Dykes)

    8 Essential Rules for Banging a Single Mom

    Your Son is a Fucking Faggot

    5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder

    (Jesus Christ, I was just searching for just a few of the more egregious examples, but there are so fucking many... The list just goes on and on and on...

    Anyway, not to be outdone by the menz, the RadFems are a little bonkers too - here's an interesting piece that was written a little bit ago but then rescinded and deleted from its original (and equally insane) blog location, but was captured here on the fun but sometimes frightening site Fundies Say The Darndest Things:International Castration Day.

    And one more injection of lunacy: PIV (Penis In Vagina sex) is Always Rape, OK?

    I have to say, I really only discovered the dark, seedy, filthy corners of the internet commonly known as RadFem territory and MRA/PUA/MGTOW territory a year or so ago, and at first it really freaked me out that there are so many completely hate-driven, insane, backward-thinking sociopathic zealots out there who are actively connecting and congealing together like over-abundant smegma to form these revolting subcultures, these disturbing little festering wounds of pure emotionally-driven thinking and one-sided hate-logic.

    After reading them for a long time (on both sides), my gaping, horrified, perplexed stare of disbelief at the mere thought that at least some of these articles are actually serious and not just calculated trolling for cheap publicity, I began to come to terms with the incredible social myopia and mind-numbing stupidity that some people out there just utterly embody, and began to realize that a lot of these people are either (A) young and angry and stupid, and looking for some sort of simple explanation for the way things work and willing to cling to one that advocates their personal interests - no matter how one-sided or hypocritical or delusional it is, and/or (B) speaking out of a place of emotional damage and desperation as some sort of intense psychological reactionary coping mechanism. Still, the bile they spew is sometimes very alarming - especially given the high number of positive and supporting comments and replies that some of the worst articles get.

    What are your experiences with these fine paragons of ideology and shining bastions of philosophy?

    Have you had the pleasure of being caught off-guard by one of these literary masterpieces of the moronic and, similar to watching a train-wreck unfold, found yourself unable to stop reading until the slimy words had violated your every mental and emotional orifice?

    Do you have any particularly horrifying and/or comical articles to add?
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
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  2. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I think 90% of people in those places are just trying to get a reaction out of others or playing an over the top characterization of their real feelings. The 10% are probably just nuts.

    I started reading the one called "Your son is a fucking faggot" and got lost half way through, but dressing up your son as a girl is probably pretty nuts.
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  3. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I've never come across this stuff before but a cursory glance tell me it falls in the "Life's too short to spend time on this stuff" category for me.
    There are a lot of idiots out there. Don't let them get to you.
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  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Yep. That's the most obvious thing I think you've ever posted, @strange famous. I cannot agree any more with that statement.
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  5. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    I dunno man, there are quite a few of these people, and in their various areas of interest they seem to have compiled very complex and structured belief systems. I'f you're not familiar with Poe's Law, it is basically "an observation that it's difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between parodies of fundamentalism or other extreme views and their genuine proponents, since they both seem equally insane" (from one of my favorite snarky sites, RationaWiki.org). Given this, I'm sure a lot of them are either "deep-cover parodists" trying to make the various extremist groups look even crazier by writing ever more insane articles, but I think there are a fair number of actual nut-jobs that really genuinely espouse and buy into this kind of stuff. Young and impressionable minds looking for answers can often be swayed by strong, convincing dogma and personalities even if the subject matter is ludicrous.
  6. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    There's a site we hunted the mammoth | the new misogyny, tracked and mocked that keeps track of the misogynist sites and does some really funny columns.
    He's had death threats because of his site.
    These guys take there little patch of crazy very seriously and I'm afraid in some ways it's not too far away from white supremacy.
    We wonder why Republican candidates can say some of the stupid things they do about woman?
    It's because they live in the bubble of these kinds of websites.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The advances we've made since the Enlightenment will always be lost on certain people.


    The Internet is for angry people too.
  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
    I don't read that crap, although I'll probably click on some of the links when I have the time.

    The internet and the Information Age (I/IA) is wonderful in many ways. I remember having to physically go to the library and spending a lot of time to find a single book or article. I'm glad those days are over; well, mostly over, some research does still require physical effort. I/IA, for better or worse, does allow those people with strange views to express themselves and/or seek affirmation of their beliefs.
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Ahhh, how about those Red Pillers.

    Yes, they're real. I have women among my acquaintance that brush up against Red Pill ideas. The handful that I know are all very conservative Christians. Personally, I find it kind of disgusting and untenable, simply because of the extremes it goes to. It might be because 65% of the time I wear the pants in my household (sheer personality difference at play there, not gender).

    Oh, and here's an interesting piece of Internet misogyny I came across this week: Asian Men Are Angry
  10. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Are you guys kidding? This is the funniest stuff I've read in ages. It's liked Cracked.com except the guy with the neckbeard that wrote it didn't get paid for his witty submission.
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  11. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I think it says something when every one of those sites is blocked by my employer. :oops:
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  12. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    From the comments:
    I grew up strongly believing those last six words. I was embarrassed to be part of a gender that had perpetrated so much brutality and oppression. For many years, I avoided all-male environments, because (based on my experiences) these always featured abuse and humiliation for the weaker members, such as myself. I assumed that women ignored me because I deserved to be ignored. I avoided using the word "man" to refer to myself, and I detested the adjective "manly," which I saw as a euphemism for violent domination. I planned to move to some remote locale where I could grow all my own food, alone.

    I think I have more nuanced views today. But I have a little empathy for the misguided folks who take on reductivist, simplistic views to explain the world of gender.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  13. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I know, right? I opened them in Tor because I was worried that my computer might be infected with enraged-and-lives-in-mom's-basement.
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  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Some men just want to watch the world burn...
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  15. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    • Like Like x 2
  16. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    Ah yeah, good ole' Manboobz (I like the recent name-change) by David Futrelle, always good for a laugh (or a general sense of nausea depending on what he decides to dig into). Between his site, Fundies Say the Darnest Things/Racists Say the Darndest Things, and the What's Going on in the Clogosphere (the portion of the internet that's sort of like the Blogosphere but all clogged up with crazies and assholes) section of RationalWiki, you can find some of the most insane, raving, deluded, blatantly everything-phobic ideas and comments.

    I know right!

    Here's one of my all-time faves, which I found courtesy of Manboobz/We Hunted The Mammoth: Your Seed is Gold by infamous fat bald "pickup artist" LaidNYC, who blathers on and on about his his oozy gooey man-juice is the best thing in the world... Quote of crowning brilliance: "...my seed is liquid fucking gold and I don’t give it out like its god damn tap water," followed by:

    "It is the Royal Essence and you better enjoy every last drop.
    If it lands on your face, chest or back, consider it raindrops from heaven, a rope of Holy Yogurt.
    If you are lucky enough to get it in your mouth, savor it like the nourishing nectar of the Gods.
    If I shoot it inside you consider it the greatest compliment of all. You will feel an immediate buzz.
    My jizz is to women what Walter White’s pure blue meth is to junkies.
    You’ll take my seed, sweetly tell me “thank you sir” and buzz with happy feminine energy for the next day while you iron my fine shirts and indulge in memories of me."

    Holy shit. Not sure whether to laugh or vomit.

    And another gem by the very same brilliant romance aficionado: Don't Marry Any Woman Older Than 25 (because apparently they're all just old used-up hags with elephant-sized vaginas... Or something.) Choice quote: "A girl who refuses to get married young is offering a raw deal. She is vastly overvaluing her product, and undervaluing your time and money. Marriage only makes sense for a man when a girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are upfront payment for a lifetime of loving masculine support."

    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This weekend, misogyny reared its ugly head in a very real way, a way that cost several people their lives:

    2014 Isla Vista killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I'm posting this in this thread due to the use of YouTube by the perpetrator to broadcast his message prior to the killings: Elliot Rodger video removed by YouTube - The Washington Post

    What disturbs me is that the narrative around this tragedy is changing from one that looks at the misogynistic, blame-game attitudes the attacker clearly held into one of mental illness. While I think the possibility of mental illness shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, his attitudes are clearly disturbing. When are we going to look rape culture in the face and realize that men like Elliot Rodger exist, and they're not uncommon? A quote from the manifesto he wrote: "Women’s rejection of me is a declaration of war, and if it’s war they want, then war they shall have."

    For the record, women have the right to say no and feel secure in their person.

    Here's some information about the response to the misogyny presented in Rodger's manifesto:

    #YesAllWomen Trend Is Uprooting Everyday Misogyny One Tweet at a Time
    #YesAllWomen: Twitter Responds to Isla Vista Shooting Tragedy - NBC News
    #YesAllWomen: Isla Vista attack puts a spotlight on gender violence - Los Angeles Times

  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I don't have a problem with looking at this as a mental health issue. From what I've read, it's a mental health issue. It's both that and an issue of hatred towards women.

    What disturbs me is any attempt to remove one or the other, i.e., suggesting that this isn't about hatred towards women or that this isn't about mental heath.

    This leads to one of two problematic assumptions: 1) That this is simply a case of a man in a healthy state of mind who hated women (i.e., a man as a rational actor whose maleness is a bigger factor than his mental state), 2) That this is simply a case of mental health that went seriously wrong (i.e., there are no wider implications about his thought process and actions).

    I'm willing to accept that one may be more significant than the other, but separating the two seems to require a kind of ideological wrangling.

    What I've seen thus far (which isn't much, but anything that catches my attention these days suggests widespread dissemination) indicates that there are those who would sooner blame feminism for such an outcome than anything else. I think this is, at best, entirely pointless. If this is an issue of men not getting the mental health they need, or men sooner and more easily becoming criminalized than treated, then make it an issue of men's health, not an issue of blaming feminism for turning men into monsters.

    Why does such idiocy always float to the surface?
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
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  19. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I'm always amazed by how many people show up in any thread on the murders or on rape culture with comments about how woman go psycho too and women rape too.
    The percentages are radically different between the two and nobody is arguing that what they are saying isn't true.
    But they seem to think that trumpeting the men's side, it somehow makes the the women's issues something less important.
  20. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I feel like this is a complicated issue, and it's going to be inevitably distilled down to one simple talking point, because that's what the media does when it gets a hold of complicated issues.

    It's blatant to me that this young man had some serious mental health issues. A mentally healthy individual does not kill six other people, unprovoked. It's not a thing that happens.

    I don't think all red pillers are mentally ill. I think some are just jaded and don't know any better. I think some are just trolls.

    We'll see how this plays out, but honestly? Personal opinion? If I were going to pick one aspect to focus on I'd pick the mental health aspect. Because I can deal with trolls who say hateful things for the sake of getting a rise out of people, and I can deal with people who honestly genuinely believe that feminism is out to get them, so long as those people are non-violent. The point where a person decides that murder is an acceptable response is the point where we can unequivocally say that something about that person is fundamentally broken and that's something that needs to be addressed. But y'know, this is a thing that keeps happening in various permutations and instead of looking at it honestly we'll probably just decide that Elliott Rodger was a "monster" and that's that. Because if he's a monster he's not human, and we therefore don't have to deal with the fact that a regular, run of the mill human being is capable of doing those things, nor the fact that Elliott Rodger was a person with a family and hopes and aspirations, and if he'd gotten the help he needed when he needed it he wouldn't be dead now either.

    It's a tragedy. It'll be great for the ratings.