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Policing the Internet : Are there any ethics left?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Edward Palamar, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Any thoughts on keeping the internet safe?
  2. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    do you have any?

    it's bad form here to just throw out a topic without iterating one's own views on the subject...
  3. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Yes, I do.

    But I'm not about to put any more effort into answering if you can't be bothered to post more than a single sentence to pose as a topic.
  4. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    You mean like blatant plagiarism? Or are we talking Craigslists NSA sex?

    Man, I could really go off on a great tangent here. Somebody stop me.
  5. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    stop, you...
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Safe from what?

    Aliens? Furries? Roofers with a foot fetish?

    Give us a little help here, Edward.


    I think the first thing we can do to make the internet more safe is better vigilance of parents over their child's surfing habits.
  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'll take Ethics in Forum Posting for 500, Alex.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi Edward Palamar

    I, too, look forward to contributing to your thread,

    And welcome to this forum.

    I am guessing you have strong feelings on the matter
  9. I didn't want to affect the angle of your tilt - and I'm still wondering about the normal angle and direction of it since I found this site, I mean, one could be tilted slightly left or right while tilting forward - I'll assume some leeway, one way or another.

    The first time I felt the 'freeze' from another on the net, the discourse back to me include insults, absurdities, and lies. My initial response was to have the post removed because it was, as one would say in basketball, a flagrant foul, and the rant back to me did not support the improvement which was due to everyone else in my initial post there.

    Perhaps it would have been better to leave it as an example. But incidents increased as I met people who would rather strike with their words than enjoy communication to its fullest.

    So I began keeping written record. Overall, I think it better for the cyberbully to be brought to shame so the assailant performs the correction - this then is the public assurance that the bully has learned proper behavior.

    Whether it is me or another as victim, if I see hostility, I seek the root and look for who is to blame. When I look at my list, I wonder if further, more drastic, Divine intervention is necessary.
  10. Edward, I think what you find on the internet is much like what you find in real life. If you are not careful in choosing who you hang around with, all sorts of unpleasantries can happen. Fortunately here, it is by and large a very civilized group. Respectful treatment of each other is the norm. That's not to say the odd jab doesn't occur from time to time but that is the exception rather than the rule. Cyberbullies have a very short existence on TFP.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Why should it be 'safe'? Why don't we, as individuals, look out for our own safety? HTFU
  12. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    I'm a little confused are you referring to 'safe' as in free from bullying or 'safe' from a more criminal type activity such as bank fraud or identity theft?
  13. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Furries do scare me, I admit.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    In my official capacity here, I've found it very difficult to take a self-proclaimed victim of cyber-bullying seriously when they make outrageous claims and lunatic statements at the opening. We had that issue about a year ago when a pedophile claims someone had physically threatened him simply by mentioning a gun.

    So, with that in mind Edward, I am personally not going to be too receptive to any bullying claims you make about someone here based on your first post at TFP 5.0. Unless it's something that would otherwise go punished, I think you've already managed to stack the deck against you by claiming to be who you claim to be. That's not a threat, just the opinion of someone who's paying attention.
  15. That was the gist of the original question. It has the potential to be safe. That is a downside to a cyberbully. Getting caught and being forced to make amends is another downside (even terror) to the cyberbully. So long as there are cases of cyberbullying that are not prosecuted, the cyberbully wins and will not think twice about committing the crime again. This was once the only policing of the internet as regards cyberbullying, that is, no policing.
  16. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Of course there are ethics left. I think the Internet makes it easier to 'bully' people, but not necessarily physically. It is easy in a lot of places to hide behind anonymity.

    Have I been bullied? No, but then I am fairly careful with what I do online.
    As a parent, I know in future that I will have responsibility to monitor my children when they get online, but I'm not really worried about it to any great degree. They are probably as likely to end up in real life fisticuffs as to be bullied online.
  17. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Most of what I've seen touted as cyberbullying online has been, for the most part, nothing to involve the law with. Good parenting and/or education would lead people away from taking trolls seriously. You really need to be able to handle this kind of stuff. Even typing terribly insensitive messages to people in mourning is just idiocy, that can, and should be ignored. Don't feed the trolls and they starve and die.

    Cyberstalking, on the other hand, which to me is different than regular bullying behaviour, should be taken very seriously. Most of that could be controlled by being more careful about posting private information in a public venue. Yet again, education is more important than enforcement.

    Most people have ethics and the good sense not to do these things to others. For the most part, you should just ignore and avoid the ones that don't.
  18. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

  19. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    Have we gotten to the gist of what the OP is talking about yet? Is it just bullying?
    Online or real life you just gotta deal with it.

    Someone in real life just recently tried to intimidate me. I have faced a number of things in my life so getting the shit kicked out of me wasn't something that scared me really. I grew up on the west side of Chicago. On the one hand it is nothing like what you see on TV. On the other hand, it's a lot like that.

    Anyway this guy aproaches me with a lot of posturing, looking for the response that would let him go further. Instead with words I let him know that if he crossed the imaginary line that I'd assume he was a genuine threat and all bets were off. In the end he was telling me he and I could be great friends. Days later when I would see him he would avert his eyes, later still I haven't seen him for months .
    The point is that this guy didn't expect anyone to stand up to him and when someone did he was at a loss for what to do, he had to consider what might happen to him. The point is bullies know who to fuck with.

    My bully backed down when he learned that I had less than he did to lose.
    --- merged: Sep 16, 2011 5:32 AM ---
    Quick note Edward , I seem to read in this thread that there is some history here, if I am wrong disregard this note
    If you ae really new here
    Flesh out your post otherwise you'll get pummeled here and first impressions are difficult to correct,

    so detail, detail detail
  20. ejkwt

    ejkwt Vertical

    There are no ethics left. The TFP just locked and invisble'ed my FREE SPEECH posts regarding a few posts/threads. If you ever post a view in disagreement with the TFP "favored members (i.e., popular people)" and staff and moderators, there is no doubt that it will be LOCKED and you will receive a PM saying that you have "threatened the TFP" and you will be banned.

    JUST FYI people. All is not as it seems.
    --- merged: Sep 16, 2011 6:32 AM ---
    If the TFP has any ethical and moral worth left, my above post will remain VISIBLE to all members (public and/or registered); let THEM decide what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. This is NOT the brutish ROMAN mob. Why don't you treat your members as a real, upstanding peoples instead of locking and hiding thread posts from them so that they can't see what's really going on?

    Just FYI and no harm intended? You can't even be transparent, TFP? I challenge you to ethical high-ground and good-will. If my posts are locked and invisible'ed then you should think twice about what you stand for.