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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DAKA, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. DAKA


    I think we have too many warning labels, maybe it's time to remove the labels and let the dust fall where it may.....hmmm...
    Some of the labels I have been seeing (in this country) are getting have gotten ridiculous, and ugly,
    the ones on the sun visors of new cars....warning about air bags, and wearing your seat belts, cmon'
    how stupid can you be.....(never mind)
  2. [​IMG]
    --- merged: Dec 31, 2013 at 5:10 PM ---
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
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  3. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Love the cookie dough package that says, DO NOT EAT RAW COOKIE DOUGH. Of course I won't. :p
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  4. I'm convinced that part of the reason why the warning labels are so verbose is because the companies would get the pants sued off of them otherwise.

    "How was I supposed to know that I wasn't supposed to drink this antifreeze? There wasn't any sort of indicator that it's not edible to humans! You didn't make that painfully, idiotically obvious, so now I want a chunk of your revenue!"

    Big part of me agrees; let's stop warning people not to tie their shoelaces together and let Murphy and Darwin do the rest.
    Then again, I'm a cynic.





  5. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    When I was younger I got in a high capacity dryer in a laundromat in the middle of the night and had a friend push the button to trick it into thinking it was closed while I spin around. It's amusing to think that if I had gotten hurt I would have been the cause of a silly warning label.
  6. Less warning labels could mean more modern day occurrences of Darwinism. Could be good, could be bad. Never know till we try.
  7. DAKA


    I'm all for "LETS TRY"...
    I'm getting "tired" of trying to figure out how some people get through the day....and just shaking my head....
  8. Jon Quixote

    Jon Quixote Vertical


    Ya... I've always had trouble with that one...



    And I just had to include this one.

  9. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    This is actually a necessary sign in some places. When we were sharing toilets in Iraq, some of the locals refused to accept our sitting on the toilet ways and would go to great lengths to squat regardless of the design of the toilet.
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  10. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    This makes perfect sense, it's not only for the people suffering from the allergy, it's for people around them and preparing their food who are otherwise clueless.
    I'll pay $5 to anyone who can find a real product with one of these from the manufacturer.
    Yeah, eugenics was awesome last time around.
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  11. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

  12. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    This is what the Darwin Awards are for...
  14. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    I love the driving warning on the dog meds.
    I put on a sweatshirt and found my chain saw. The Stihl just has warnings to follow the owner's manual. Where that is, I'm not sure. The beavers moved in across the field and took care of part of the job for us (also stole a piece of siding from our shed - found it in the dam)
  15. People don't READ warning labels. I don't think it will cause ore prevent people from doing shit if there are warning labels or not. It's just to save the company's asses.
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  16. @MSD The images I posted were meant to entertain, not so much inform. I didn't really check the photos for authenticity before I posted them because I was too busy laughing ;)

    Here's another, in order to stay on topic:

  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    But what if common sense isn't genetic?

    I'd rather do what we can to prevent people from coming to harm.
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  18. Lame.
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  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Blame my white knight syndrome.
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  20. There's a joke in there about being white and Canadian....something about cardigans too. My spawn is taking up my wit i do believe.
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