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When Do You Wake Up?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by snowy, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Simple question: when do you wake up? How do you wake up? Do you wake up naturally, or do you use an alarm? How long do you give yourself to get ready in the morning?

    I prefer to wake up naturally, but I do set an alarm. The last two days my body has naturally awoken about 20 minutes before my alarm, and I would rather get up at 5:30 or 5:40 naturally than 6:00 with the alarm. I give myself about 1.25 hours of lead time before I have to be out the door. While it only takes me half an hour to get ready (5 minute shower, 5 minutes to get dressed, 5 minutes to put on makeup, 10 minutes to get my shit together to get out the door, and 5 minutes for transitions), I like to sit and browse the Internet while drinking my coffee.
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    On weekdays, I get up at 7:00, unless my SO needs to leave earlier than usual, then it's sometime after 6:30. The dog can't be left alone. When we had our old lab, I used to get up at 8:00, which was awesome, but I would never see my SO in the morning.

    I need an alarm. My sleep habits aren't the best. I probably should go to bed earlier. I get about seven hours of sleep on average, but I'd do better with another half hour or hour. Either that, or I need to cut out the caffeine and stay away from electronics a couple of hours before bedtime.

    On weekends, I don't use an alarm. I go to bed about the same time every night (around midnight, or a bit later), but on weekends, I sleep in until around 8:30 or 9:00.

    I don't really have much pressure to get ready for work, as I work from home. I may get dressed, or I may wait until lunch to do that (so I can walk the dog). I usually shower in the evenings (partly because of martial arts). So to get ready in the morning, I eat breakfast, contemplate things while drinking some coffee, let the dog out (yes, in my pyjamas), brush my teeth, maybe read a bit, etc. Then I stumble into my home office at around 9:00.

    I take about two hours to get ready.
  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    My alarm goes off at 5 and I normally crawl out of bed at 515 or so. As long as I'm up by 530 I'm good. It takes me about 5 minutes to get ready. Normally I get out of bed take my meds, pee, put on clothes, get my coffee and I'm out the door. I shower before i go to bed so i dont have to in the mornings. My so gets up at 630 so when I leave everybody is still sleeping. Even the dogs. Normally i can't even get the dogs to go out. On the weekends I normally am awake by 730 on my own. occasionally I'll sleep til 9 but not often.
  4. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I'm the world's lightest sleeper. I own an alarm clock; but pretty much wake up 5 min before it goes off. Molly checks up on me 2-3 times every night, wakes me every time.
  5. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    A friend of mine posted this a couple days ago...yeah, it's very often accurate for me.


    On days I run, my alarm goes off around 6:15. This week, I've been sleeping until 7:45 or so (back to the grind on Monday.) I hit snooze a few times-- I use my old flip phone as an alarm, and when it goes off, I stick it under my pillow or under my stomach to muffle the sound. Bit of a snuggle with the pups before I finally get up and let them outside. Then it's time to hit the shower (or run, then hit the shower, as the case may be.) I usually take around 30-45 minutes to get ready if I'm not rushing. We share the bathroom in the mornings, which can slow me down, but we've gotten a pretty good system worked out by now. I'll do a quick breakfast of oatmeal or a protein drink, and have my coffee when I get to work.

    On the weekends, I don't set an alarm, and usually wake up sometime between 11 am and 1 pm. On Saturdays, I'll let the dogs out, then snuggle back under the covers to read. On Sundays, Eden makes pancakes.
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  6. NobleDeb

    NobleDeb Getting Tilted

    New England
    @snowy ~My wake up routine is the same as yours; I mean exactly the same.
    I set an alarm on my iPad that wakes me to a different song everyday.

    The song I love to wake up to the most is currently this one:
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  7. Most mornings, I wake around 4 am, roll over and peek at the clock, chuckle and go back to sleep until my first alarm goes off at 5:20. I poke the snooze until @ 6, then drag myself to the bathroom. I'm usually ready to leave the house by 6:20, but end up waiting for QW until almost 6:30. We have a 20-25 minute drive to where I typically have some pancakes and she has either oatmeal or French toast. It's a nice together time for us.

    Sunday is the only day I get to sleep in. I'm usually up by 9 or 9:30.
  8. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I rarely bother to set an alarm. I get up whenever I feel ready to get up, unless my pager forces me to get up early. It's also not unheard of for me to take a half hour midafternoon nap. My work is largely deadline-driven, so I don't really have any reason or incentive to stick to a regular 8-5 kind of schedule. On the flip side, it's not unheard of for me to be up and working well past midnight, so keeping a fixed schedule isn't practical. Such is the life of an IT worker bee.
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  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I set an alarm for 7am.
    But I tend to wake up before that, say between 6-6:30

    Yet, when I was younger, I was notorious for easily sleeping until 10...and at times, even an alarm couldn't wake me.
    However, when I was about 35 I started waking up at 7 without an alarm.
    Just friggin' weird how that changed...it wasn't by intent.
    And it wasn't because I changed my bed times...typically at least after 10pm until 1am.

    Walking the dogs takes 20 minutes.
    Getting ready takes 30 minutes. (shower, shave, dress, breakfast)
    Sometimes I'll have coffee and chill a bit, depending on my mood.

    And on the weekends, I'll still get up around 6-7
    Unless I've been up all night...then 9 at the latest.
    As long as I get about 4 hours sleep, I'm good.

    I was having trouble sleeping...but that's because I was screwing with my circadian rhythms,
    keeping lights on...or TV...
    Now, I make sure everything is off...and it's better.
    That and breathing strips... (but I don't have sleep apnea, already got that examined)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    @rogue49, I hear you. I can't sleep in these days. The latest I sleep in seems to be 7:30. :(
  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    About 5:00 am on weekday mornings, using alarm clocks (a necessary evil) only because my wife leaves the house around 5:45. On weekends it varies, depending on what plans we have.
  12. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    These days, I am up every weekday morning at 6am. I usually wake up before the alarm.

    I get up and make a coffee and make sure that my wife and daughter are out of the house by 6:30.

    I then spend about an hour and a bit catching up on TFP, the news, etc. and am in the shower by 7:45 or 8:00. I am out of the house by 8:15 at the latest. I have breakfast most mornings with my colleague at 9:30.

    If I am riding to work, I am out of the house at 6:30 with my wife and it takes me about 30 minutes or so to get to work (give or take). Then I read for an hour or so while I cool down (Singapore is hot and humid and I sweat). Then it's into the show at work and dressed by 8:15. I chill out until work starts at 9. Breakfast at 9:30ish.

    On weekends, I usually sleep until 7 at the latest.
  13. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    5:30am usually.
    Tt's alarm goes off at 5:30am.
    Littlegirly wakes us up around that time every morning, often a couple of minutes before the alarm, but she'll make sure to wake us if the alarm doesn't get us out of bed. She's usually insanely cheery and active in the mornings, so that makes the early hours far more enjoyable. We have 1 hour of family get-ready time before Tt heads out the door, then another half-hour before the girly and I head out.
    My body often wakes me up before, around 4:30 or 5am. I enjoy cuddling and getting things done before others awaken.
  14. 8:00 and then spam the snooze button on my alarm until about 8:45. generally, I am not a good sleeper. I am an incredibly heavy sleeper once I actually get to sleep, but it takes me so long to drift off.
  15. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Not on time. And it's my own damned fault.
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  16. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I usually wake up by 2000 after 2-4 hours of sleep that passes as a "a solid night of sleep", unless my body says "hell no" and decides to crash until 2100/2115 and leaves me scrambling to make it to work on time. Occasionally that happens when my start time was 2100 and I am already 15 minutes late.
    Many moons ago I vaguely recall being a daywalker and sleeping at night more than 5 or 6 times a month (or just pulling a paltry 40 hours for that matter).

  17. This.

    Sometimes if I've been up REALLY late, I just figure "heck, there's no point in going to sleep now" and I just stay up the rest of the hour or so until my next obligation, at which point I crash at approximately 9:00pm that night. Never fails.
  18. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Usually between 6:00 and 7:00, without an alarm. Luckily, I have a very short commute to work, so it gives me a little bit of flexibility in the morning.
  19. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    Most days, betwixt 7:45 and 8:ish. Mrs Moose's alarm goes off around 7:45. She works from home, so all she really has to do is sit up and turn on her computer. The younger son typically wakes up around that time, so that's would be when I get up to fix breakfast and keep him from crawling all over her while she's working.
  20. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    It starts around 2 - 4 am, when secondary insomnia hits.
    I typically fall back asleep until the Cat Dancing starts at 5:30... every. single. morning.
    On my head.
    During the week, my alarm goes off at 6. I use my cell phone with a relatively quiet alarm.
    On the weekends, if it's not a Farmer's Market Day,
    I get up when I can't stand the King of the Hill contest on my head any longer,
    feed the wild beasts, then go back to sleep, if I can.
    Maxwell typically comes in to thank me and curls up next to my head, instead of standing on it.
    Sometimes, like this morning, he'll come and curl around my arm and love on me for awhile.
    I'll get up between 8 and 11, if it's a good day. Otherwise, I'm not able to fall back asleep.
    I find that the AT&T Stargazer or something ring tone is just enough to not piss me off when I'm waking.