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Does a more equality marriage mean less sex??

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by rogue49, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I have very little to do with it. It's as if my husband has decided recently that it is his personal challenge to have sex morning, noon, and night (literally).
  2. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I'm in awe and slightly intimidated..... Enjoy!
  3. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    Hrm, it seems these high-quality academics who apparently decide how gender roles work would disagree with you... Another amazingly intellectual, fair, and balanced article from everyone's favorite totally-progressive non-misogynists!

    Honestly though, I personally highly value a relatively egalitarian relationship - I think that might have something to do with my previously-mentioned affinity for very fit girls - it's generally a sign of strength of character and independence. I think in a modern world and a modern relationship, most duties should be delegated based on ability and preference, not so much on pre-defined gender roles, unless you're both completely apathetic about a given role or responsibility and just need a default tie-breaker.
  4. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Things have changed radically in my (relatively egalitarian) marriage. Cinco de Mayo was the first day in weeks that didn't feature a sexual interlude.
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  5. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    That list isn't 100% bad. I particularly agree with the "happy wife happy life" comment. Any guy saying that needs reality check, its encouraging diva behavior ;)
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  6. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i personally dont think it does. but thats mo. i think every woman is different and what makes it happen is what makes it happen
  7. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The problem tends to be, at least when I've seen it used by men and worse, women, is that its a one sided arrangement. I do everything I can to make my wife happy but its a two way arrangement. Her job is to equally keep me happy.

    This sort of thing does not require a slogan style saying and should be fundamental for a healthy relationship.
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  8. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Whenever the topic of marriage comes up in class (and in English class, it happens more often than you might think), I try to emphasize that successful, happy, healthy marriages--and relationships in general--are built on caring, love, devotion, and mutual respect. Part of the caring/devotion piece is wanting to make the person you're with happy.

    Do I really want to spend all day cleaning the apartment? Well, maybe a little, since I like a clean house. But more importantly, will my husband feel happier if he comes home to a clean house? Yes. Will he feel cared for if I make dinner since he's our sole breadwinner right now? Yes. I'm probably not going to go as far as doing his laundry and putting it away for him, but I know that when the reverse was true (I was the breadwinner and he was unemployed), coming home to a clean house and a cooked dinner made me feel great and a lot less stressed.

    We take turns doing this, and when we're both working, we share the load. It works for us.
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  9. erion New Member

    I'd like to refute the notion that housework <> sex. My wife is far more likely to feel frisky as her level of stress reduces. Less housework to do means less stress which means more sex.

    Happy wife, happy (sex) life. :)
  10. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The problem with the housework = sex issue is that for many the lack of sex isn't due to lack of time. You can google for this sort of thing and get story after story of the standard "help around the house" not being a cure to a sexless marriage. My wife and I had a lot more sex when we were lazy slobs around the house then we do as responsible adults. Thats due to age and general "newness" of the relationship. Biology and hormones are a harsh mistress.
  11. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    As you know, I used to work in the condom trade.

    We did three, six, and twelve pack for retail.

    The reasoning is thus:
    • A three pack is for teenagers. Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
    • A six pack is for college students. Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, Saturday night, Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday night.
    • A twelve pack is for husbands. January, February....
    • Like Like x 3
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm pretty sure I'm on the bimonthly program.
  13. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I understand that certain plans let you pay a top up fee to have an external contractor cover the shortfall.

    Check your service agreement however as break clauses can be expensive.
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  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Actually, I have a do-it-yourself flex plan add-on.
  15. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I do all the housework, yet I have not had sex at all this year. Reducing my wife's stress level in one area simply means she will find something else to stress out about. I could transform our house to operating-room levels of cleanliness, for all the good it will do.

    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
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