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Sex 2.0? Are we becoming more enlightened?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by clarksdale, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. clarksdale

    clarksdale Vertical

    I have had the sense lately that American society (perhaps late, but better late than never) is becoming more open minded with regard to sexuality. It's not just the rapid change in attitudes towards same sex relationships, but the acknowledgement that women can both appreciate and produce excellent erotica/pornography, and more critical thinking about monogamy - Sex At Dawn and What Women Want, for example. Is this wishful thinking on my part? Is it only me that is becoming more enlightened?
  2. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA
    Well, the country is certainly a lot more aware of the sliding scale of sexuality, and with that awareness comes a pique in general curiosity. From my observation (definitely not scientific, mind you, but fairly broad), the pattern seems to be that a relatively small percentage of the population will go all Westboro-Baptist and violently reject this phenomenon in favor of plunging back into the dark ages, a fair amount of the population will simply look at it all and go back to their normal lives without a lot of concern, while a good-sized chunk of our culture will plunge in and get their feet wet in one way or another, and even if they don't become or stay gay/bi/whatever, their exploration stemming from their newfound freedom will still be effective in advancing the new standards of the "norm" further and further. It's spreading for sure, and getting more and more mainstream - meaning more and more of the formerly little-known specific terminology, behavioral patterns, knowledge, paradigms, etc. that used to be restricted to small esoteric communities will become more and more widespread and gradually accepted.

    So in a word, yeah... Society is gradually becoming more sexually enlightened. It'll probably continue for another couple of decades as more and more formerly-ignored or unknown dark corners of various sexual orientations, lifestyles, norms, etc. are brought to light by society and either accepted (like LGBTQ society in general) or rejected - like in the case of people trying to normalize pedophilia or beastiality (well, hopefully rejected O.O).

    Obviously, some parts of the country are much more open-minded and will progress more quickly, while other parts of the country will continue to persist in and cling to their innate cultural hatin' of them-thar godless sodomite fags and carpet-munchers.

    I imagine the pattern of proliferation of sexual enlightenment around the country over the coming years will likely be very comparable to that of the proliferation of racial equality and acceptance in decades past.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Since I turned thirty, I'm more willing to do anal. I blame the erotica.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Aware - yes
    Accepting - maybe
    Exploring - maybe
    Comfortable - eh...not as comfortable as you would think. There are many other countries that are much more comfortable.
    Willing - eh...still, they are not a willing to dive in with spontaneous or casual reaction. Again, there are other countries that do this better.

    We're still doing a tentative dance before getting to that stage often.
    Women are still uncomfortable taking the initiative.
    Men are uncomfortable with women being more confident.

    French, Germans, Brazilians, Italians, etc...
    Americans are still fighting their Puritan values to this day.

    Until we can stop getting upset at seeing a simple tit on primetime TV, we're still ass-backwards.
    Until we can have a woman take control of a spontaneous random sexual conquest with full comfort and no judgment upon her...then we're just dabbling.

    We're getting better...but we still have far to go.
    Man, sexually I was born in the wrong country. :rolleyes:

    Oh yeah, God forbid we actually see a man show his johnson more than once a decade...
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  5. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Wow, network TV still matters?
    --- merged: Apr 10, 2014 at 10:10 PM ---
    Having grown up pre-internet, and living during the internet age, I can say that very little has changed, but everything has changed.

    Very little has changed in that its the SAME shit, good bad and ugly as ever.
    Everything has changed in that now everyone has access to that shit.

    For example swinging as a organized activity has been around, in magazines etc, since the 60's and even 50's. That being said you had to go out of your way or get introduced somehow. It required going to a seedy book store to buy a magazine and put an add in. It wasn't something you did unless you were REALLY driven.

    Now if you have an interest you google "swinging", and go from there.

    Same goes for about every fetish, every sexuality, and some more recently invented. Imagine being a "furry" in the 1960's vrs being a furry today?

    So I'd call it less sex 2.0 and more sex 1.5. Its a continual change which started before anyone reading this was born and has modified with every generation. Now that change can just come quicker.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
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  6. Jon Quixote

    Jon Quixote Vertical

    I remember when I first learned about homosexuality. I was young, like way young, but somehow I still have that rough memory. I was but a wee lad at the time, hanging out with one of my close friends. We were talking about something or another, and he said that something was gay. I asked him what that meant, and he said, "Trust me, you don't want to know." and eventually he got to explaining that it's "where guys have sex guys" and how "it's pretty gross, right?" Now, he's totally cool and accepting about it. Now, I'd never blame him for something he said when he was... I don't know, 1st grade, maybe? And I'm not saying that the times have changed drastically since then. He probably heard it from someone else who had the same attitude. I just think it's kind of funny.
  7. HoBuupeek

    HoBuupeek New Member

    Historically speaking, from the very first parents to now, sex in every era has had its ups and downs, ins and outs. Copulation is designed for the continuation of the species. And obviously for fun, recreation, relaxation, exhilaration, sport, dominance, hatred, fear.; and yes even for genuine love, with momentary, sometimes even life-long attachment.Whew! Really?

    Through the advent of the Web, libidos have been empowered beyond the combined sexual antics of the past. One can now get it on hot and heavy with make-believe hentai characters, or fend for a life-sized-real-feel ho or joe with undulating important parts!
    But for the exception of a finger on the button, or grasping matter in your own hands, "there's nothing like the real thing baby, r-e-a-l thing!"

    It's called intimacy, and for good reason. And with all the media hype about gratification of sexual appetites, (more or less), lest we forget, none of us would be here if it weren't for a pair of "real things" spooning, at least long enough to patch genetic materials together. And might I add, what a wonderful pastime that act is!

    Recently, I found a video of S-L-O-WWWW-SEX. I mean super S-LLLL-O-W! But in this world of 3-5-minute, young bucks F'n even faster young does, the concept of Intimacy has become deluded! The journey is not just the arrival at that special place or feeling, it's more importantly the how, that is how long it took you to get there!

    So being an aficionado of copious foreplay, I don't have a problem with the relaxation of sexual morals, so long as it involves the artful attention to ample, mutual, unhurried, pre-coital intimacy, followed by a lustful grind to a delicious, moan-ful ending. Seconds anyone?
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Every time I think we are moving forward we seem to take two steps backward.

    We start getting marriage equality and states pass laws saying it's permissible to discriminate against gay people.
    There was an uproar about Arizona but since then they've passed ones that are slightly watered down in two other states.

    Woman finally get control over their bodies in terms of reproduction, so the right wing start shutting down abortion clinics and try to make it as hard as possible to cover birth control.
    I'm sorry but freedom of sex is only possible when safe and easy birth control is standardized.
  9. Lendari

    Lendari New Member

    When I look at the MPAA and other groups that rate the content of television, video games and movies, it still seems like gratuitous violence is preferable content over a few boobies.
    I've always found that to be somewhat strange.
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  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    You are not alone.
  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Yet somehow, we are all enlightened to a good extent despite the horrible governments and the evil right wingers. I think there is a bias here. By "enlightened" what many people mean is "agrees with my point of view".

    The information is there, and readily available. There isn't a single sex act out there, no matter how "out there" that you can't easily find all the information you could want. If its not online, then odds are you have gone down a rabbit hole too far.

    What people want to DO with that information is up to them. People have limited IQ's limited desires to learn, and differing points of view. Some things I'm never going to grok here. I think "furrys" are sad, adult diaper fetishes may need therapy, and I find male homosexual sex "gross" to look at. No amount of "enlightening" is going to change that. What we need is not enlightenment, but tolerance. My lifestyle freaks some people out too, I'm not asking them to like it, just to be left alone to it. If fury's want a convention in my town or the like, thats their thing. Don't get it, don't care, have your fun, I'll be somewhere else.

    Tolerance also comes from the other side as well. The bible says bad things about being gay, I'm an atheist, so I don't care, but millions and millions do. I'm going to guess the same people who complain about laws which let Christians (and Muslims) discriminate somehow about homosexuality or birth control, would be the types upset if a Muslim woman was forced to remove her hijab and claim it was racist or some such. To a certain extent if you expect tolerance you need to accept the religious side of it as well. Expecting a christian pharmacist to be selling plan B is also insensitive.
  12. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I believe strongly tolerance, up to the point where their religion invades my space.
    If you have a job that requires you serve the public then you need to do that or put a sign out stating your limitation so people can choose to not do business with you.
    I wouldn't expect a Christian Scientist to become a paramedic so I don't expect somebody who doesn't believe in birth control to handle the insurance for woman.

    I believe that woman should be able to dress in as much or as little as they wish, and men too.
    Members of my family dress frum, which is fine for them.
    What I have a problem with is anybody deciding that the other side of my family are sluts because they want to wear short skirts.

    Tolerance is a two way street.
  13. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    At what point is it ok to call someone a slut based on how they are dressed? With 1 being a full Burqa and 10 being nude with "cum slut" in finger paint on a womans chest?

    My wife just ordered a bunch of clothes which are safe to call slutty, for wearing at a upcoming swinger event. If someone wants to think shes a slut thats their business, as long as we can still have our slutty fun and they don't try to stop it.
  14. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I have to wonder if tolerance is a one way street.

    It sure seems that way at times.

    I'll have to come back to this when I have more time to type out more.
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, first...I don't believe in the word, "slut"
    It's typically in a derogatory context and applied only to women (you never hear of a male slut)
    Not even if females use it.

    For the most part, sexually, if a woman want to go do whatever she wants to whomever she wants...then cool
    (violence not included...and no, a bit of S/M is not violence, as long as there's an agreement to limits and no harm)

    However she dresses on her own time is no one's concern, as long as she's respecting the local laws. (sorry, you break the law, you take the risk...simple)
    (not including going into establishments...then she has to respect their rules)

    As for the rest of it...as Herc was describing before that...
    Rule 34

    If you don't know what you like by now...you haven't looked often enough.


    On another note...this popped up...
    A woman's sex drive begins to plummet once she is in a secure relationship, according to research.

    Now, I don't know if I believe this...as articles like these come every few years.
    It could be as simple as,
    "you get tired of her shit, she gets tired of your dick" ...or the reverse...
    "you get tired of his shit, he gets tired of your clit"

    Basically the same difference...people get bored.
    Or as the article says at the end.
    "If something is in infinite supply, the perceived value would drop."
    Personally, I think this goes both ways. :rolleyes:

    You just can't "let go"...you got to stay on your toes, even in a long-term relationship.
  16. HoBuupeek

    HoBuupeek New Member

    I believe we do have a term for the male counterpart to the female "slut." He's called a "Jiggalo" ("Stand & Deliver). And otherwise akin to a lazy fisherman, trying to catch something by dragging some fake, or a dead stinky bait on a hook/line behind a moving boat; and also called trolling; hoping against the odds that some yawning fish will clamp down at the right(?), or wrong time. So maybe the Jiggaloes amongst us should be called, "Trolls?" Or would that be a slight of tongue toward such titillating, imaginary characters of lore?

    But I do think it's true, that today's new millennial woman has developed her own brand of sexuality, different from the free-loving 60's. Some are man-eaters, fem fatale, black widows, cougars, sluts, or just plain, stress-fully-challenged, working women, trying to recreate after their hair-pulling workdays in this world of high output and stress. So they wanna ride the pole,rock & roll, buck with chuck, smack with Jackie, whatever! Can't blame them. What would any of us do if we had a chance? After all, temptation is all around us. And if there are, or even were no apparent repercussions; and the wind was a-blowin' in the right direction...? She'd pound that dude silly until his eyes rolled back in their sockets! I used to think it was just the corporate workplace where things like this happened. But R.Regan's "Trickle-down" philosophy has invaded even the quiet suburban lives, far beyond the likes of Peyton Place.
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Most don't use that word, most use "Gigolo" which means another definition, a man who takes money for sex. (rare is the derivative as you noted used)
    Most in the context of slut, use the word stud...inappropriate too...as one demeans, the other cheers.
    Trolls are something else all together these days...as in a person who argues just for the sake of provoking argument. (if you debate them, they win)
    Or as someone who "lures" someone in for manipulation.

    Why do we have to demean a promiscuous woman???
    Can't they just like sex a lot?
    Can't they just enjoy it with who they want?
    Without judgment...or opinion?

    I don't understand those who do...it is usually out of envy.
    As in that woman is getting more attention than me....or that woman has not allowed me to have sex with her.

    Personally, I would encourage it...the more the merrier.
    Have at it. Include me in your conquests, if you don't mind.

    BTW...@HoBuupeek , if you use the @ symbol in front of a members name, it will alert them they were noted.
    We typically do that, when referring to each other...unless quoting and that does it too.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
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  18. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    The closest term for a male slut would be a "player" and its not nearly as derogatory, its at most a warning to woman "oh hes a player".
  19. OtherSyde

    OtherSyde Slightly Tilted

    San Diego, CA

    Yay for double-standards... Which delves into the whole "can men and women ever be truly equal because there are so many inherent physical, social, psychological differences and intrinsic advantages/disadvantages?" argument, which is such a messy can of worms I don't even want to open it. I kind of figure society will intuitively work these issues out eventually, without needing the input of the opinionated loud-mouth zealots from one side or another (i.e. - RADFEMs, MRA's, etc.).
  20. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    There are a lot of double standards out there. "Stay at home" dads are looked down upon, and there is some evidence they are looked down upon even by their wives. Things like that are partially biological and partially society.

    A long time ago I heard a truism. Only you can make yourself embarrassed.
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