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Politics Obamacare

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by pan6467, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. loquitur

    loquitur Getting Tilted

    • Like Like x 1
  2. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Right, but you can consider independent surveys of businesses and employee benefit managers.

    And do you feel the same about the $400 million in spending to misinform the public about the ACA?
    --- merged: Nov 9, 2013 4:24 PM ---
    My advice to the libertarian who received the cancellation notice from Humana is not to take the replacement plan suggested by Humana in its own corporate interest, but to shop on the Exchange for numerous other options in the consumer's best interest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
  3. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Should we take at face value the oft-cited conservative talking point that the ACA is a "job killer"? Based on what?

    Or raising the minimum wage is a job killer? Or protecting LGBTs from employment discrimination (Senate passed workplace protection bill earlier this week; bill is DOA in House because it is a job killer) ? Or a small tax increase on the top 1%? Or environmental regulations?
  4. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I don't understand this, @redux.

    I'm lost here. Could you please explain it to me?
    Where does this 33% tax deduction come from?
  5. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    I can see why it was confusing.

    I went off on a tangent, compounded with a typo. Employees benefit from employer sponsored health plans because the employers contribution is not treated as income....it is excluded from income for both employee income and employer payroll tax purposes. Or, a dollar paid to the employee in the form of health insurance is worth more relative to a dollar in wages. The 33% was a ballpark estimate.
    --- merged: Nov 9, 2013 at 3:12 PM ---
    A recent survey of large employers and health insurance:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2013
  6. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Got it.:) So it's a tax saving to the employee because insurance benefits are not taxable like wages.
    At least not yet.;)
    And for many workers, depending on tax bracket, it's even bigger than your ballpark.
    According to my quick calculations (when including Social Security and Medicare) to a single taxpayer earning $50K, it's worth 32.1% more than a raise in pay, to a single taxpayer earning $100K, 36.6% more, and to a single earning $200K results in a savings of 40.4%
    A smaller (but still significant) savings to the employer, who doesn't have to pay the 15.3% employers share of SocSec and Medicare taxes on insurance benefits like they do on wages.
  7. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Now for me everyone thinks performance is solved by using the cloud.

    I don't buy it.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    And I'm sure you know this..."Cloud" is actually the 7/11 of computer platforms.

    Suurre, they don't want to buy outright or maintain their own application...That's "hard"
    but instead...they buy convenience...and pay the "convenience" prices...a continuous lease.

    You play by their rules, their security, their support.
    You pay monthly...and by user....and that adds up to a nice annual deposit into their bank accounts.

    You can't customize beyond what they support.

    Actually, the Obamacare techs just announced they went from Virtual servers, to dedicated servers.
    Because in Virtual, while convenient...you have to share resources.
    With dedicated servers...you get the resources focused on your needs...configured specifically for your needs.
    And the software allocates and interacts with the software differently...cleaner.

    You can get away with this...with small environments, but not with National or Global scale.
    And that's what the Obamacare site is...National, handling millions.

    It amazes me how many managers and developers don't understand or try to get away with skimping.
    They fall for it every time.
    You get what you pay for.
    You don't use a Toyota for 18-wheeler work.

    It will all be fixed soon, last I heard a few days ago, they're up to 17,000 user/hour capacity.
    They'll hit their deadline for performance and bugs.

    The hard part will be getting all the depts and insurance companies to play nice and work well together.
    Politics takes longer than tech.

    Actually, I've got an IT guarantee hanging up,
    "All IT executions will take less time than decisions"
    Haven't missed it yet. ;)
  9. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Another survey that refutes the assertion that many businesses will drop their employee's health insurance as a result of the ACA.

    The survey of the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans found that more than two-thirds of companies definitely plan to offer health benefits to full-time workers and another 25% are very likely to continue offering benefits (combined 94%); the numbers are higher in 2013 than 2012. Only a combined 2% definitely or very likely will drop their employee coverage.


    IFEBP : 2013 Employer-Sponsored Health Care: ACA's Impact

    I think this data (and the previous survey posted) is probably more representative of the facts than ideological presumptions that employers will drop coverage en masse.
  10. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    Why the delay for business in Obamacare?

    Why the thousands of exemptions in Obamacare and the implication for those not getting the exemptions?

    Oh, and word on the street says that the administration has already cut a deal with the Unions regarding "Cadillac" plans - why would they do this?

    My suggestion is that you not actually try to answer these questions, consider them rhetorical.
  11. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    This is worth a read...the cost cutting impact of the ACA:
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    So basically, the new trend is...if you're opposed, then it should ALL die, even if it means harm to ALL.

    And in the unending media of ACA site issues they are focused on.
    Media and people are not focused on another tech glitch of a 30 billion dollar contract for our new navy ships. - LINK
    But Nooo...this doesn't get paid attention to.

    In the end, media and people focus on what they want...what is the hype, what they love, what they hate.
    Everything else, falls by the wayside...for good or ill.

    Even those in the media are noting the difficulty with keeping up and what gets focused on.
    With twitter and other instant...the news cycle is not even just 24/7...but minute by minute.
    Everything is Attention Deficit Disorder...no attention span.
    Most gets passed by on the highway.

    They'll figure out Obamacare...and I'd LOVE to hear the opposition's alternative solution, other than just die.
    And when they fix it...as they have fixed many other programs.

    We'll be on to the next flavor of hate for the second. :rolleyes:

    See myself? I don't expect perfection.
    I expect reasonableness. (but I don't hope for it)
    I hope for forethought. (but I don't expect it)
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    BTW...the insured actually enrolled, not just searching...is under 100,000

    Now, considering it went from just the tens...to this, in a month...is not too bad.
    The momentum will gain.

    And it would be likely more if it weren't for the bad press.

    I wish people and the media would wallow in reality and realistic expectations, instead of instantaneous gratification.
    Reporters and pundits are the worst for this...as is their line of questioning.

    I'm not going to judge until we get to the Spring.
    There's going to be a ton of mess to sort out between then.

    Of course, the media will likely be onto the latest crisis "du jour" by then...and not paying attention, whether good OR ill.
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Here's a good summary for reasons for the issues that are occuring.

    The only problem, many of those who should learn the lessons aren't going to acknowledge their own complicity. :rolleyes:
  15. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    They just stated on the news this morning that Oregon, one of the states running it's own exchange, had zero enrolls. They left out, of course, the computer system has yet to be launched, and that many like myself have requested more information on several plans and options. If it's available and I can afford it I'll buy even though I'm not required as I live in Mexico. I'm spending more time there and my insurance here will not cover me in the US. The US is one of about five countries my insurance is not valid, obviously due to medical care costs.
  16. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    ah now we have bill clinton saying obama should uphold his promise that people should be able to keep their insurance, and the 12 or so democrats who want it postponed for a year. this thing just keeps getting uglier.
  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The only issue that really matters is getting the Exchanges up and running by the end of the month. If that happens, every thing else falls in place, despite the whining. Administratively, it would be almost impossible for insurance companies to reinstate cancelled plans, despite the rhetoric. The White House can give a pass to the Senate Democrats in swing states up for re-election next year.

    At best, I could see Obama proposing to extend the 400% poverty level upward so more of those folks would get subsidies.

    The bottom line is many of those plans, the "junk plans" at $100/month with numerous loopholes, exclusions, coverage gaps, etc, are bad for the individual, bad for the individual's family and their financial security, bad for the individual's workplace where untreated ailments can spread to others (think not getting a flu shot), and bad for the country as a whole (think $5o billion annually in unpaid hospital bills passed on to consumers).
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    America, what's with all the subprime lending and junk insurance plans? What else are you hiding? Sheesh.
  19. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    What Obama should do is tie a bill to increase the minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10/hr to any bill or legislative "fix" dealing with the cancelled insurance policies and bait the Republicans.
  20. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    The thing is most US citizens don't know. The corporations that sell and bundle this crap fund the advertising and at times own some media outlets so this stuff goes way under reported. Pick up a business magazine or watch a business channel and you'll never even see these issues mentioned.