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A clutter-free home

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    How often do you clear the clutter from your home?
    Any tips on regular maintenance to reduce clutter?
    Do you discard things only to want them back?
    Do you keep clothes packed away from one season to the next or just get new as needed?
    How do you simplify your home?
    Do you donate or sell your unwanted goods? Where?

    We've been overwhelmed by our extra stuff around our home the past couple of months, and it has come to a point where I am going through our things and deciding what is needed and what is clutter. I'm in a purge mode right now, walking around our home with 2 bags: one to chuck and one to donate. But I'm just not sure what I want to do with certain things - I feel like I have a lot of clothes that I just can't wear anymore, but might fit me next summer or spring... But they might not. And what about all those baby clothes? We want another child, but we have so much difficulty having children, is it really worth it to keep them packed away? Do I just save my favorites in the sizes she has outgrown, or discard all of it? We have already minimized toys, but what about our books?
  2. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    My wife is a packrat, it seems that our home is an extension of her purse and that our collection of crap has to grow until every conceivable storage spot is full.
    She doesn't disagree and is working on it.

    How often do you clear the clutter from your home?
    Not often enough; but seasonally at the very least.

    Any tips on regular maintenance to reduce clutter?
    Wanna buy new stuff? You need to toss the old. Buy 5 pairs of socks, toss 6.

    Do you discard things only to want them back?

    Do you keep clothes packed away from one season to the next or just get new as needed?
    We have some dark, deep recesses to our closets. Out of season clothes and gear move to the back.

    How do you simplify your home?
    I throw a temper tantrum over clutter. Some shit gets tossed. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

    Do you donate or sell your unwanted goods? Where?
    We tend to buy nice things. Our daughters fight over hand me downs. Goodwill will take what they do not want.
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Periodically, but I have to kick myself in the ass to do it.
    I'm not one to give tips...other than put your pets' toys in a nice open ended hardy container...so you can throw them in easy, but they can take it out when they want them.
    Nope, once they are gone...they are out of my mind. It's just deciding to discard something that's the challenging thing.
    Seasonal clothes go in a separate area until needed again. I only get new if worn, torn or obsolete. But getting up the energy to separate them, is the challenge.
    I try to get rid of the unused doo-dads and keep the floor clear.
    I usually give old items to friends, family or goodwill. (or event the trash)

    My difficulty is I'm not consistent.
    I need to have a reason...obligation...or it's just become an annoyance.
    I'm exhausted by end of week...so I'd rather just veg. A lack of the intensity I have at work, makes me tired and my brain mush, as I let go.
    So gearing up for the chore...I better have had a really good night's sleep.

    This is why I do my chores on Sunday, rather than Saturday. Saturday is my veg and let go day.
    OMG...I get so much done on 3-day weekends. :rolleyes:
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  4. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I hate clutter. My philosophy in my home is that everything has a place where it belongs, and that doesn't include sitting in a pile on the coffee table, kitchen counter, bedroom dresser, etc. For this reason I try to stay on top of eliminating clutter before it becomes clutter by putting things back where I found them, or finding a place for anything new that comes into the house that didn't have a previous home. As far as clothing is concerned, I don't want clothing that I don't have room for, and I try as much as possible to respect the conservation of space, replacing existing pieces if there's not enough space for both the new and the old.

    The only things that I really regret discarding were some of my favorite t-shirts, three or four in particular, but I know I don't have room for them anymore.

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  5. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I desperately need to declutter. I try to do so seasonally. One of my major goals after I'm done with school is to declutter and divest a great deal of stuff that's been sitting around, disorganized. It's clear we don't need to use it, as it's been languishing in the garage for the last year, more or less. Since possible relocation is on the horizon, trying to get everything together, labeled, and organized is a good idea right now. There will be a lot of stuff going out the door in a matter of weeks.

    For clothing, I generally follow this rule: getting started | Project 333
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
  6. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    How often do you clear the clutter from your home?
    Quite often. And when ever we receive guests.

    Any tips on regular maintenance to reduce clutter?
    I keep a place for everything. Even if not perfectly organized at least keep each thing in its place.

    Do you discard things only to want them back?

    Do you keep clothes packed away from one season to the next or just get new as needed?
    We use them across season. Just leave it in wardrobe may be on higher racks. No packing away though.

    How do you simplify your home?
    Give away unused items. Sometimes I had posted things for free in CL. It always works for me.

    Do you donate or sell your unwanted goods? Where?
    Use to do a lot where we lived before. Here we are fairly new and when it gets there we would take Goodwill's help or CL.

    BTW never use to live in clutter until I got married. Now it is part of life, comes and goes.

    Ironically my office room (+ tools room) is the most cluttered room in our house now.
    I am really overwhelmed with the amount of outdoor work this spring/summer.
    Winter is already here so no excuse - the house indoor needs lot of clearing and improvisation.
  7. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    We store lots of stuff in our basement. It ultimately gets overloaded.
    I am not good about decluttering but I found a little game that helps: Every time you go in the basement you must come up with one item to be chucked out, donated, or recycled.
    Make a few trips a day down there and over a couple of weeks you get rid of a lot of stuff that way.
    I find that less painful than spending hours at a time down there.

    The garage is hopeless. Short of burning it down I have no idea how to get it straightened out.
  8. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    How often do you clear the clutter from your home?
    It is an ongoing process. Rarely do I have to actually de-clutter my house because I am constantly removing things from the house that I don't need.

    Any tips on regular maintenance to reduce clutter?
    see above

    Do you discard things only to want them back?

    Do you keep clothes packed away from one season to the next or just get new as needed?
    I pack away sweaters, but that's it.

    How do you simplify your home?
    It's not an action, it's an attitude. You clean it all out one day and decide that you're not going to let it get cluttered again. It's like quitting smoking. And I can say that with authority because I think I have hoarding tendencies.

    Do you donate or sell your unwanted goods? Where?
    I donate all of my stuff to a local thrift store. They are a Christian ministry that does an amazing amount of service for the poor and I really respect that so I give my stuff to them.
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  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I've said it elsewhere, my ideal space is minimalist. If I could live with the bare necessities, I think I would love it.

    With a wife and daughter that like to keep stuff, I will never reach that ideal.

    That said, I find that having less space and, more importantly, less storage space helps. People seem to think the way to solve their clutter is with more shelves, a dedicated place in the basement, or a better system. This leads to storage lockers. If you are putting things in a storage locker, you have a problem. I find that if you have empty space, it gets filled. Live in smaller houses and don't add shelves and when you bring something in, take something out.
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  10. I would like to remove the human clutter in my life within the confines of the law.
    All of the weird junk I have doesn't bother me at all.
  11. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I never get rid of the weird junk. Just the ordinary junk.
  12. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Yesterday I went through the baby clothes that my daughter has outgrown and chose what to save. I am left with one small box for each size, and I'm happy with that amount of storage. They are my favorite items, including the clothes I wore as a baby that are still in good repair after my daughter wore them. I despise clothes shopping, and I appreciated having a box of clothes to pull out of the closet as she grew out of/into each size.

    I also downsized bags. While there was still ample space for them in their designated shelf, the bags felt like they were getting out of hand. I tend to keep backpacks and purses until they have fallen apart. This time I threw away anything I didn't think others would want and picked out the barely-used bags to donate. Now I feel like I can grab and go with the couple of remaining bags.

    I organized our linen closet, too. Tossed badly worn towels and sheets.

    Amazing how much more space and clearer mind I enjoy when there's more white space... Like margins on a sheet of notebook paper.

    I look around our place and dread the hassle we'll face the next time we move. I know we're unlikely to get back to those days when we lived out of one trunk, but I'd at least like to have the unnecessary stuff removed. Driving through our neighborhood, a lot of our neighbors were involuntarily downsized from a full-sized house to a townhouse, and their garages are packed to the gills with extra furniture and boxes. I think it's good for us to see that - people downsized and still clinging senselessly to the stuff after 3+ years of moving on. We'd rather not be that attached to "stuff". We'd rather keep our cars out of the weather than keep a bunch of things we may never use again. Can't imagine getting to that point.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
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  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    One thing with backpacks, @genuinegirly, and nicer bags: many better bags come with a lifetime warranty. When it does get worn, send it in for warranty repair, or credit. This is also why I buy a lot of my stuff at REI.
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  14. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Oh, I should check the warranty on my Trager brand bag. It's over a decade old, but the clip broke, the stitching is starting to rip and our rabbit has chewed through a strap.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  15. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    It's true. Clutter is stressful and there is a sort of liberation in letting go of possessions. Especially for me because, like I said, I do have that impulse to hold onto things. But once you establish that pattern of assessing your environment, making decisions and removing things it becomes just as gratifying as holding onto them. Plus, less dust, less cleaning.
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  16. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam

    View: http://youtu.be/UsRP9EUrXjo

    I am torn between two lifestyles. The current one I am living, is the average one with a house and stuff. But, I could easily put it all in a storage shed and live out of my backpack, and I have done this for a few months at a time.

    If I ever didn't have a job, one of the things on the list to do is to backpack around Europe, India, and Asia. My home would be where ever I woke up. I wouldn't need to work to afford a house and 'stuff'. I could also see myself owning a boat and sailing it around the coast and down to Mexico/Bahamas. If you don't have a lot of stuff, you can get a smaller boat, and there are fewer problems the smaller the boat.
  17. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Our clutter mates at night and multiplies. It's one long, ongoing effort to keep it at bay. I think the clutter is winning, however.
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  18. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I have too much clutter. It's a work in progress. I go through periodically and toss things, but I'm always fearful I'll miss things I get rid of. I don't. But I think it's the process of letting go that's hard. I'm not a hoarder, but I do have more stuff than I need.
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Does anyone know of services that are beyond the normal house-cleaning?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  20. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Frankly, I don't think anything short of an airstrike is gonna help us...