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Singing to your child

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ZombieSquirrel, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. I sing to my kitties Spikeford Jones and Thomas Jay all the time. Mostly I take popular songs and change the lyrics. The newest single on the album goes like this:

    Spikeford don't preach.
    I'm in trouble deep.
    Spikeford don't preach.
    I've been losin' sleep.
    But I've made up my mind,
    IIIII I'm pinching your bu-utt.
    Gonna pinch your bu-utt

    Then I pinch Spike's kitty butt and he purrs. It has been our morning routine. I sing my new hit song to him while he rubs up on my legs.

    What's funny is, I would sing a song about Tommy Jay to the tune of Spider Man and then when I went home to meet Squishy after she was born, my brother had a song he sang about her to the tune of Spider Man. We're definitely related.

    I will sing to BabySquirrel...probably similar silly songs that I makeup but some old favorites too. Currently I sing "You are my Sunshine" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."

    Do/did you sing to your child? If so, what do/did you sing? Lullabies? Popular songs? Showtunes? Your own originals?

    I am of course looking for things to add to my repertoire.
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  2. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I do the SAME THING to the dog.

    Two of my favorites that I've come up with:

    To the tune of "Single Ladies"
    All the fluffy puppies, all the fluffy puppies.
    All the fluffy puppies, all the fluffy puppies.

    Just woke up, look at my pup, doing his puggle thing.
    I needed to dip, but now he's gonna flip, saying momma you should be walking me.

    If you love me then you should put the leash on me.
    If you love me then you should put the leash on me.
    Don't be mad when I try and stop to smell the leaves,
    If you love me then you should put the leash on me.

    Bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark bark

    To the tune of the Keyboard Cat songs
    Eddie is a fluffy puppy, he's so fluffy and a puppy
    Look at him he is so fluffy
    Eddie is my fluffy puppy
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  3. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I am constantly trying to make myself laugh by making up ridiculous words to whatever song is stuck in my head. I do this regardless of whether my kids are around. But if they are around, I try to keep the swears to a minimum. I blame Weird Al Yankovic.
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  4. Misguided

    Misguided Vertical

    Hyborian age
    Popeye the sailor man. The kid loved it. It really helped, because if a bad singing voice were a crime, I would be in Folsom.
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  5. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I also sing to my dogs. The reigning favorite is "Puppy Face" (to the tune of "Poker Face.")

    I don't have kids, but it seems like I always end up singing to the little ones I babysit. The Ants Go Marching, Mairzy Doats, Rainbow Connection, Bingo (as in, "and Bingo was his name-o"), various songs from Blue's Clues...

    One of my favorite lullabies is a song Aurelio Voltaire wrote for his son years and years ago, called "Goodnight, Demon Slayer." I don't sing it to kids I babysit (not entirely sure how their parents would take that), but I fully intend to sing it to my potential future minions--it's about how the kid shouldn't be afraid of monsters, because he can totally kick any of their asses.
  6. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I like replacing the words of the songs with meows. Kinda like this:

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGIbVF88PKs

    The kids like it right up to the point where they find it fucking annoying. And then I'm like "Sucks when someone is all annoying with the noises they make around you, huh?"
  7. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    No kids. I talk to Stanley constantly. So far he has nothing much to say in return, but by his body language I think he digs it.

    If my wife were to get pregnant (not in the plans) I don't think I would sing to the baby. I'm not a great singer, and I'm not really one to raise my voice to sing even in the shower. I do however think I would read to it. I enjoy reading and think I have a nice fluent reading voice. I'm guessing this could have some of the same positive impacts as singing.
  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I sing to Little Levite all the time. Mostly traditional Jewish songs, Hebrew liturgy or Yiddish and Ladino folk songs, but also other stuff: English, Scottish, and Irish folk songs, American folk classics, old standards, and so forth. He loves music, and likes being sung to. At bedtime, I sing him to sleep, too.
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  9. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I sing (and talk) to my cat Blue all the time. Sometimes she responds with a meow or two, sometimes I just get snuggles. It's mostly silly things I made up along the way.

    I don't have kids. If I did, I'd sing to/with them. I have fond memories of my mom singing to/with me. Chattanooga Choo Choo was one of my favorites. Not sure why she chose to sing it to me, but I'm glad she did.

    View: http://youtu.be/Yg3p1v0ZOdE

    She also did an amazing Miss Piggy voice. I really loved The Muppets.
  10. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Oh my goodness singing is everything! No easier way to calm her down.
    We have a song for everything.
    Changing diapers? "Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing is going to be all right"
    Putting a shirt on and unhappy? "Hakuna Matata"
    Fussy in the middle of the night? "Ave Maria"
    Then there are the little songs I make up for specific tasks, like "toilet time" and "we're gonna wash, wash, wash those hands."

    Pro tip: pick a short song and sing through the contractions of labor. It's a good distraction but also that tune will soothe baby like magic those first few weeks.
  11. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I sing songs to and about my pets all the time. Usually things I make up as I go along - to a variety of different melodies. My favorite is the theme song to Charlie, The Lonesome Cougar.

    It goes:
    Charlie, good time Charlie
    Everybody's friend

    And I replace it with Simba. Whenever I sing it the Boohead groans out loud - she hates it when I sing. But I don't care.

    I have a special song for Muffin that mostly involves just singing her name in a high-pitched voice, sometimes I will make up lyrics, but she goes nuts rubbing up against my legs every time I sing 'her song.'

    I don't remember singing much to my kids, but I probably did now and then.
  12. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    I don't sing about or to my pets, but when the kids were young, the 2 younger ones would not go to sleep without Daddy singing them a song. Their favourites were Morningtown Ride, All Through The Night, and Any Dream Will Do. Oddly, now that they are older, they can't stand my singing :p
  13. Jay

    Jay Vertical

    Gilbert, Az
    I sing to my daughter all the time, she likes The Doors a lot, and Richie Valens, she also used to get the 'walk and bounce' song when she was a newborn, it never failed to put her to sleep quickly.
  14. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Totally just lost my shit!
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Um, I don't really sing to my dogs as much as I talk in funny voices. Like when I get up for the day, I say, Hellloooo! How are you? in an old-lady English accent. I talk to them a lot. And I've always talked in funny voices, not just to the dogs. <oh god>.

    I did sing to my human children, especially to music, but as genuinegirly described, different types of hymns or lullabies when they were infants that morphed into more upbeat toddler songs as they grew. When they got to be age 12 or so they stopped appreciating my singing to music in the car. I have no idea why. :rolleyes:
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  16. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Most people don't understand that I really am reading Simba's thoughts when I speak out loud for him in 'his voice.' They think I'm making it up. :p
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  17. I only sing to my children as a form of punishment
    or to wake them up in the morning.
    I like to get them up with a little Tibetan throat singing of "good morning to you."
    Their hatred of the chanting only improves its effectiveness.
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  18. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    I changed words to songs and other things.
    This little piggy went to Grammas
    This little piggy napped at home
    This little piggy at popcorn
    This little piggy ate a bone
    And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way to the bathroom.