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The Importance of Timeliness

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by snowy, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I can't remember if we've ever discussed this (I'm sure we have at some point, but whatevs, and I couldn't find anything directly related during a cursory search), so here goes:

    How important is timeliness to you?

    Personally, it's very important to me within a certain tolerance. I try not to be more than five minutes early, but I am always early or right on time, never late. I can't stand when I put together an event and people show up an hour after the start time, as I'm usually serving some kind of hot food. I also can't stand when people ALWAYS show up five minutes late to a meeting that is held at the same time every week. As I mentioned in another thread, my MIL is always five minutes late to things (at the minimum), and it drives me insane. I frankly cannot understand how people can perpetually be late. Essentially, I take it to mean that my time isn't important to the person that is late.
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  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I have a pretty strong rep amongst our friends for always being on time or a touch early, and expecting the same of others.

    It is basic courtesy, and disrespectful to others to be any other way IMO.

    Emergencies happen, but unavoidable/unpredictable ones are rare.
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  3. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Damn, I'm dumb. I kept thinking you were misspelling timelines. I thought, "Fuck yeah! Timelines are real important to me."

    Timeliness on the other hand, I can take it or leave it.

    I like being on time for things, just so I can get them over with. Other's timeliness, or lack thereof, don't really bother me that much, unless it's an emergency.
  4. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Yep I'm "that guy" too.
    I go to very few meetings at work. I've been at my present place long enough to know that I don't want to go to most meetings because they are a waste of my time, and those I work with don't want me at their meetings unless it's essential.
    The meeting that I do attend every week is the one I am in charge of.
    Nobody has been late to that one for a long time. I'm the reason why.:)
  5. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I live my life on Island Time. I show up when I can and don't even wear a watch, I also don't need coffee or Red Bull to stay awake... I hated having to catch a bus in the morning in college for 2 years, and will never be in that position again.

    I'm going to finish one thing before moving onto the next thing, and sometimes the first one takes longer than I thought it would.

    Yet, I am at more events and volunteer more than other people who are 'always busy'. And I don't like it when events start right at 5pm or some other time. If I want to ride my bike to it, it could take 45 minutes or 60 minutes to get there, so plan some time to hang out before it starts if you want everyone there by 5pm by saying to show up between 4:30 and 5:00.
  6. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    It depends really. I used to be pretty bad at it, I think I've gotten better. If it's for work, I'm good, I'm always 5-15 minutes early. Personal engagements are kind of hit or miss. If it's a social gathering, I'm usually "fashionably late", I don't like to be the first one till arrive. But that's like 5-15 minutes after the official start of things. With meeting up times, it depends on the why. If we're going shopping or some other non-timeline event, I won't stress if I'm running a free minutes late. If we're going to a movie, or something that has to be on time, I'll make sure to plan ahead to arrive a little early.

    People running a few minutes behind to meet me doesn't usually bother me unless they're throwing off my schedule. Though it is nice if people throw in the "sorry I'm a little late" as a courtesy.
  7. I used to be absolutely atrocious with being on time for anything. I was always at least 10 minutes late to any event, regardless of importance.

    I'm getting much better about it these days, but I still have slip-up moments.
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I am punctual and I find it disrespectful when people are late.

    I had a boss that was *never* on time. She would make meetings and never be on time. She'd show up late to the office, after the meeting was to have started, and fuck around until it was time for her to start the meeting. She would do this with client meetings as well. She had a high opinion of herself.

    That aside, there is a difference between a party invite and a dinner party invite. A dinner party invite implies food prep, so get your ass to the table on time. A party invite doesn't require punctuality, the party is going all night.
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  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    At work, I'm always early.
    At home, I try to be on time, but there's not an onus on it as much...so maybe 10-15 minutes delay if at all and at the most.
    Traveling far somewhere, I always seem to hit traffic and I over-idealize my driving time. So I may be 30 minutes, but I've gotten better. (I also forget to pack everything)
    Unless it's for a flight...then I'm paranoid, and I make sure I'm there early and triple-checked everything. (I missed one once, I'm NEVER doing that again...I transposed the number)

    Back in San Diego, the mindset is always running late...to the point you would invite people an hour earlier just to get them there on time. :rolleyes:
    If you called them on it...they'd say, "Whatever...you're bummin' me out, dude"
  10. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I'm generally 5 min early, everywhere. I'm also one of those assholes that will start a 9am meeting at 9:00.

    My time is important, so is everyone elses.
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  11. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    You can score extra-super bonus A-hole points if you lock the door at 0900 and make latecomers knock or just miss the meeting entirely.
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  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yes, but showing up four hours after the party has started and expecting the same atmosphere is a little unreasonable. Also, I'm on call on Sunday mornings, so if I'm having a party on Saturday night, I'd like the guests to be gone by midnight. If people want the most out of a function I'm hosting, I appreciate it when they show up no more than an hour after the start time. Of course, I also like it if they RSVP, but that's also difficult to get out of people these days.
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  13. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Put me firmly in the "like to turn up early" camp. I ranted at the parents of the children in my Saturday cricket team after everyone except me turned up after the game start time - doesn't help when you are fielding first and only having one child. Worse - it was first thing Saturday morning, close to home and even though I'd been out drinking until the wee hours of the morning, I was still early. Get out of bed you lazy @#$%!

    I get stressed if we are late leaving home - my wife has slightly less care for arriving on time. At least she has learned that it annoys me!
  14. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I went to Catholic school for 8 years, and they really hammered in the "If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. If you're late, you lose."

    I try to be early to anything of importance, but will show up "fashionably late" (though I get anxiety if it's more than like, 15 minutes) to things like happy hour where it's expected for people to be late.
  15. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I've had several managers do that. Works for me.

    I can annoy my employers in any number of ways. I'm not sure why I'd add tardiness to the mix. It's pretty much accepted that if I'm late, some client has a disaster and that's a nice reputation to have.
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  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    This is more of a rant, but maybe y'all know people like this.

    One of our current neighbors used to be a friend. He's a batchelor, who a few years ago burned up his oven and never replaced it. We used to frequently invite him over for dinner, usually on Sundays when we cook a traditional large Sunday meal. We even went so far as to give some veggies extra cook time since he has bad (no) teeth.

    We gave a general time as to when we'd be serving, and we were usually pretty close. Sometimes he would be early. Sometimes about on time. Many times he'd be late, really late. Other times he wouldn't show up at all.

    My wife even gave him a "to go" plate a few times; I never made that offer.

    He never grasped that his excuses such as "I got tied up on the phone with...." and "I took a nap and overslept." were telling us the dinner invite wasn't important to him.
  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage


    I agree with this. My feelings on parties is more along the line of, no more than 1 hour late from the start of the party. Generally, as parties (again not dinner parties) go, there is an ebb and flow to them.
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  18. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I really prefer to be early rather than late. When something is important to me, I am likely to show up anywhere from a half hour to fifteen minutes early, then sit and read a book until it's time.

    When I am late, my friends know that something went wrong with my routine and several unexpected somethings revolving around my daughter are to blame.

    I usually don't care if someone else is late. It only bothers me if I'm depending on them for something time-sensitive. Then we have a chat.
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This is me. It makes me happy that people consider me so timely that if I'm late, something must be wrong. The fact is, being timely nearly 100% of the time buys forgiveness for the off-chance that I'm not.
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  20. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I hate people being late for a fixed start time event.

    Just last week I went to a project meeting set for 3pm, and by 3:10 a key member of the team hadn't shown up. I pointed out that six senior staff waiting meant that the lost time was already costly, so we started.

    By 3:40 we were done, and getting up. The missing guy came in, and pulled rank to have the whole meeting again.

    This happens almost daily.

    It drives me batshit crazy.
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