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world of warcraft

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Strange Famous, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Does anyone still play this?

    The folder its installed on on my PC is 40 GB, does that sound normal??

    It automatically updates itself every few monthes, but I dont know if youre supposed to clear out any old data when it does?
  2. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    check your patches/updates folder and delete your old patches. that might help
  3. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    Awwww, I miss playing WoW.

    And... I have no useful information to impart.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Mine says it's 23.6 GB, but I don't have Cata.

    I started playing again to play with a coworker of mine. I'm on Eldre'Thalas now.
  5. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    how do I know which patches are ok to delete though?
  6. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Once the patch is installed, it can be deleted. I keep mine just in case of a system failure - saves from having to redownload them ;)

    Baelgun - Horde
  7. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Well... I just deleted 5 GB's worth of updates... I'll let you know if the program still works tomorrow!
  8. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    What server?
  9. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    my main character is on haoromash (or spelled something like that)

    a night elf hunter.

    The only thing I am doing now is grinding tailoring to be able to build a flying carpet. Im not good enough to play the "end game" content and my connection is so bad that anything with multiple players lags so much its unplayable

    The last few weeks Ive just been soloing dungeons to collect cloth... Im collecting netherweave right now.

    Its only marginally less boring than playing the FB games where you build a farm or a town or a mafia...

    Such is my life since I left my home town before Xmas...
  10. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    I play (as I have for the past 5 years) on Korgath US. Killed Rag for the first time last night. Was very exciting, and I got to play BM again for the first time in a long time. It's so much better for that fight than survival or marks. AND I get to use my awesome lightning wolf from storm peaks! Hooray!

    Also 40 gigs with cata installed is normal.
  11. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Trying to get my guild into raiding. Kinda hard to go from a social/leveling guild to one that includes the occasional raid... ;)
  12. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I'd like to kill Thrall over some insults he issued to me due to HIS failure to kill the dragon Deathwing. He's talking all this shit calling me a useless night elf etc etc rather than actually trying to fight the dragon himself.

    I'd like to kill Garrosh in reprisal for calling The Dark Lady a bitch in my presence.

    I'd like to kill the Lich King and then disenchant his special sword and sell the scraps of mana I get from it for 2 silver in the auction house... I find it amusing to cast aside the sword that stole his soul and destroyed his very essence like a piece of cheap trash... this is due to the prick forcing me to kill the lady that was my babysitter when I was a kid (on a death knight character)


    I doubt my character is good enough to do any of this though. My item lvl is 338 and apparently thats shit for lvl 85

    Me and one other man almost killed Lich King once. We rampaged through his dungeon and killed his mans, disrespected him... basically the equivalent of taking a piss through his letter box and a shit down the chimney of his house... then he comes on like he's going to have a go. We ran out and there was a massive Alliance airship with guns trained on the Lich King ready to blast him. Then at the last moment there was a cave in and he got away. I tried to go into the dungeon again to have another go at him but I wasnt strong enough to get past the first boss on my own and I dont have any friends in the game to double team him again.
  13. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Run through some 5 man content - that will build up the iLvl piece by piece...
  14. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    You can't kill Arthas from the Halls of Reflection. You have to go into Icecrown Citadel to do that. There are pretty regular ICC pugs on my server, and it's extremely easy to do in normal mode at level 85. He doesn't drop Frostmourne (the sword) for reasons that I won't spoil if you haven't seen the fight, though, so you won't have that particular satisfaction.
  15. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Is Icecrown Citadel a dungeon?

    Do you think I could solo it?

    It would be nice to murder at least one man on my death list.
  16. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    Quasi-necro here, since some big WoW news came out today.

    Before I get to that, Strange Famous, Icecrown Citadel (usually referred to in game as ICC) is a level 80 raid. It was the hardest raid of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion). Raids, if you're not familiar with the term, are kind of superdungeons which require 10 or 25 people to do at level and drop the best loot available int he game when they're current content. The raid most people are in right now, for example, is called Firelands.

    Anyway, even having leveled to 85, solo'ing ICC is a difficult feat. It can easily be 3-4 manned with other 85s, so that would be my recommendation if you'd like to see it and like to kill Arthas. Pick up groups to do it on my server are relatively common, or you could check with your guildmates. I am aware of hunters and death knights solo'ing Arthas himself (not sure about the rest of the zone), but they were excellent players in excellent gear. I do not recommend attempting on a whim.

    Back to why I dug up this thread in the first place, they posted a big interview with Ghostcrawler today on the official site and, I think WoW may have just died for me. After six years and untold hours, reading this interview was (in the grossest overstatement possible) being like stabbed in the heart. Link here and full text behind the tags: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/979761-Patch-4.3-Interview-with-Greg-Street-(Ghostcrawler)?p=13264913#post13264913

    [I was going to link the interview here, but it blew through the 10k character limit, so just clicky instead]

    I run a 25 man guild. I have ONE rogue in my raid team. During this entire expansion, I have had more than one rogue on my raid team at the same time for less than a month total. Our current rogue is potentially the least deserving of a legendary in the entire guild (not because he's a bad player or something, but he's just not the kind of person I can imagine saying "Gee I'd really love to honor him with this awesome weapon.") And I have essentially been told "Fuck you, tough cookies, give it to that guy because otherwise you're just wasting it." Time and time again people asked for awesome, exclusive class quests like the hunter bow/staff and the priest staff(s) in Vanilla and time and time again we were told that class specific weapon quests were too much development time spent on too narrow a potential audience. And now, with the opportunity to create a cool feral/hunter staff (which has never existed) or a tank item (which there hasn't been since Thunderfury), they go and make a ROGUE-SPECIFIC set after rogues already got one of the most iconic legendary sets ever? Excuse me while I go shit blood for a while to clear my mind. And he tries to justify it by bringing up Thori'dal? You know, the bow that they DIDN'T RESTRICT TO HUNTERS, and that warriors and rogues got in some guilds as stat sticks BEFORE hunters?

    Seriously. I know I'm nerd raging. I know I'm being ridiculous. But reading his justification for making a rogue dagger stinks of someone who has drunk way too much of his own kool aid. I remember when GC started posting during WotLK beta, and he seemed like a really fresh voice on the forums. That spirit continued for a long time, but towards the end of when he started posting on the forums as much, and certainly since Cata, he seems increasingly like someone who is convinced he's always doing the right thing. The smug is tangible, and it's pretty fucking obnoxious.

    I haven't even gotten into how pathetic it is that they're designing a "tourist" mode for raids which will essentially let people drool through the content with 24 other random people. Seriously, if people are so bad at the game that they can't kill bosses, then they shouldn't get to, you know, get to until they can. Gear from 5 mans that's BETTER than regular Firelands gear? Gear from tourist-mode raids that's better than heroic Firelands gear? If normal mode Dragon Soul is balanced to be done in regular Firelands gear, that just means everyone in my guild should farm some heroics for a week and we'll outgear the next raid. Or we can go learn all the mechanics and get upgrades while not having to organize anything in the Happy Fun Time Retards Welcome Raid. Perfectly designed, Mr. Street. Your cunning plan has worked brilliantly.

    And that says NOTHING for the fact that by having 7 (8) bosses in this tier, we will have essentially finished off the most content-poor expansion in the history of this video game. Cataclysm's total boss encounters when it's finished (barring another patch) will be 31 (TotFW 2, BoT 5, BWD 6, Firelands 7, Dragon Soul 8, 3 in BH). Since we're keeping track, that includes 2 "encounters" with one boss (deathwing) and 2 encounters that are recycles of old bosses (Ony/Nef in BWD and Rag in Firelands). Compare that to WotLK's 54 (OS 1, RS 1, Naxx 15, Malygos 1, Ulduar 14, ToC 5, ICC 12, VoA 4, Ony 1). Obviously Naxx and Ony are repeats from Vanilla. BC had 51 (Gruul 2, Mag 1, Kara 12, SSC 6, TK 4, Hyjal 5, BT 9, ZA 6, Sunwell 6) with no recycles. Vanilla had 59 (Ony 1, MC 10, BWL 8, AQ40 9, AQ20 6, ZG 10, Naxx40 15). I guess we can bicker about exactly how meaningful all of those instances are, but no matter how you cut it, Cata has FAR fewer encounters and far less end game content than the other expansions.

    I'd feel pretty embarrassed if I were those guys, but they seem pretty smug about how this new raid isn't a "long dungeon with trash and then a boss." And how rogues have been under-appreciated this expansion (really? REALLY?) so they deserve legendary attention.

    Update: I'm not going to rant again, but I just saw another interview posted on Tankspot where he says some even more insane stuff about profession balance and how epic gems are going to be distributed. Link here: http://www.tankspot.com/showthread.php?77571-Interview-with-Greg-Street-AKA-Ghostcrawler Diablo 3 literally cannot come out fast enough, because once Cata is over, I am done with WoW.
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Frosstbyte, I realize you are a very serious WoWer, but you need to realize how many of us out there are not. I don't raid. I raided once upon a time, many moons ago, and decided it wasn't for me--yet I've been playing WoW since it came out (with a 1.5 year hiatus). What you are so upset about doesn't bother me a lick. As a casual player, what bothers me the most is how easy they have made it to level through the old world with Cata, yet then you get to BC content and nothing's changed. I feel like I'll have to go back and roll two new characters to get the full low-level Cata experience.

    As long as I can fish, I'm cool.
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I still play WoW, but I'm fizzling out on hardcore raiding.

    I was first choice for the legendary staff and turned it down because I just didn't want to commit that much time or effort. These days, I raid for the social aspects, rather than any sense of accomplishment.

    Our server is dying, virtually no one runs 25 man raids, and skilled raiders are dropping like flies. I'm also shopping for a game to replace WoW.
  19. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    I dunno. I'll roll with the punches I suppose. Do I think a rogue-only legendary is kinda lame, after every caster dps is fighting over Dragonwrath and then to come out with a class-specific legendary? Yea, that's kinda lame. But then again I'm not even close to getting Dragonwrath. Do I wish there was more raid content? Sure. But then again I've just recently found a guild who makes raiding something of a priority, and we're still only 2/7 through regular Firelands. I have no illusions that I while ever raid heroic content while it's current. That's just not the sort of player that I am. So I'll just let it happen, and see how it is, and complain then if it's warranted. I'm not going to get worked up about it now.
  20. I've played WOW for a few years myself. I prefered the soloing and finally got into raids and the like. Eventually I got into a decent guild and worked my way up to GuildMaster. We were, at that time, only about 23 or 24 players. Within about 8 or 9 months, through my direction, we had it built up to close to 175 players in the guild. It was no surprise to log in and find 20 or 30 members on at a time in the middle of the night, lol. I had to take a bit of leave time (2 years) and now that Cata is out I would LOVE to level him up from 80 to 85 and do some raiding and all. Unfortunately I won't be doing that for a while longer. But boy do I love and miss that game!