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'Murican Thanksgiving

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by GeneticShift, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I'm enjoying my short week by procrastinating.

    We've chatted about Canadian Thanksgiving, but it's almost that time to celebrate it in the land of stars and stripes, where everyone gorges themselves and gets drunk around family they may or may not like.

    I like Thanksgiving. It has the best food of any holiday, you're encouraged to be a fatass with food and alcohol, and there aren't any gift-giving expectations.

    On Thanksgiving, I will occasionally wake up early to watch the Detroit parade, as my childhood best friend's family is always in it as some of the big head mascots. But I also like sleeping in, because hey, day off.

    We've always celebrated Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family at my aunt and uncle's house since it was basically a mansion with a huge kitchen. Due to a very messy divorce that involved prostitutes, copious amounts of coke, and several instances of blackmail (true story), the mansion is no more, so we're packing up and going to my grandma's. Small house, but it should be cozy.

    We used to celebrate thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family too, but now we're pretty scattered and aren't really close with them anyways.

    We don't have too many traditions, except for stuffing our faces.
    My family is typically in charge of mashed potatoes, which might be my favorite food group. My aunt makes the most kickass stuffing in the world, so most of us end up in some form of a carb fueled diabetic coma by the end of the night. We have a few family birthdays around Thanksgiving time, so instead of traditional pie, we usually have birthday cake.

    The Lions/Packers game is usually on the TV, and typically that ends with us silently weeping into the communal whiskey.

    Do you enjoy Thanksgiving? Any fun Thanksgiving traditions? If you had to estimate, what percentage of your body weight do you eat every year?
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  2. I'm sorry I laughed at this, but it seemed so bizarre....and the perfect set up for people to talk about their dysfunctional family gatherings. Love it!!!

    I am 2500 miles away from my OWN crazy family. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. I love going to my mom’s cousin’s house. She only cooked one day a year and this was that day. She’s a lot like me. She can cook and she’s actually pretty good at it….she just doesn’t enjoy it. The food was always amazing and I always ate way too much.

    I always thought it was great that we welcomed my cousin’s ex-husband and his baby mamma. They’re still good people. I’d tell that to friends and they would be confused. We all liked the guy, but he and my cousin just weren’t good for each other.

    No coke at our Thanksgiving though….maybe some meth or weed though.

    This year I am having Thanksgiving with my Japanese in-laws. We’re having some noodles with fish heads. I really don’t remember what BaBa (DaddySquirrel’s mother…nickname for grandmother) said we were having…but I’m sure it’s that. Probably some daikon radish since I said I liked that the last time I ate at her place.

    Since we’re eating Japanese Food (which will be amazing because BaBa is an amazing cook) and not good ‘ole fattening ‘merican food, I’m having a gluttony fest at my place on Friday. We have a turkey breast, whole chicken and some duck wings. It’ll sort of be a Turducken. There will also be lots of carbs as side dishes. I can’t wait!!!

    I already had one Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night. Rugger Thanksgiving is always a blast and very tasty. I made the mistake of leaving the leftovers that I brought home for DaddySquirrel on the counter. My boys found them. In my defense, DaddySquirrel was drunk that evening. He rarely drinks and thus is a light weight. However, his favorite holiday beer was on tap. While I was at Rugger Thanksgiving he was drinking Figgy Pudding with his friends. I had to pick him up and drive his ass home. He gets very clingy when he’s had a bit too much to drink. When I found him, he was hanging all over our friend. When I arrived, he was sooooo happy and started clinging to me instead. I know he was drunk because he kept telling me over and over again how much he loves me.

    I could have some more traditions in the future.
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  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my living-in-sin woman and probably my dysfunctional mother, assuming I can get her to crawl out of the old mausoleum.

    Pregame may consist of Shitty American Beer (TM) on the deluxe couch followed by a very likely trip to Denny's for a deluxe turkey dinner served by Raoul.


    You are NOT allowed to get near my current girlfriend. My god, there would be a spudtacular squee explosion and the house would go up like Chernobyl.
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  4. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Yeah, our life got a little soap opera-y for awhile. Remind me to tell you about the time I was followed by a private investigator.
    This sounds like a challenge. I'll bring the butter.
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  5. Hee hee hee...I'm excited!
  6. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Jeez, I thought we rednecks were bad at get-togethers. :p

    I don't remember any weird drug or alcohol related shenanigans on Thanksgiving in years past, but there've been a few football related fights and injuries over the years.
    We usually have a game among all our uncles and cousins and feelings inevitably get hurt, along with a few ribs or limbs. Nothing too serious.
    Also, there was the time we almost burnt up the lawn frying the turkey.

    I'm looking forward to sandwiches the day after Thanksgiving. Almost everything we have on Thanksgiving thrown on the sandwich. Oh, yeah!
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  7. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I'll be taking cornbread dressing and pecan pie over to daughter #2's house since she is the holiday point person for our family these days (blessed be). I don't have any other close folkses here except for my sister and she has gone to Asheville to stay with my mom and stepdad for the week.

    Our new holiday tradition seems to be cooking, drinking wine, watching horror movies and talking shit all day. I love my little family.
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  8. Stuff faces. Watch Packers destroy Lions. Rinse and repeat.

    This year we're doing it a day early. I really couldn't tell you why. I don't question my mother's decisions anymore.
  9. Thanksgiving breakfast is turkey and all of the trimmings at my son's house. Usually 10-12 folks chowing and watching the parade, then some football.

    Then I usually go crawl back under the bridge.
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  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Mom & her side of the family for me.

    Now...I love my mom to death...but sometimes she can be the most wishy-washy person. And the rest of that side to boot...

    Knowing this...and family politics/sensitivities...I started my T-day inquires back in September. (everyone else starts early for Xmas...me, I do T-day this way)

    First, they're not sure they all want to have it together...as tensions have ramped up. Maybe we'll go out to a restaurant instead. (fine ma, just tell me)
    Second, well...my cousin (aunt's son) they're going to his wife's family...so "eliminated" from factors. (fine ma, just tell me)
    Third, well my niece is in recovery she'll be now there, but her mother (my sis) is going down to her friend's then. (fine ma, just tell me)
    Fourth, since finding out Hanukkah starts near, she wants to have some Jewish food. (she almost converted....fine ma, just tell me)
    Fifth, well my aunt has decided to cook anyway, after protesting about cooking, my mom doesn't want to cook...or now go to a restaurant, may go. (fine ma, just tell me what to bring)
    Sixth, my mom may cook some...making the family's favorites, still going to my aunt's though. (fine ma, just tell me what you want me to bring instead)
    Seventh, my sis may or may not be going to her friend's...due to potential car trouble and/or fix expense. (fine ma, just tell me)
    and so on...

    I make sure I check every few days by now.

    But I know this...
    My mom will regret cooking...and worry about sensitivities.
    My sis will not go, but will cook up a storm making my mom clean the mess (they live together)
    My aunt will cook her usual, but then protest she doesn't like doing it.
    My cousin (her son) will resent having to miss his family dinner (If his wife was actually there, she'd somehow offend someone...always does)
    My cousin (her daughter) will piss people off with some flippant comment.
    My uncle (her husband) will make snippy sarcastic comments.
    My other uncle will partake, but do nothing but mope.
    My niece and nephew will sit down, be polite, eat everything...and later say they were bored.
    And I'll eat all the appetizers...eat no main course...and do all the dishes at my aunt's (I've learned not to try to clean after my sis did her cooking)
    Everyone else...is randomly existing...and a bystander to it all. :rolleyes:

    'nuff said.
  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We're not allowed to watch football on Thanksgiving if my MIL or my husband's grandparents host it. Last year, one of the aunties hosted and it was AWESOME because we got to watch football. It's a tradition in my family. I know when I host my own Thanksgivings, there will be football. People can talk and watch football. My MIL is under the mistaken impression that watching these games turns people into zombies. She's very wrong. I had some great conversations last year AND got to watch football at the same time.

    Anyway, this year it's at the inlaws. There's a lot of drama around that decision. None of it makes me happy.
  12. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    It'll be at our house this year. A huge raft of my in-laws, my mom and my aunt, and a family of friends we're close to. I'm cooking, which is fun for me, and probably better for everyone than if my MIL were in charge, since she tends to cook food as though it had done something personal to her.

    There's usually a lot of talk, and a little sports (my FIL and BIL are fans, as to an extend are my MIL and SILs-- Mrs. Levite and I have zero interest in football), lots of watching the kids play, and a LOT of picture taking-- my in-laws document their lives like they were observing themselves for anthropological reasons.

    We do the usual "everyone say what you're thankful for," but really our one "serious" custom is that we read aloud Lincoln's original proclamation of a day of thanksgiving. We don't do Pilgrims and Indians in our household, since there is little reason to think that there was ever one true "original" Thanksgiving in November with the Pilgrims and Indians, and lots more reason to think that it's kind of condescending to remember sharing turkey and corn with them and not massacring them for their land and giving them smallpox and whatnot. Instead, we really value the sentiments of Lincoln's Thanksgiving, and we try to celebrate in line with those.
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  13. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I haven't done Thanksgiving with my family since I moved down to NC...I usually do Thanksgiving with Eden's family, then see mine over Christmas. When I was younger, my favorite part of the family get together was playing cards after eating. I learned to play Hearts, Euchre, and Rummy after stuffing myself on different Thanksgivings.

    To be honest, the thing I dread about doing the holiday with Eden's family is, every year, without fail (well, let's be honest, every family get-together, throughout the year), someone always thinks it's hilarious to offer me turkey. Several times. I just smile and laugh it off, but it gets a little wearing.

    No one ever has alcohol, my family or Eden's. I think we had wine one year at Christmas, and that was like, the biggest deal in the world, and it didn't happen until after my grandma fell asleep :) This year, one of our favorite bars is open Thanksgiving night, so we're going to try to round up some of the cousins for a drink or two after dinner's over.

    Oh--and cooking. The past few years I've made green bean casserole, which is something I like that surprisingly, everyone in Eden's family likes, too. I'll be making it again this year, but I'm thinking of making a sweet potato dish or maybe something pumpkin-y as well.
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  14. Leto

    Leto Slightly Tilted

    It looks like you folks on the eastern part of the country are in for some tricky weather.... Travel safely to your families, & have a happy thanks giving.
  15. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    The party is at my house, this year. Cow on the grill (I'm tired of turkey) with whatever folks bring.

    I'm expecting my youngest daughter's husband to go off on a religious, anti-liberal rant that tests my ability to bite my tongue. Why would this year be any different?
  16. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    ooh, that's rough.
  17. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Going to be an interesting thanksgiving this year. My divorce is almost final. The actual final orders hearing is this Friday. I will have my twin 3 year old girls. And my sister is coming with her 20 year old son. I did realize a couple days ago that my ex took the dining room furniture, so I have to figure out something. I am doing bbq ribs this time. I have smoked turkeys before, but turkey is only so-so.
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  18. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    This reminded me: Eden's uncle always leads a prayer before everyone eats. More than once, he's alluded to Eden and me, though he uses something vague like, "...and we pray for those who..." Trying not to laugh is always an issue. I am not above holding a child and using them as a shield.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
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  19. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Thanksgiving to me will always be the experience of being crammed into my Nana (mom's mom)'s tiny Brooklyn apartment with my parents, sister, five aunts and one brother and their respective spouses, four cousins and a lot of family attitude. Nana, my mom and her sisters would squeeze into the tiny kitchen taking on their individual cooking tasks, each specializing in what they made best. To this day theirs has been the best turkey, stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes and creamed corn that I've ever tasted, despite—or because of—the constant stream of bickering that came out of the kitchen as they worked. The rest of us knew well to keep our distance, as there was nothing we could contribute to that mess. Even offers to wash and dry the dishes were turned down because they all had it handled.

    My parents became the primary hosts after my Nana passed away, and while meals in my childhood home were always enjoyable—and the high class wine and cocktails were always plentiful—the tradition was obviously never the same, especially with my mom assuming the role of stressed out hostess, at times to extremes.

    This year I'm traveling to my sister's house for a much more scaled down—and hopefully low-stress and low-drama—affair for just our immediate family. Beyond the food, which I know will be tasty as always, I'm especially looking forward to joining my nieces, at their enthusiastic request, to watch Elf after the meal.

    Oh yeah, and I'll be by myself this year. That'll be new.
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  20. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    I actually loathe the holidays. There are just way too many people that i mostly don't like anyways. My husband's family is traditional. Dinner on Thanksgiving with traditional Thanksgiving foods. His grandma makes fantastic turkey and noodles and his mom makes yeast rolls that everyone raves about, but i don't really enjoy. They're dry and cold because she makes them so far ahead of time. Don't tell her i said that. She is sensitive about her cooking. What we bring every year changes. This is our first Thanksgiving since we have moved into our house in bfe, so this year i am making pumpkin praline cheesecake, made with pumpkins that i grew in my first garden ever and eggs from our chickens in our backyard. :)

    My family is way less traditional. Every year it changes and it is never on thanksgiving. The first year that we really started doing it (my mom and siblings and my step dad and step siblings), it was a spamurkey Thanksgiving. That's right, spam shaped like a turkey. Since then, we have had chili Thanksgiving, spaghettigiving, and this year will be cornbreadgiving. I haven't decided what i will make for that one.
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