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The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by cynthetiq, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    EDIT: Among the obvious as dirt observations: It was too easy to stroll into the unlocked Terminus. Why did our group not send a couple of their best fighters in and do the "all clear" thing?
    Where are the people at Terminus? Who is that creepy Mary lady and why is her back to the unlocked gate? Something is very wrong here. Why does our group not know this?

    Our group asks three questions before inviting anyone to join. How many walkers have you killed?
    How many people?
    It gives a thumbnail-size info-packet on "who" this stranger is.
    Why does Mary just say, Y'all hungry? Come on in!
    Makes no sense--unless she is up to no good.

    Go for it.
    --- merged: Mar 25, 2014 at 6:52 PM ---
    We finished the last episode with Rick’s (Andrew Lincoln) group divided since the fall of the prison in the midseason finale, two of the mini-groups were reunited and arrived at Terminus during Sunday’s penultimate episode. It came after Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), Eugene (Josh McDermitt) and Rosita (Christian Serratos) connected with Maggie (Lauren Cohan), Bob (Lawrence Gilliard Jr.) and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) to save Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Tara (Alanna Masterson) when they attempted to plow through a ‘reanimated tunnel full’ of walkers. Maggie and Glenn’s reunion marking probably the last true glimmer of hope for this season (see video recap here), came after last week’s killer episode and next week’s probable bloodbath.
    The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 15 _ Photo Credit: AMC

    Everyone just wants to know one thing. What kind of meat is that on the grill?

    FOR TFP:
    Most comic book readers seem to agree that SPOILER Terminus is bad. How bad?
    Like Soylent Green bad.
    In the comic books, which going forward the current showrunner says he wants to adhere to more closely, after the group leaves the prison they end up in a seemingly-idyllic setting. Near said setting is a neighbourhood of regular-looking people who are now cannibals. They ate all their children and now they capture random strangers and eat them piece by piece, keeping them alive as long as possible to keep them fresh.
    Some people speculate that Terminus is this group, others that this is the idyllic group with sinister underpinnings (they are beholden to some really bad guys). One of these groups has Beth, the other is the one our heroes are encountering in Terminus. Maybe. There was no Beth at this point in the comics (she died on the farm) so there is no saying, really. But everyone has a theory or more accurately, there is some really bizarro chatter on the interwebz about what happens next.

    Random Notes: "Mary" (see above) is Denise Crosby who was Tasha Yar on Star Trek: TNG.

    Q: The first of the group have arrived at Terminus and met Mary (Denise Crosby) … How would you describe the rest of the community?
    A: Greg Nicotero… we’ll quite quickly meet others… As they’re walking in to Terminus, the gate is open and there’s a note that says to close it behind you. We see flowers and we hear a bit of noise from some people milling about. Mary… (is)the welcoming committee….
    Q: Maggie and Glenn are reunited…both have never gave up… hope this season. Could we see a season finale more about hope than bloodshed?
    A: We’re going into it with hope. We’ve been hearing since episode four about Terminus and those that arrive, survive. They all have that glimmer of hope. The fact that Glenn says “Maggie would go there I know it,” and vice versa… Tyreese really lost his faith,,, and reuniting with Carol and the girls… it’s amazing and gut wrenching…what all these people have been…through. As far as Tyreese knows, Sasha is dead and vice versa. Maggie doesn’t know Beth is gone. It’s all these little microcosm of stories that will all collide…We don’t know (when)… people will arrive in Terminus; we know everyone is headed there… But we don’t know what configuration they’ll be in and when everyone arrives. Everybody has their own rules of survival and some that work for some people won’t work for others. The whole “claimed” idea that you have to say that word and it’s yours, whether you’re there first or not doesn’t matter.
    Q: We still don’t know where Beth is and who has taken her. Is it fair to expect we’ll see her again in the finale?
    A: I can’t tell you that.
    SOURCE:Walking Dead’ Dissection: Greg Nicotero Talks Terminus and What’s Ahead


    From the promo video for The Walking Dead season finale.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2014
  2. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    The gig makes you wonder if its some kind of cult where they brain wash you....

    Side note wasn't terminus really Atlanta ?
  3. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    The fan(atics) say Macon. I really dunno.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I mean back In the day where the railroad ended.

    But why macon? Why not go to the beach. Can walkers survive underwater??
  5. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I so totally agree with you about the beach!!!
    Rig up houseboats. Make a life there. It could even be a decent life.
  6. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    If you read world war z, you'd see that zombies are unaffected by water. They can just walk along the bottom. They will also snag your fishing lines, nets, and get hung up on your anchors. What would you do for food? If they are in six feet of murky water, you won't see them until a hand tips your canoe. And that was copied in the show. Remember the guy killed and chained up in the lake by the governor?
  7. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I read World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide. Those zombies were much more fearsome than The Walking Dead's walkers.

    I'm talking living on the ocean. Food would be marine life and a farming area just inland (just). Of course, you would continue to deal with walkers.

    The guy chained up was on a river, ultimately dragged away by the current. Doubt he would have done well on the ocean.
    More to the point though is that "zombies" differ depending on who is telling the story.
    Maybe a bigger point is that this is all pretend? So nothing we say is more than conjecture. You are right and I am right. We are just throwing out ideas. ;)
  8. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Reading the author's AMA almost killed me. I read the whole thing and ended up going to bed way late. So many speculations!
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Can anyone tell me why someone hasn't tried this trick yet?

    Go to a city near the ocean.
    Setup and start an incredibly loud long-running siren in a boat decently far out. (some of these are air pressured or manual)
    Wait on the other side of the city outside of it for about a week.
    The ocean should rot them or the fish chew them.

    Then you can go in...with it cleared out ...at least making it "doable"
    Herds aren't going to be attracted back to cities just because...they just happen to be there in volume because that's where they were originally.
    It just takes some planning.

    Sound & lights can attract any additional herds away.
    Perhaps attach one to a fast moving armored vehicle...so you can lead them away from your bases.
    Like when a group accumulates near your barriers.

    They aren't fast movers, nor intelligent.
    Start thinking of them as dangerous sheep.
    You can manipulate them, just make sure you stay your distance.
    Like a strategic retreat...a decoy.

    Cities are still valuable...you just got to get most of the dead out of them.
    Just think of how much resources you'd have...

    I wouldn't do something like NYC...too complicated. Or DC...too many highways in & out.
    More like a new city, limited structure, less nooks & crannies. (where dead can hide)
    Less sides to guard...or at least more clear.

    If you're near Atlanta, perhaps Charleston.
    One major highway, but the bay is long and framed so you can get around and setup the siren in the banks. (perhaps on Fort Sumter)
    All those islands can keep things under control...get the zombies out in the bay...the river flow will push them into the ocean.

    Just a thought...
    • Like Like x 2
  10. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Or go to Alcatraz and live there.
  11. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I think they should hire you as a consultant for the show.
    You'd put a stop right quick to all that insane wandering through the woods.
    --- merged: Mar 26, 2014 at 9:56 PM ---

    The comic book writer Robert Kirkman is a big-hype pitchman for the TV show. Within that context he's proclaiming that the most horrible thing yet will happen to Rick. That's a tough one to guess because, comic book spoilers and TV show speculation ahead...








    In the comics (from which they've deviated greatly throughout most the series) Rick gets his hand severed, he has to choose who the bad guy kills (beats his head to mush) and it is a person from the original first-season group, baby Judith was shot and killed in the comic, Carl got his eye and side of his head shot out....I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff...so it can always get worse for Rick.
    Some folks want to see him die because they've grown bored of the character.

    "Speculation" has Maggie dying because of her telling Glenn to burn the Polaroid he took of her sleeping, as he'd never have to take a picture of her again.
    Sasha will die because she has the least-developed character or she won't--for the same reason.
    Beth is already dead. That is her on the grill. No, Beth and Maggie are both safe because Hershel.
    Daryl will die so the writers can thumb their noses at all the fangirls. (This seems a dumb idea as the demographic is skewing more female than ever--why lose a large (the largest?) fan base on purpose?)
    It goes on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2014
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  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I liked the season ender.

    Rick did what he had to do...loved it, I would have done it myself.
    Although, the perv I would have off'd faster, but I understand emotionally.
    And what he said about his "brother" was cool. It's what he needed to hear.

    So far, we'll have a wait until next season, Terminus is still ambiguous.
  13. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira) – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

    The above scene is a mystery. Was is shot, then cut from the finished season 4 finale episode? Was it shot as a potential foiler from the Terminus set? Was it something else? If it is supposed to represent an actual room at Terminus, it is going to have to be very hard from the Termites to explain away if we see it in season 5. Very Governor-like conditions considering showrunner Scott Gimple and creator Robert Kirkman have taken great pains to distinguish that Terminus is nothing like Woodbury/Gareth is not another Governor-like character.

    Walking Dead’ Promotes Andrew J. West, Alanna Masterson, Christian Serratos to Series Regular Characters #thewalkingdead
    • Like Like x 1
  14. I was JUST thinking before reading, "What the hell episode is THIS from?"
  15. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    im still trying to figure out why when the door to the train car opened why the others didn't try to run out??
    • Like Like x 1
  16. You'd think they'd at least try to peak out to see who was out there...
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  17. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    or do something, they just walked up like "hey funny running into yall here"
    • Like Like x 1
  18. was the army guy just playing it safe for Eugene????
    • Like Like x 1
  19. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I don't know, but he is THE army guy. do something. seemed like he was hiding behind all the women like a scared little boy
  20. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Well, I loved seeing Hershel. I miss him...
    I liked this convo with Daryl and Rick with the 'you're my brother' affirmation from Rick.
    Daryl was so selfless to just offer himself up--or maybe he was being strategic, too? Two less guys for Michonne and Rick to handle.

    Here's your boxcar group acting weird, I agree.

    Here's Rick ripping out Joe's throat. That was cool.
    Rick should be deaf by now since he's done the gun-going-off-next-to-his-ear-thing twice now.
    • Like Like x 1