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Bigger penis.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by ralphie250, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    @Charlatan was just funning' ya, Street. Not trolling. He couldn't let a gimme line like that go.

    Re the OP - the only thing I've heard that works is the ligament cut as mentioned above. It causes a couple of more inches of erection to show on the outside of the man's body. It also means the dick doth permanently droop. Yuck. I'll wait till Mother Nature decides it's time for her friend Gravity to have her way w my dick. Until then please let the little man stand as tall as he may. Many moons ago a bartender I knew who worked in a club that occasionally hosted male stripper parties said the guys would inject silicone into their dicks to make them bigger. Gave me the willies to hear of it.
    My brother tells me his SO reports his erection is both larger and firmer since he went on Viagra. He also takes testosterone because - as he puts it - he'd rather have lead in his pencil than hair on his head. I'm noticing a drop off in libido myself, sad to say. Freedom 55 my ass. Daily intromission has become a historical footnote. I might have to look into that tradeoff (harder vs hairier) myself. And I like my hair :( At least the little fellow still levers himself upright from time to time long enough for me to get some clumsy thrusts in. Or at least long enough for me to get winded and limply collapse *sigh*

    I'd love a couple of more inches because I think it would allow a couple of more positions. And more girth because my Lady seems to like it when I'm extra girthy (which usually only happens shortly before the money shot). That said, she tells me I'm her maximum fit however she takes it - any more and I'd have to do without the full-and-complete total engulfing that I likes so much. She is very nice to me about the size of my package even though I've seen a photo of her ex's whang, and he has a much bigger dick than I do. FWIW she also says that any woman who says size doesn't matter is being kind. Girth before length is the priority, but apparently there is nothing like being filled with a thick, long dick as opposed to tickled or prodded by a wee little bit of a thing.
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  2. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    ( as an aside, I've grown more head hair since going on test, but I've always had thick hair. YMMV )
  3. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

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  4. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    My first wife told me I have a huge penis.

    Although, looking back, maybe she said that I _am_ a massive penis?

    But in all seriousness, get thinner. Not that I've managed to practice what I preach - however, it does decrease the surrounding fat that reduces how much of what you have can be used, and it allows you to use it for longer. Win win.
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  5. NobleDeb

    NobleDeb Getting Tilted

    New England
    Did your marriage end because you "have" or "am"?
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok...I'm going to say something that I've refrained from saying in over a decade of being on the board.
    But since @ralphie250 and others have been very honest on this topic...and others have been fully honest on other topics, I'll do so finally.
    I've been hesitant for a long time, because people get weird...but I am one of those guys that others seem to want to get to.
    I'm very well endowed. A bigger penis. 10" and a decent girth too.

    Now, those men who seem to have some self-consciousness, please listen...

    This has gotten me NOTHING out of life...as a matter of fact, it is at times a burden.
    Ladies don't go out of their way for it, at least with my experience.
    They never noted it to me with any honesty or compliment, even if they have.
    Men if they figure it out, often get pissed, or even more ambivalent.

    It was unwieldy when I was younger, I had to get used to dealing with it in my pants, couldn't get it positioned right.
    It makes me at times feel self-conscious if I'm standing & speaking in front of someone, my hands folded over my crotch.
    As a woman with large breasts, it is just something you deal with.

    As @Baraka_Guru stated, sometimes size is too much for some women, I may cause them pain. Some I don't...
    I have to find a woman that can appreciate and take that for themselves.
    One of the reasons, I tried the site 7 and above...not because I'm boasting, but I'm am concerned dating/finding someone who can deal.
    It is NOT something that comes up in conversation or profiles...and you often get tired of trial & error. You don't know until after the act...
    Even if it does...it never comes out right, women think you're being egotistical or lying.
    Out in public, women with big breasts are more accepted than men with large dicks, believe it or not.

    It does NOT make you better in bed. When you first start in life, you're still fumbling.
    It does not guarantee you stay rigid. It does not guarantee you'll satisfy someone. It does not guarantee they'll stay with you.
    You only do that, when you have learned how to have good sex. How to move your body. How to give pleasure, read the signs.

    As I noted about my friend, who's 8" and still worried about his size...and envious of me...but can tell you he sucks from his descriptions...
    a man who bounces up and down on a woman like they're a trampoline and saying whoopee, this is FUN??? :eek:
    His wife hasn't been sexual with him in years...and she cheated.
    You're not going to get anywhere being a naive student of sex. Ignorance is not bliss.
    While some women may deal with it, many won't...and most won't be kind enough to tell you. They just go...or are resentful.

    Again, all I can say is...practice...care...learn techniques...watch the response, etc. Even ask questions, hopefully she'll tell you the truth. (No guarantee)
    Men, women often say one thing...even are honest on the board or to their friends...but don't tell you straight to your face.
    Then again, the same has been said of many men...but I don't know this, I haven't experienced them in bed, only women.

    Hopefully, you'll have the chance to have a woman, who shows her emotions...who reacts to your actions. This is the only way you truly learn.
    I've been with a woman or two who don't respond...it's difficult to stay rigid and do well when this happens.
    I've been with a woman or two who don't communicate...you don't know where you stand...or what they want.
    Both are frustrating...you feel inadequate. Size means dick. :oops:

    The only thing that counts, is not size...it is finding that person who syncs with you...both body & style.
    You trying...them replying.
    Your body in tune with their body.
    And even after that true physical sync...you still have to deal with all the rest of the relationship...it ALL counts. :confused:

    Take it from a guy that supposedly has something, it is NOTHING.
    Simply, enjoy yourself...enjoy your sex. No more, no less.
    *sigh* ...And now I finish nervously, hopeful that this honesty and revelation hasn't backfired on me.
    Thanks for listening.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2014
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  7. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    As a woman with large breasts, it is just something you deal with.

    You deserve kudos, rogue49, for being brave enough to be so frank and to put yourself out there. Well done!

    But, I must say, I never pictured you as a woman with large breasts. But maybe you could pull it off.

    Jk. That was awesome, man!
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  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    See, told you it gets weird...friggin' active thread ends like that, BAM. :rolleyes:
    Like I put a damper on the whole thing...so much for discussion & different perspectives.
  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    That is one hell of a great post, Rogue, thanks!

    A total yes for learning how to make sex good for her, independent of penis size.

    I'll share some honesty. I'm just the opposite by half, I'll let y'all do the math. And yes, I'm not happy about my penis size despite my age, and the fact that my wife & I have had a great sex life (we're not as young & as fit as we used to be), our respective genetalia are a good match. My erection has never impressed any woman, but my flacid penis has made a few laugh because it dissapears like a turtle, and I don't mean just when it's cold. It is embarrassing. Thankfully my balls don't also disappear. My wife says, "So what? It doesn't make any difference to me. I didn't marry your cock." But she's not a guy with external sex organs that can be judged through clothing.

    Women frequently ask why guys are so hung up on penis size. Here's my take, FWIW.

    1. Part of it is the penis (and let's not forget the testicles, although they're external for a good reason) is external, out there, visible, there to be judged, even vulnerable.

    2. Part of it is biology. Call it survival of the fittest, an instinct that has diminished yet has remained with mankind throughout his evolution. In the animal kingdom the strongest & most able males get their choice of the females. We humans are at least a little more evolved. While some physical fighting over females does still occur, much of it is more mental, but that doesn't stop what I call the Competition Factor. Guys see other guys as competitors, obviously some more so than others (there are many reasons, but that discussion deserves its own thread). Studies show that physical appearance makes a difference in how successful men are (generally speaking, there are exceptions). Tall men have advantages over short men; weight, hair loss, etc. are factors. ***Get to the fucking point, Chris!!*** So if Guy A with an average, or even worse a below average sized cock, sees a Guy B packing an impressive cock, Guy B has an advantage in the survival game. And it might has nothing to do with being good in bed, Guy A might have a long list of satisfied lovers, but he'll still see Guy B as a threat.

    3. At least some, maybe many, guys worry that women would prefer the large penis. Most guys don't want to acknowledge that they might not be that good at sex, and they certainly don't want the competition. Especially if the competition has a size advantage.

    Please keep in mind the above three statements are Generally Speaking and much of it occurs in the subconscious. I've never actually heard a guy say he was threatened by another guy's penis size.

    On a personal note--I've written that my wife fantasizes about taking on a big cock, she openly admits it, and we sometimes discuss it. I wouldn't stop her from doing so, under the right circumstances, I might even encourage her. Yet in the back of my mind, despite everything I that I have read & heard, and knowing that she loves me and wouldn't leave me just for better sex, I would still be concerned.

    One of my neigbors & former friend is clearly well endowed. I don't make a habit of checking guys bulges, but his package is pretty damned obvious, even when he wears loose shorts, jeans, etc. He doesn't brag, he seems self-concious even though he's my age, 53. He has said that he buys only one brand & style of jeans because he needs the room, especially on his job. Judging from what he has said & what I've seen, he has never been "chick magnet" and he is decent looking, intelligent, witty, educated, extroverted, etc. In fact, when he needs some, he pays for it.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2014
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  10. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I'm probably speaking out of turn here. There are a couple of cultural assumptions that play into issues like this and they get in the way far too much.

    Assumption 1: great sex only comes from the proper or ideal sex organs.

    Assumption 2: great sex is only about the woman because all the guy needs is a place to park his pecker.

    Both assumptions are TOTAL BS! The only way you'll ever have truly great sex is when you have two partners who are selfless enough to focus on the other. When you're both committed to bringing the most pleasure to each other, mind-blowing sex can ensue.

    And the best part is, when you're both committed that way, great sex can get even better.

    I'm sure that many women have similar insecurities. I can say from my experience that the hottest and best partners did not look like porn stars. Yet I wouldn't have traded a second of lovemaking with them for any amount of money.
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  11. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I don't care.
  12. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    Well, to be fair, she did comment on discomfort in certain possitions, and always said it made her jaw sore, but mainly, it was the excitement of an affair she wanted, and since we split, she's had three guys, all of whom she cheated on.
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  13. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I'm glad everybody is being honest it makes me not feel as bad
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  14. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    People in general like to maintain that cultural mythology, man. The truth is very different. There's little black and white in any aspect of life.
    The only thing you can be certain of when it comes to "normal" is that very few people ever get to that mythical place. The older I get, the more I realize that "normal" is a fantasy.
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  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Unfortunately, most people use "normal" more as a facade.
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  16. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Very true, @rogue49. Humans are so capable of so much variety in many things, but we seem to have a need for conformity as well.
  17. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    This seems like a good place to finally get this off of my chest. I'm 6'8". My penis is in the average range for length and a bit bigger in circumference than average. You know what the most common guess I get when people make unsolicited comments? Fourteen fucking inches. It's easy to say that cultural expectations are bullshit and should be ignored, they should. It's easy to laugh off guesses that I'm some sort of inhuman cock monster, I don't think anyone has a 14 inch penis. I laugh it off and ignore it, and you know what that leaves me with? crippling self-image issues and fear of getting into intimate relationships.
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  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I'd say this...they are ones responsible for "buying a pig in a poke", not you. You're not lying.
    You're decent, because supposedly/statistically circumference is what makes the real diff, so no worries.
    But as most of us said, it's not really even that...it's skill, technique, care and passion that truly matters.
    So as long as you focus on that...they enjoy the ride...and you'll enjoy them enjoying the ride.

    I'm 6.2....and I've had a women come up out of no where at a vegas bar...and say, "you're tall..." (in a husky voice...didn't get me anything BTW)
    God knows what you get...then again, you may intimidate some too, it's good & bad :rolleyes:
    (now shorter people don't get all paranoid, shorter people tend to live longer and don't have joint issues as much...we're like dogs, it's all good & bad)
    My point is...people believe in illusions.
    A good suit or outfit doesn't make anyone any better...but people put their faith in that. You get a better response, they listen to you more.
    You don't see people not taking advantage of that...as a matter of fact, many make sure they dress up.

    So, enjoy whatever advantages you may have...it means they'll get to the goods more and sooner.
    Some have their height, some their build, some their money, some their mouth, some their style...hell, some have their persistence even, etc...
    It's all part of the whole package that they fall for. Men or Women.
    As long as you get them in the door, so to speak... (no lying...that's bad)

    Then you can put your efforts to changing their mind...if you know what I mean...nudge, nudge. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
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  19. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I've noticed that few of the ladies have posted in this thread.
    They're probably reading it, and thinking "Men are such silly boys when it comes to their penises." And I wouldn't disagree :D.

    If y'all want to read some reponses from the ladies, check some the threads in the links that I previously posted.

    I used to work for a court reporting firm. The company was 85% women, and I overheard some very interesting conversations. One involved the old wives tale/myth that with men the distance between the tip of the tumb and the tip of the pinky, both fully extended, would equal the length of their erection.
    HAH! I can only wish that my erection was that long, and I don't have especially large hands :( .

    MSD, one of the women used to date a former offensive lineman, a huge guy. She never mentioned his exact penis size (kudos to her for using some discretion), but did say his penis was not proportional to his overall size, & he fell short of the thumb-pinky myth.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
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  20. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    And we all just did that.....

    let's just say I have big ass hands and I could only wish...
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