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People calling you by your first name...

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Doris, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Doris

    Doris Getting Tilted

    My daughter recently started preschool and we noticed a funny thing: she has started calling us by our first names, not referring to us as mom and dad. I hope in time, this passes and she will continue calling me mom. It's probably just because they have been asking questions about children's families and they now compare the data.

    It makes me feel I'm missing out on something, because my husband has no nicknames for me, he hardly ever says my first name aloud either. Some of the friends or acquaintances even like to make new versions of my name, or at least call my by my real name, when they start talking to me.

    Isn't it suppose to be nice to hear your name mentioned?

    Another thing is letters trying to sell you something. Those, that have your first name added here and there to make the letter seem really personal. I'm not impressed by them. There's certainly some salesmen's tactics involved there.

    I notice this same thing with my boss. His way of smuggling my name into sentences prompts me to thinking, he wants something from me.

    What are your thoughts about this? Can "name calling" be excessive or too scant?

    Does anyone here not like their first name and wants to be called something else? I have a workmate with two-piece name. He either wants to be called by the latter part of his name, not the first at all, or his initials, which I rather use, when I need to address him.
  2. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Don't ask me, I thought my name was "Hey you" for the first 15 years of my life.
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  3. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    When my cousin was young, my mom babysat her every day. She started calling MY mom, Mom, and her mom by her first name. My mom would answer her every time with, "I'm not your mommy!" So my cousin started calling her Aunt Not My Mommy.

    There aren't really any nicknames for my name. A few people have called me Bee, which is my first initial, and I'm cool with that. Eden usually calls me Baby. My mom calls me Boo. Other than that, everyone calls me by my name. I tend to like nicknames better, but only when used by people close to me. There was a short period of time when my work nametag said Bee...I ended up changing it, because people I'd never met calling me that ended up weirding me out too much.
  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Me too! And I had a brother, "You little shit".
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  5. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Nobody in my job uses their first name for anything. A lot of guys have stupid nicknames leftover from when they were inmates. I'm not cool enough so I'm just "[last name]."

    My current girlfriend only says my name when she's angry or she's being super serious, so... it's definitely an indicator I should pay attention instead of kinda tuning her out.

    When I was in the military, I was my last name until I got promoted to the NCO ranks. Then you're simply addressed by whatever rank is on your collar (or chest, as it is now).

    Hell, the only person that ever uses my full name is my mother.
  6. CinnamonGirl, I don't think I address you as your first name unless I have to....I tend to refer to you as Vodka, and we couldn't have been older than 14 when I started calling her that. Never drank vodka at that point in my life. That's how you're listed in my phone too. Come to think of it....lots of people are listed in my phone by nicknames. Makes it easier on me. (I also have people I've met in my phone as Ben Pub, Mike Tequilashots, Jake PartyatKs, Jen HotTattoo...) TFPers for which I have phone numbers and in fact know their real names, are still listed by their TFP name. shoegirl is listed as her real name though since I knew her IRL before I joined TFP.

    I rarely call anyone by their real names. I think I got that from my father. My father called my brothers Bark and Hollywood and our next door neighbor was called Henry even though his name was Marc. I never knew why really.

    Most rugby players I know have nicknames, so my friends in that world are called by what you yell on the pitch, KJ, Grubb, P, Muzo, SpecialK, dAnal, Cole, Stewy, Watts...the list goes on and on. My friends from my college team still call me Classic. Even new friends out here in Oregon are starting to get nicknames. I literally refer to my roommate E's friend E as Other E. He has learned to accept it. (Sorry if that was confusing...that's why I call him other E....so I don't get confused.)

    A guy I had slept with has the same first name as my brother....I didn't like calling him by his first name during the mattress mamba, because that just freaked me out. I don't think I said his name at all even though I did warn him that I was just going to use a nickname mutual friends know him as.

    There are some variations of my name that people call me, but it's not across the board. I can't recall a partner giving me a pet name. M would just put "ford" at the end of my name...ZombieSquirrelford.
  7. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    ZombieSquirrel - if I were in your phone, I'm sure I'd be Jazz Shittybar. Or Asshole.

    I call one of my nephews "Ralph" when his name is Cameron. I've done that since he was in kindergarten. Most of my college friends don't have first names - Bambam, Rocko, JJ, Tall Mike, Scooter, Bile-A-While, Cannon, Pistol/Mo-Train...

    I use first names when I initially meet someone so that it sticks in my head. If I don't, I'll forget, which is embarrassing.
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  8. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I have Jazz listed in my email and phone as "Ben Dover"

    I think it's because those are the only words I ever say to him.
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  9. You'd be Jazzhole as I already have Asshole and Asshat.
  10. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    That makes me sound like Bob Fosse.
  11. WHAT!?! Straight men don't know Bob Fosse or Jazz Hands. Gay men do....and well...a thing or two about jazzholes.

    Sorry for stereotyping.
  12. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    lol...that's awesome! Not sure how I forgot that one. You're in my phone under a nickname, as well.
  13. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    There are no gay men that know anything about this jazzhole. Well "know" in the Biblical sense anyway.
  14. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    I used to correct people that referred to me as Mr Zombie. Tell them Suburb is fine. I'm less apt to do that now.
    If I introduce myself as Suburb, and that person then calls me Jazz, I won't bother correcting them.
  15. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I've been called all sorts of nicknames and variations of my first names and last name.

    A particular nickname of mine keeps poking out of my memory. Back when I lived in Sydney, one of my friends gave me a nickname while he was completely stoned. Ralf. Because I am one of ze Germans and I haf ze German akzent, ja. Everyone in that geographical region now calls me Ralf. Even to this day I get facebook messages that start off with "RALF!". Sigh.

    Don't mind nicknames. In Afghanistan I'm now called Fatty, because I put on a good amount of weight due to lack of exercise. I have no issues with that, because it reflects the reality of my physical self.

    My real name doesn't help either. I have a Middle Eastern name, and in this region it is commonplace to give a middle name (like Mohammad or Ahmad), which is written first. Say your name is Abuzar Haseeb, and your middle name is Mohammad. It's then not written "Abuzar Mohammad Haseeb". No, it's written "Mohammad Abuzar Haseeb" with "Abuzar" your real first name.

    Having been born and grown up in Germany, my teachers had huge difficulties getting my name right. So, during primary and secondary school I was simply called by my last name.
  16. Really? I guess since I have no knowledge of Glory's Sun's sexual orientation I can't say that a homosexual man knows about your jazzhole, but sounds like a man in general knows something about your jazzhole.

  17. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    I've always been called by my first name. And ex girlfriend and I used to call each other by our second names as terms of endearment, but that's about all.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    As to the "problem" posed in the OP: I think most preschoolers go through a period where they refer to their parents by their first names. I think part of it comes from suddenly realizing that Mom and Dad have identities beyond just Mom and Dad--that they're (insert first name) too. I see this a lot with kids at school--tends to happen when they're 3-4 years of age.

    I find it weird when I'm NOT called by my first name, personally, although it's common for people to call me a truncated version of my first name. When I do practicum work at middle schools I find it strange to be called Miz (last name), but it is also nice to have my authoritay respected.
  19. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    • Like Like x 1
  20. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Practicum work?

    You mean the German word "Praktikum" (internship/trainee)?


    EDIT: The_jazz made me realize I'm being off-topic. In response, I don't think Doris' kid will keep the first-name calling up for much longer if not approved by her.