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is there any scientific basis to say that a female orgasm would kill a man?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Strange Famous, May 4, 2014.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    That's only if he coughs up a really cute hair ball, when it happens. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    Hence the quotes...
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'm not sure about the chemical involved in the male orgasm verses the female oragsm.

    The downside (pun) for men having multiple orgasms might be the muscles contracting over & over again when they're not used to it (well, for the majority of men), and the glands trying to produce secretions when the fliuds have been depleted.

    We're been good friends with a couple for around 20 years, & we used to openly discuss sex (probably the closest we ever came to swapping/group sex). They said that early in their relationship he could sometimes orgasm four times from one erection, but the last two were dry orgasms. I've only ever experienced two orgasms from one erection a few times, and one time the second one was dry. We had intercouse immediately after a full BJ, and I 'ejaculated' a second time relatively quickly.
  4. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    If I had orgasms like my wife did, I'd leave the house less frequently. Hers have nothing to do with holding back but are ear shattering explosions, and this is from a reserved woman. She has hurt me having them. And thats just the first one. She lost count one day at 17. (The others weren't as huge as the first).

    I don't think there is anyway for a man to orgasm like a woman. You can hold off and have something more like multiples, I've done that, but it just doesn't compare.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    In the throes of an orgasm, I had a woman split my lip and almost knock my teeth out with her pubic bone.

    I've had strong orgasms, but nothing that made me lose control like that.
  6. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    You might end up with a bundle of something, Katia, but it probably wouldn't be cute.


    I don't have a personal frame of reference for childbirth, but I think a guy would have to be repeatedly kicked in the balls for several hours in order to make a fair comparison.

    Oh, and from a personal perspective, I have no interest at all in either giving birth or being kicked in the balls.

    ....in case anyone was curious...
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  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member
