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Fidelity is easy / infidelity is hard

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Street Pattern, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I'm writing here about men in monogamous marriages.

    If you're not a rock star (broadly defined), all you have to do is live your life, and you get credit for fidelity.

    It's the easiest moral credential to get.

    You may find other women interesting, but no temptress is grabbing your hand to lead you off to bed.

    As a married man, you're not treading the slippery edge of a cliff, constantly at risk of falling off.

    That cliff is not right next to you, rather, it's some distance away, on the other side of a busy highway, guarded by fences. It takes conscious effort to get past all those obstacles and approach the cliff edge.

    And each individual step in that direction, is not just morally dubious -- it's a sacrifice of one's dignity and credibility. Every observer knows exactly what you're up to. Eyes will roll.

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I don't know if I agree with you fully.

    While I've always been monogamous and loyal...it's my own tendency.
    It is not always easy.

    First, I have a very significant libido...making me attracted to very many women. (sometimes pretty much anything that moves :rolleyes: )
    Second, I'm not unattractive, somewhat successful and at times can be funny & charismatic. Some ladies go for this, sometimes.

    Frankly, there have a been quite a few women who's gotten confused or angry that I haven't followed up on their advances or flirtations.
    But believe me, during my relationships' down moments...that I haven't had 2nd thoughts.
    With my body urging me, it has been a challenge.

    But I don't betray people's trust.
    Nor do I want any added chaos or consequences to my already interesting life.

    Falling for someone, could have been very easy. And at times fidelity was hard.
    However, I did care and love those I've been with...so, I kept my promise...and I wanted to be with them.

    I don't agree with cheating, because it is a betrayal of trust...you want others...
    ask for a open relationship, try polyamory, ask your mate to have a thing with you and another, etc...or get separated and divorced.
    But don't lie.

    So, for me...it depends on when you hit me, what mood I'm in.
    And if anyone is doing the chasing (which is flattering).
    Sometimes, it's a no brainer...I don't even think about it. I'm polite, I move on.
    And other times, I'm ending up talking to myself...thinking breathe, walk away.
    But I care, so I don't.
    Nah...but I can't speak for anyone else. I only can live in my own head & body.
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  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I think you are downplaying the opportunities that are out there, and how subtly they usually develop.

    You are correct that most married/committed people don't have others throwing themselves at them constantly. But I've watched quite a few relationships crumble because a friend, work mate, or even relative got closer than they should've. Tough or stressful times came, or the friendship began growing into more, and with no real ill intent from the beginning infidelity resulted.

    I've also seen people who thought they could be safe "just flirting" get themselves in bad situations where alcohol or other influences led to infidelity when that wasn't the original intent. I think you can lay a fair amount of blame on the person who let themselves get put in a bad situation, but their sincere thought may not have been to cheat.

    I think at the end of the day I'd say your cliff analogy isn't exactly accurate. I'd say it is more often a gradual drop, like wading into the ocean. At first you are just getting your feet wet, maybe just going for a walk down the beach in the surf. Next thing you know you are walking in a few yards to feel the waves. Then you are chest deep and bobbing up and down when a big one rolls in. Next thing you know you take a step and don't touch bottom, or the rip tide starts pulling you further. I think that happens far more often than people walking off a cliff on purpose.

    My $.02.
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  4. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    To carry on with Borla's analogy, some people like to swim in a pool. A ladder can be used to climb out and a towel can be used to dry you off.
  5. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I think a lot of us are like this. But finding yourself drawn toward something doesn't mean it'hat s possible.

    Very often, when I'm shaving, I find myself wondering what Bill Gates does. He probably doesn't re-use disposable shavers. Does he have a barber on staff?

    But imagining myself in a billionaire's shoes (slippers?) doesn't entail much risk that I will become one.

    Women make advances on you? This is completely outside my experience as a married man.

    Maybe I'm kidding myself, but I imagine that I am about as successful in my career as you are in yours. Very different contexts, admittedly.

    I'm guessing you are downplaying your attractiveness a bit!
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  6. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Are you referring to physical attractiveness?

    Because, assuming a generally decent level of appearance, women (note - separate from 'girls') often are attracted by confidence, humor, kindness, and other personality traits as much or more than physical attractiveness. In reference to the basic scenarios I laid out earlier, those things are what end up causing the attraction over "wow, he's ripped".

    Obviously I'm excluding guys with beards, since we have come to realize they get ALL the ladies lately. ;)
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  7. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I agree very much with what Borla said.

    On a personal note, and this in my mind has very much to do with where I live, there are almost constantly plenty of opportunities to do the wrong thing, if one lets themselves to be drawn to it even slightly.

    Neither do I think one has to look like Colton Rosenbusch (hi @Plan9 ) to garner attention from the ladies.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Women can make "irresponsible" choices just as much as any man.
    And chasing after a married man is not unheard of.

    It's just that in society, more often men are given the rep of the "dog".
    Whereas, often ladies are seen as "being taken advantage of". (although this is changing, it's more of a old-school mentality)
    It takes two to tango.
    And they are adults with full awareness of their actions and responsibility.
    I do not dismiss their power to make their own choice. (good, bad or otherwise)

    As to my own degree of lucky/unlucky (dependent on your perspective) I don't know why.
    I'm extroverted...so perhaps I'm putting myself out there more. Not to attract...but just in front and talking it up.
    That has good and bad moments...sometimes I'm the jokester or smoothie...sometimes I'm just a big dork or douche.
    It's not consistent. (I wish I could "can" it...it would be useful to have "as needed")
    And it's dependent on who's making the observation/opinion.

    To add on to @Borla's list...there are many factors that come into play...including just damn random chance.
    All things being equal, I've been approached by men too. And have had to politely turn down their inquiries also.

    Whatever...what I'm saying is that everyone has their own experiences.
    And these change moment by moment for most people.
    Sometimes it is more, sometimes it is less.
    Including what's in their own head, inclination or ability...much less what's in the head of those interacting with you.

    This is not just for lust, but for ANY interaction. Politics, confrontation, sales, etc and so on...
    I'm good at sales...I suck at politics. And that changes too...
    I'm sure it's different for everyone.

    Who knows, perhaps sometime in the near future you'll be a magnet for whatever reason...then you'll have to come to your own conclusions and burdens.
    There are good & bad sides to everything.
    It's what makes life interesting.
  9. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Maybe you haven't given enough thought to the fact that your experiences are far from universal. Some people get hit on more than others, for many reasons. You might live in an area where there are plenty of other fish, or you might live in an area with slim pickings. In areas where there are slim pickings there tend to be more competition for mates, even married ones.

    You may be very lucky to be in a situation where such temptations don't happen. Good for you, you have an easier time staying honest. Even this schlub of a Cayvmann has been hit on, multiple times... It's hard not to respond.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Going along with confidence, authority.

    At least that's been my experience. Some men (and boys) in particular are attracted to authoritative women, and they're not afraid to show it at times.

    I've been married for over 3 years, wear a wedding ring, and still get hit on regularly. I've become almost expert at letting them down easy, though.
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  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I would argue that marriage has little bearing on whether or not Person x fucks around on the side or not.
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  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'd agree with that.
  13. Totally agree.

    I have acquaintances that will bed any who'll give them attention, but for some reason, can't abide NOT being married. Serial bridegrooms, constant horndogs. Not everyone is monogamous by nature, even if they won't admit it to themselves.

    I will admit that young and stupid grumpy managed to remain faithful often by sheer dumb luck. I am ever grateful for that. My immature self could have made a lot of bad memories. Older and wiser(?) grumpy knows what is good in his life and has no desire to compromise the situation.
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  14. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I don't want to remain "faithful" by sheer dumb luck.

    I want a partner that'll drain my balls as I desire.

    Hey, let's hope this idea isn't just silly fantasy.
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  15. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Coming up on 16 years for me. Working so far.

    I've had some stretches of stupidity, but like @grumpyolddude, stayed clear even then.
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  16. You are smarter and more mature than I was at your age. I got lucky. You won't have to. It is not a silly fantasy. It is reality if you and your partner wish it to be. And it's pretty cool.
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  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Yeah, things'll be great until I tell her I wanna go back to screwing punk rawk brunettes.

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  18. Heh. Those punk rawk brunettes were nearly my downfall. How did you guess?
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  19. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I guess this is one of those threads where we each get to trot out our personal theories about the world.

    I acknowledge the kind of situations that Borla described, where a very emotionally close friendship can gradually become an extramarital affair, or where chemical intoxication leads otherwise level-headed people to do crazy things.

    Beyond that, though, I still think infidelity usually happens because a married man actively seeks it out. I have personally seen many, many married men doing this when their wives are not nearby. And single women tell me they are constantly being hit on by married men.

    Contrary to what y'all seem to be assuming, I'm not suffering from a deficit of confidence or other positive traits. Because of what I do, I hold and project a great deal of authority in my community. Moreover, I am both very tall and bearded.

    I've been married (just once) for almost a quarter century now. And as I said at the outset, it has been very easy to remain 100% faithful, simply by not going prowling.

    I am still a little flummoxed at the concept of middle-aged married men having to fend off salacious advances from women. Actors, musicians, sports stars, billionaires, celebrities, sure. But ordinary, middle-class, balding, paunchy, married guys? Maybe in their dreams.
  20. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    That's how this place works, really. That and random unrelated gonzo porno pics (that will eventually get someone fired) posted in otherwise mundane discussion threads.

    Eh, ordinary doesn't have to mean unattractive. It's wildly subjective. Some woman out there absolutely SuperSoakers her bloomers for dudes that look like George Constanza. It's the law of probability (and bizarre fetishes), my friend.

    There are plenty of ordinary people--male and female--that manage to get several different shots of ass in their lifetime regardless their marital status. And this statement assumes that women have a lower sex drive and better self control.

    As it goes on TFP: We're all equally horny and all equally fallible. Men and women, gay and straight, young and old, single and married, wanna fuck. And they often fuck up going about doing this in a respectful way to their current partner(s).


    #HomewreckersBusinessTravelersCougarsPoolboysBabysittersTFPDOM #HotelBarsCraigslistAirportBathroomStall


    Generally speaking:

    Based on a lot of threads I've seen over the years it seems to me that it is more difficult to talk to your partner about your unfulfilled sexual desires than it is to cheat on them.

    Drunk-fucking a compatible friend at an office party or some trashy romance novel infidelity is common but the real issue would be communication with the current partner.

    /TFP: Talk about your Fucking Problem
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
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