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Let's talk about TP.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by GeneticShift, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I've noticed that something as simple as toilet paper can cause people to get into ridiculously heated arguments. It cracks me up that it's such a triggering subject, but thinking about it, I definitely have preferences that annoy me if they're not met.

    My thoughts on toilet paper:

    It needs to be hung so the excess comes over the top. If someone hangs it backwards, I get unnaturally annoyed. It's easier to reach for! And with the way my bathroom is set up, if it's hanging under, it's usually attached to the wall with some static electricity, and that just grosses me out.

    I fold my toilet paper, I don't bunch it up like an animal. I'm pretty scientific about it. I take about 4-6 squares, and fold them over to make a neat square, which I can then re-fold if needed. I don't see how crumpling is efficient.

    I must have a spoiled undercarriage, because cheap toilet paper bugs me. It reminds me of going to parties at frat houses and having to use the cheap brown paper towels for hands because they had ran out of toilet paper hours ago. If it's touching me in places under high security, they deserve at least some form of quilted. I like Cottonelle. The puppy is cute.


    The big question. Over or under?
    How do you prepare your toilet paper for use?
    Which kind of TP do you prefer? Do you go for economical or comfort?

    Any other bathroom gripes?
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  2. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    It's OVER.

    End discussion.

    Terminate all those that think it is under. This is religion.
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  3. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I hang it over the top. When using, I fold a few squares over—bunching it up makes absolutely no sense to me and, in my mind, increases the chance that my hands are going to come away with something on them that's not meant to be there.

    I buy the cheap stuff in bulk at Costco because I'm living alone and trying to save money. My choice of toilet paper is not necessarily a dealbreaker, but in the past I have found that the fluffy stuff doesn't always hold up to my required degree of undercarriage thoroughness. If I'm trying to come away with a clean bum, I don't want to feel like the clouds with which I am wiping my ass are disintegrating in my hands and leaving anything behind for later. Maybe the plushy stuff my mom used to buy that I thought was high end wasn't so much after all. I'm open to better options.

    This could probably segue nicely into a conversation about man- and lady-scaping and its benefits in regards to toilet paper efficacy, but I'll save that for another thread.

    ...Oh, and for the love of god people, wash your fucking hands.

    And look, it's time for lunch!
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  4. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Under, my wife's Golden will spin the entire roll onto the floor if it goes over. I'd prefer it to go over; but practicality wins.

    I'm brand indifferent; but no lotion, perfume, etc. It's my ass, not my nose.
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  5. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    It goes over, always.

    I like Cottonelle, either the original "clean care" (blue) or the "gentle care" (green.) (uh, the packaging is blue or green, not the toilet paper itself.)

    My parents always got the one-ply, thin as tissue paper stuff, and I hated it. Seemed like I always used twice as much, so it defeated the purpose of saving money.

    Oh--- and I've never really paid attention to how I, er, prepare the TP. I suppose I crumple. I'll pay more attention next time :)
  6. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Nothing can make a mess of a bathroom like a house full of little boys. Getting them to hit the toilet consistently is a major challenge of it's own.

    We buy whatever is on sale at Costco.

    Over vs. under? First world problem that is as meaningless to me as current trends in high fashion.
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  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    I'm too busy thinking about more important and/or more interesting matters.

    After spending two weeks in Cuba, I'm simply grateful for the abundance of toilet paper in my life.
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  8. I have cats that like to play with the TP. To prevent having the whole roll unwrap, I do under. That way it just spins and spins, but not unravel.

    The kitties are confined to the front room and kitchen at the moment, so they don't have access to any of our bathrooms. I'm lucky if DaddySquirrel puts the roll in the right spot let alone over or under.

    No one who has visited my home has complained yet.
  9. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    Another vote for under due to dogs/cats that will play with it.

    Brands don't matter, but minimum 2 ply does. I prefer something firm enough to be functional but not sandpaper.

    Other than that.. not picky!
  10. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I still don't care which way the roll is facing. I understand the pet thing, otherwise i don't really understand the difference.

    I'm definitely a folder and have a personal technique that is similar to GS's.

    For brand, i buy the Target brand 'deluxe.' It is just as good as cottonelle and a little cheaper.
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  11. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I have a complaint against the inconsiderate bastards that leave a single ply—or worse yet, mere scraps—behind on the roll when they're finished without replacing it with a new one.
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  12. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Welcome to my entire childhood/adolescent/young adult/whatever life.

    A younger brother that refuses to replace the tube. He will either get a new one out and use it, but leave it on top of the tank, or use Kleenex. Lazy bastard.

    And anything with "soft and strong" or some sort of synonym of these on the label suits my needs wonderfully.
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  13. Spoiled undercarriage :p
  14. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Damn right.

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  15. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Over. Under bugs the shit out of me. And fortunately, our little dog doesn't get into mischief or try to play with things like TP (she's basically a small occasionally mobile couch cushion). So it's hung properly, unless Mrs. Levite or our cleaning lady forgets and hangs it backward and I have to switch it.

    Two-ply minimum, the thickest we can find. No lotions or scents. And I fold, so as to keep even the cleaning area, and minimize chances of dirtying my hands.

    We are also belt-and-suspenders types with air freshening, despite our refusal to use artificial scent sprays. We keep big wooden matches in the bathroom, and pure orange oil spray, and first use the one, then the other. It still kind of ends up smelling like some oranges took a shit and then lit themselves on fire, but it's way better than nothing, and better than artificial floral coverup scents.
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  16. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    That cracked me up, for the record. We keep wooden matches as well...I'll have to give the oil spray a try.
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  17. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    +1 for matches.
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  18. loquitur

    loquitur Getting Tilted

    yeah, it has to go over. Seems like I"m forever switching the orientation of the roll around my place.
    But be careful about the piping your contractor uses if you replace the fixtures in your bathroom. Some pipes clog easily if you use more than single-ply. That's what our @!#$%^&* contractor used. So I have to do really, really elaborate folding because single ply is really flimsy.
    One day I'll figure out how to do TP origami.
  19. Over the top. I'll fold it into something that resembles a square but nothing too elaborate. Really don't care about the paper itself. My undercarriage is definitely not spoiled.
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Bunched like an animal (length of a pull should be almost to the floor...but not long enough to touch the floor)

    Hey, if I'm going to clean a mess...I want quality.
    Charmin, huge roll, ultrasoft (need a huge roll, I hate taking the time to change that roll)
    And I better have a spare...just in case.

    I've seen ladies...they go through it quicker.
    But as a man, I use it to quick clean "outlier" drops on the rim come from standing. (come on guys, deal with the sprinkler... :( )

    But at the same time, I don't let not having the "perfect" setup for me stop me from using other places, nor does it truly bother me. (My ex HATED public restrooms)
    However, I do hate if they haven't kept enough...and that damn HUGE cheeseroll, where you have to hook your hand like a claw under the metal front. (Ellen did a bit on this. :) )

    Oh yes, if you know you've got a doozy...make sure you do a precautionary flush before continuing.
    You don't want to flood the world. :oops:
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013