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Heroin is taking its toll on the Midwest.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ZombieSquirrel, May 22, 2014.

  1. I keep reading about terrible things happening in my home state of Ohio and it's mostly drug related. It seems as if I see a story on facebook every week about someone being arrested for drug possession or dying of an alleged heroine overdose.

    Latest story:

    Heroin Taking its Toll on Ohio and Surrounding States

    There appears to be funds for prevention but not that for cessation of the addiction.

    I have been told that a friend is pretty hooked on heroin and it doesn't surprise me that it has happened to him. Apparently my hometown has been hit pretty hard by this epidemic.

    After I reposted that story on FB, a friend of mine in Oregon said that it is becoming more prevalent in our town. She is working toward becoming an EMT (or something) and has done a few ride alongs in ambulances. She has heard war stories from the EMTs she has ridden with.

    Do any of you have any first hand knowledge of Heroin? Have you used the drug or known someone who has? Have you lost someone dear to you because of their addiction?

    What questions or concerns do you have about the growing popularity of the drug? What populations have you seen that are affected by the growing drug use?
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I've heard tons locally about it with High School aged kids. Lots of arrests, a few deaths, and tons of rumors. It seems to usually be the next step after addiction to painkillers gets boring.
  3. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    My sister is a recovering addict. She is finally ending her methadone after nearly four years taking it. She started using heroin in high school. This area of Ohio has endless drug problems - one of the reasons I don't intend to stay around here long-term.
  4. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Very few places where you can go to escape it. The scope of the problem is immense and it is nation wide.
  5. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    We have a friend who is a social worker in Northern Kentucky. The majority of the kids she deals with have addict parents. There is a major shortage of foster homes, and she said that even if every functional family chose to be a foster family, there wouldn't be enough to accommodate all of these kids.

    I have a good friend who adopted 2 kids (siblings) who were the subject of gross neglect due to heroin use by the mother. One is a boy who is no less than one month younger than my daughter. While my daughter is running around, this little boy is just now figuring out how to crawl. When he was removed from his mother's care, the social workers that picked him up from his feces-coated playpen noted that a number of roaches crawled out of his diaper.

    I never want to understand drug abuse. I really want to share all the love I have to give with these kids.
    How does one rehabilitate from something as horrendous as heroin? I can't understand the mentality of placing a substance above one's own child.

  6. This breaks my heart. I want to scoop up all those kids and give them a better home.

    I don't think I could watch Trainspotting ever again because of what happened to the baby of the drug addicts. Before I had BabySquirrel, it was just sad. Now that thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.
  7. Katia

    Katia Very Tilted

    Agree! First time I watched that movie, I cried for a long time because of that scene. Won't watch it again.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    It ain't just H. At our local grocery stores I frequently see mothers short on money at the check-out take food & school supplies off the tab, but leave the 40oz bottles of 'supercharged' beer.
  9. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    From everything I've heard, it can only take just one time to become a full blown Heroin addict. Not odds I'd take a chance on.

    I think we need more support and education in schools.

    Several ppl on my husbands side have had addiction problems. I feel confident in saying that if they'd known where they'd be today, they never would have touched it.

    It's sad. It rips family's apart. Kids get neglected, or worse, die. Heroin is one of the worst drugs out there IMO.