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How do you watch your Entertainment?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Lucifer, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Lucifer

    Lucifer Slightly Tilted Donor

    I'm almost at the point of getting rid of regular tv, the only thing we use it for is Jeopardy and cause of our time zone it doesn't come on till 8:30 and by that time, we are almost asleep. Any regular tv show that I might watch on the tv, I download and store on our server. Yay for no commercials!
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  2. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Seriously after downloading since 2009, I got tired, threw in the towel, and got Netflix. Let me tell you, it's awesome. There are SO many shows it's worth waiting for the few that aren't on Netflix to just air while you catch up on some good TV. There are few premium shows like United States of Tara and Borgias on there. Things like True Blood and Boardwalk Empire, however, I wait for the season to end and marathon it all like the unhealthy glutinous fiend that I am.
  3. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I haven't had cable in over two years and I have not missed it even for a second. Netflix streaming and Hulu. I pay about $20 a month for both and am completely satisfied. I own a lot of stuff on dvd that I re-watch fairly often, as well.
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  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We almost always use Hulu to watch the new shows; rarely do I watch television when it's actually on, even though I likely could. Despite the fact that even Hulu Plus shows commercials, there are far fewer than regular network television.
  5. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    So you guys that are watching Netflix--are you doing it on your computer screen or streaming on your big-screens? I've never used it as I have an unhealthy relationship with television in that I compulsively write about it. Best case, I see the shows before most everyone (legally, via the network)--worst, I see them when they first air. We DVR and start watching about 20 minutes into an "hour-long" show with commericals. We couldn't watch any television on our TV without cable. The extra for the premium content has been worth it so far.

    I am going to ditch the cable TV at the cottage (in Ontario) though. We almost never watch it and will just use the Internet to get TV content. It's $100 bucks-plus mandatory ( cottage package) for a 6 month minimum which is waaay too much.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2013
  6. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Both. We stream it through the Wii in the living room and both my older daughter and myself watch it on the computers in our bedroom. What's even better is that now we have three 'subaccounts" (one for each of us: me, daughter #1 and boo) that tracks our individual viewing history and gives us each our own unique browsing page. Therefore I am given suggestions based only on what I watch (which is how netflix 'crafts' your home page) rather than a few things for me and a ton of anime suggestions. It's not perfect. You can't see everything that is available on disc. For instance, True Blood is not available on Netflix streaming or Hulu, but you can see a lot. And for $20 a month, I'm not complaining.
  7. Lucifer

    Lucifer Slightly Tilted Donor

    I watch Netflix on our big screen streaming it through a Western Digital TV Live box, which also is the interface for streaming movies and tv shows from our server. The WD TV Live box is configured to use American Netflix (through the use of a 3rd party service which runs a DNS server in the USA), and our desktop computers and my tablet run Canadian Netflix. If I was into Hulu, I could configure the router to use the US DNS server, but I'm not that much into it. We've got 46 tv shows and 250+ movies on the server (and counting), so we aren't running out of things to watch anytime soon.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2013
  8. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    Moderator note - split this thread off from the New shows to watch, so sorry if it seems just slightly disjointed. - amonkie
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  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I watch Netflix from various places. Often I'll sit outside on the patio by a fire and watch something on my laptop with ear buds. That might be as common as anything. Our bedroom TV is a Panasonic Viera model, so it can stream Netflix directly to it, and we do that frequently. In the living room we can do the same through the PS3. We also occasionally stream Amazon Prime videos through our bedroom TV or I'll do it on my laptop or Kindle.

    For now we still have DirecTV though, and that is the primary source of how we watch things. I'm too much of a sports fan to give up live TV for now.
  10. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Netflix and downloads.

    I sometimes go to the movies for highly anticipated showings. It's interesting, before I started downloading I wasn't aware of many premium TV shows like True-Blood and Spartacus. I used to have TV service from Time Warner, 7 years ago. Lol. I could not stand the commercials. They were too persistent and numerous.

    I only got Netflix 2 months ago. What a wonderful service.
  11. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    We haven't had cable since I moved to NC in...shit, what year was that? 2010, that's right.

    I went out and bought some rabbit ears last summer, so I could watch the Olympics. I've used them a couple times since then to catch a football game, but that's about it.

    We got a Roku sometime last year, and it's pretty awesome. We have Netflix and Amazon Prime, and if something isn't on either of those, I can usually find it on Hulu (free account with them, haven't felt the need to upgrade yet.)

    I don't watch a lot of "shows," though. My viewing for the past few months has consisted almost entirely of Buffy reruns, with the occasional movie thrown in.
  12. fresnelly

    fresnelly Getting Tilted

    Mostly Netflix on the TV through our AppleTV. I've purchased a handful of episodes through Apple TV but only if I was desperate for the newest stuff.

    We have an HDTV antenna that allows us to watch local news and public TV.

    I do miss channel surfing a little and the promise of catching Auto racing on the weekends but I realize now that's not enough for me to pay for full cable again. So much of TV now is Reality genre and juvenile stuff that just doesn't appeal to me.

    The internet, books and high budget cable/movies are where it's at.
  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I've got Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, and Netflix...and cable. Why? Because cable is only $10 more than the bill for standalone cable internet here. *shrugs* It's worth it to have local channels, as trying to use an antenna here can suck, and we do like watching Cartoon Network on Monday nights. Sometimes it comes in handy. Mostly I use it for watching football on Sunday and other sports, but our "discount" cable package doesn't come with many sports channels, so unless it's on a major network, I usually have to stream it somewhere else.

    We typically stream stuff via our Xbox 360. We also have a Nintendo Wii, but it isn't set up at the moment. We used to stream stuff with the Wii before we got the Xbox 360. I can stream stuff on my Nexus if I want to watch something in bed. I do stream sports via my laptop, but then I can plug it into the big TV with an HDMI cable. Pretty easy.
  14. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    At home we have a Roku and Boxee, Netflix, and online streaming stuff.
    In the boondocks, I now have a TV since the hubs came to visit, Google Chromecast (freaking genius), Netflix, and rabbit ears.
    I watch on my desktop, laptop or "cast" directly from either to the tv.
    Cable out here is $100+. On an intern salary, it's unattainable.