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The all about Bicycling thread

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Zweiblumen, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Absolutely. Go to your local bike shop which probably sells Trek/Specialized/Giant etc. and will be able to fit you to one.
    Then go out and ride it into the ground.
    --- merged: May 2, 2013 at 7:18 PM ---
    On the other hand don't try a rental in NYC: NYC Bike Share Program Weight Limit - Business Insider
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2013
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  2. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Happy Bike to Work Day, everyone!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Here's how ours went... pretty fantastic, I'd say.







    The best donut place in town supplies these for free at the BTWD rally every year, and they go fast. To say I'm pleased that I got one before they were gone is an understatement.

    Sadly, time to go to work!
  4. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    So what's the story on that group? Everyone met up to ride to work together?
    I rode to work all 5 days this week. Total 75 miles, figure 3 gallons of gas, about $10 saved.
    Our "Ride to Work" was Wednesday. No donuts but I did score a cool stretchy reflective safety band.
  5. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I bike to work everyday, so 'Drive Your Car To Work' would be my holiday.

    I was more excited about Ride Your Bike Home From Work Day today.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Monday morning, I start riding my bike to work on an increasingly regular basis (the new office has showers!).

    Still need to figure out my pannier issue but a backpack will do for now.
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  7. I need to get my bike back into working order, stop pussin' out, and start riding it. EVERYWHERE. :p
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  8. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    My mother-in-law understands very little about bike maintenance. My husband's chain looked pretty grotty. She was dismayed by its state. He explained that's what a chain looks like after riding in the rain, and it was due for maintenance. Weeks later, she asked if he had replaced his chain (yes, these are the tiny things my MIL obsesses over). No, he explained. It wasn't anything a chain scrubber, a wire brush, and new lube couldn't fix. In all honesty, he cleaned that chain so well it looks brand-new.
  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
  10. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    An old helmet is better than none, but I advice you to get a new one. The materials in helmets have limited life-span :-(
  11. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I disagree, particularly as it was in the garage, out of direct sunlight.
  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yes, and I don't ride every day. The helmet shows zero signs of wear, and I live in Oregon. Sun damage isn't really a problem here, you know.
  13. In that case check it for mold and/or moss. :D

    If you have an accident, a fall and hit your helmet on the pavement, seriously consider replacing it even if it doesn't look damaged. Take it to a bike shop and have it checked.
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  14. My little steed.

    Kind of a POS, but she gets the job done. I've probably put 50ish miles on her in the past month, with hopefully many more to come in the coming months. :)

  15. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    The helmet is probably ok, but the manufacturer is absolving themselves of any liabilty by having a time limit. Same way that ski shops won't work on bindings past a certain age. Could be good equipment, they are not taking a risk on it. Should your head?
  16. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Actually, liability doesn't work that way, even for bike helmets. It varies from state to state, but generally if a manufacturer (or importer) knows that an item is going to have its useful life expire by a certain date, they're required to notify you on or about that date. And as a guy that deals with liability for bike helmets as a big part of my career, they're liable even if they do notify you in about half the states.
  17. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

  18. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    As much as I'd prefer a more liesurely, less taintwrecking pace historically when I was bicycling to school it was because I'd missed the bus. Now when I didn't... I definitely took at at a more fun pace than Armstronging my way around campus.
  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    With gift-giving season right around the corner, methinks @Charlatan needs this kit.
  20. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    That's sweet!