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Game of Thrones *spoilers*

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by cynthetiq, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


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  2. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    The best part about last Sunday's episode....................... no Daenerys whatsoever.
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    He's one with not only special powers...one beyond than a "normal" warg
    But he's also got "connections" and a special purpose.

    I'll leave it at that.
  4. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I will read more of this series eventually. So far I have easily avoided spoilers aside from hearing that Borimor gets his head chopped off this time. Sounds like a faster ending than being a human pincushion for arrows at least and not a surprise no matter what the details are. This King Joffrey chap means nothing to me by name alone even, must have forgotten about him already or he plays a bigger role later in the books.
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Oh, you just wait, Ser!
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Eh...who cares about a death of another noble...it's GoT
    It's the afterwards that's interesting...can't wait.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    They way kings have been dropping like flies, I'd say Tommen Baratheon cares. :D
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    There's one more to go or I don't know how the Red Witches curses work. Royal blood has power in the flames.
  9. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Man does it suck being a peasant in the North/Riverlands. You're pretty much guaranteed to either be murdered or pillaged by the Wildlings, Greyjoys, Cleganes, or Lannister soldiers. Oh yeah and winter is coming. So might as well just hang yourself now.
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    That...or you die from just having a kid, a cold or scraping yourself on a ...whatever.
    Life wasn't kind back then or in this world...just too real.

    And I guess Jaime hasn't totally redeemed himself... (can't swing a sword now, but still uses his sword forcefully. Bad choice, bad time. eww :rolleyes:)
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I think part of what fails in Martin's series is that it's too pessimistic/cynical. Unfortunately he doesn't pull the novels off well enough to make it work otherwise. (Especially not with the last two; it could have worked leading up to them, but it hasn't thus far.)
  12. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Yes, watching last night's episode it struck me how pretty much the entire story (except Danny across the sea) is now filled with bad guys who either torture their victims, eat their victims, or just plain rob them. The show is essentially one giant grey scale of evilness now. Watching the episode last night, the evilness became so predictable that whenever I saw a villager I just assumed they would have the same fate as a red shirt with Kirk. There better be some good guys emerging soon in the North/riverlands because seeing villagers getting slaughtered every episode gets depressing and boring very quickly.
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  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Season 4 is adapted primarily from the second half of A Storm of Swords (the third book), but they're supposed to be including parts of the last two books (the last two share much of the same timeline).

    That point in the books marks a departure for me. It's when I started losing hope that the series would be rewarding in any of the ways I find fantasy literature rewarding. I admire the "gritty realism" of the series, but I don't want it to be realistic to the point of it mirroring too much of the worst of what I'd like to forget about the real world.

    In other words, I'm still waiting for the payoff, or, perhaps, what Tolkien would call eucatastrophe, but maybe not to the same extent as Tolkien—perhaps at least in category. So not to the extent of obvious deus ex machina, but something. It's as though the series goes into a prolonged simmer, and the dinner is at risk of being ruined. I understand and appreciate the value of a slow build in plot over more than one book, but something needs to happen, or I'm going to lose interest.

    Martin has one more book to convince me that I should keep reading. He has two more books planned.

    I may just finish the series anyway, being I've come this far, but whether I'll enjoy it will depend on how Martin decides to balance out his story.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
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  14. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City

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  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Now, wait a minute...there are some good people (to a certain extent...at least by Medieval terms)
    Jon Snow, Daenerys, Brienne, Tyrion, etc...
    This is the true contrast in a brutal real world...and one that currently exists IRL, events like this occur everyday globally, we're just isolated from it.
    Media has simply hidden it from us, out of the scene. (at times, even on GoT)

    So, the question is this...how do you stay good in a brutal world?
    And who is truly good at all times?
    What is truth?

    I wonder if the problem is...people forget to pay attention to the subtle good...and only remember the striking bad.
    I guess pain...or even the thought of it, embeds itself into the mind quick.

    I try to see the blur of ethics & morals that all the people are going through...good/bad and otherwise, all points in between.
    Even someone as simple as Sansa has compromised herself.
    Even someone as complex as Tywin has acted with honor. (meaning, he is no Joffrey)
    Or others that indulge into the depths of debauchery, reach for the light a moment later.

    Isn't that the real world? Even portrayed in a Fantasy series...
    People categorize & limit; reality handles all points and inbetween.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
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  16. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I'd say this is what made the Gap Cycle series which has characters switch roles from book to book .It's quite fascinating because what is a good guy or a bad guy mean? Don't characters act as they should in the best interests of themselves and their world view?

    Truly some characters are to use Tywin's words "categorically speaking" bad/evil.
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  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    As readers, we use various benchmarks of what this stuff means. Different readers will believe different things. However, if we go further, there is a long tradition of moral philosophy that we all draw from in one respect or another. Works of art will often have many grey areas, but ultimately readers/viewers will need to find satisfaction in the gap between their own morals and the morals in the work.

    We could also examine the difference between the morals of the characters and the morals of the narrative; however, this is a difficult thing to evaluate when we're only basing these things on the show. The show has the unfortunate effect of being darker/more hopeless than the books because there is much less we can draw from it compared to the books.
  18. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Problem with the books: Too many plot threads of characters that are not compelling: Jon, Dany, Cersei, Jaime, Bran, Sansa.
    Martin cannot possibly wrap up all the plot threads in one book in a satisfying way and he is delusional if he thinks he's going to write 2 more GoT books and have anyone care after the last two stinkers.

    I saw the pyramids of Meereen last night and did the same thing I did whenever a Dany chapter came up in the books: looked to see how long it was (in this case, how much time was left in the episode). Dany is a worthless character and (SPOILER) even squanders her potential by dithering around, not making a decision to move on, locking up her dragons because she cannot control them. Some queen of dragons!
    Jon has only started his dithering. Emo Jon, always sulking about this or that and Sam, his friend who frets.
    Tyrion, one of my favourites at the beginning--where does he go from here? Erm, everywhere.
    So what's up with Bran? Anyone care?
    Sansa. OMG. Sansa. Going to the Veil to do pretty much what she has done for years in Kings Landing. Be unhappy.
    Book Arya was a bit more interesting than HBO Arya. What is going on with the HBO adaption? Are The Hound and Arya now the Bickersons? A bit of comic relief to see the tiny girl rant at the hulking, burned-out shell (pun intended) of a knight?
    "Winter is coming" seemed to mean something once. Now, the fields are green and the story rolls every-so-slowly along. Zzzzz.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
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  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I generally agree with your assessment, @Fangirl

    A Feast for Crows is just that. It could have also been entitled A Dog's Breakfast.

    A Dance with Dragons had a good beginning and a good ending, but all the stuff in the middle: why, why, why?

    I have some faith that the show will fix much of what is wrong in Martin's later books.
  20. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Gawd, was I ranty! I'm actually caring about books now! :oops:

    I too have hopes for the television show. I could watch it for the scenery, the costuming and several stellar actors and not really care how things end up. I would however, like to know if they will ultimately have a king or queen of thrones, what happens when winter gets there, and what the deal is with Bran--and Hodor, of course.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014