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Bye Pointless Ann...

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Oct 17, 2013.


Should we end Pointless Announcements?

Poll closed Oct 24, 2013.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Depends, see comment

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    A great deal of discussion has been brewing on whether or not we should draw our beloved thread "Pointless Announcements" to a close.

    Some people feel it isn't a reflection of who we really are here at TFP, by detracting from the deep discussions we have grown to love.

    Others feel it's taking people away from the chat room.

    Still others think that it's a great jumping off point, to think of threads... but then how often do those thoughts materialize into something beyond the pointless?

    So here we go - do we as a community want to take the leap back into meaningful discussion? If it's a resounding "yes", then is ending "Pointless Announcements" the way to do that?

    the_jazz hinted about it the end here:
    Pointless Announcements | Page 1459 | The TFP

    Here is a thread for everyone to bring their perspectives to this discussion - to take the discussion out of Staff-world and into the light of General Discussion.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
  2. Uhhh...I'm not a deep person.

    PA is fine if I just have one little thing to say where the topic is not thread forming or blog worthy...so I slip it in there and have fun with my friends bantering back and forth. It's called Pointless Announcements for a reason. Maybe it should just hang out in posting games.

    I'm just here to be a smart ass. I don't really have the time or patience to dig too much into the site. (I'm not an "internet person" as I can't stay in front of a computer for hours aside from work. If you notice, I don't post much after 5pm PST or on the weekends. It just entertains me when I have a lull at work.) I probably won't be on here as much without a little place to hear a funny one liner from someone or to take a jab at Borla. I have been known to post legitimate threads and respond to some...but, I don't spend that much time on the site aside from PA, blogs and an occasional thread that pops up on the main page that may be interesting. I don't actively look for interesting threads though.

    That being said, I'm probably not the type of person you want for this site, so my opinion may not matter.
    --- merged: Oct 17, 2013 at 12:51 PM ---
    ALSO....some of MeltedMetalGlob 's best work has come from a response to a Pointless Announcement.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2013
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  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Good arguments, ZS.
    I think it's pretty obvious that we want you to stick around... seeing as how we have a countdown until your baby is due on our front page. Staff didn't even do that for me!

    Does Pointless Announcements (PA) reflect a greater shift in the culture of our board?
    If so, is this a shift that we would like to embrace?
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  4. Sometimes I need a mindless diversion. It's interaction that helps connect us without any heavy lifting.
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  5. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I hate agreeing with ZombieSquirrel, since she's usually wrong ( ;) ), but I have to here.

    I'll post more thoughts/ideas as to why later today when I have more time.
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  6. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    It serves a purpose, allowing people to be social smartasses without trashing meaningful topics.

    Perhaps move it to members only, if someone feels it is bad PR.
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  7. Misguided

    Misguided Vertical

    Hyborian age
    Some of the pointless announcements really have a point.
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  8. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    While I don't have a measurably significant aversion to PA, I think it does (has done) a couple of significant things to this community:

    1. it has replaced discussion (Which may mean that PA is symptomatic of change rather than causative, I don't know. One thing is for sure - the dynamics of interaction in this community have changed a great deal.)

    2. it has cultivated cliquish aspects of our community that did not predominate before.

    I am certain that some folks will disagree with me, particularly on #2, but that's what I see.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
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  9. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Who here remembers the Shout Box?

    Pointless Announcements replaced that. Then it took steroids and turned into something even worse.

    I agree with mixedmedia, only I think that it has actively suppressed other discussions. When that is where 15% of all posts in a day are going, we're failing in our charter to be a bastion of intelligent discussion and respectful disagreement.

    I like the back-and-forth banter that sometimes happens there, but PA is certainly not holding a monopoly on that. Most of the posts there could be either a status update on a profile or fit better into another thread.

    What I haven't heard here is what's GOOD about it besides not being a serious place - which means that it belongs in Posting Games.
    • Like Like x 4
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It's actually over 17% of the posts, historically—of the whole board (including posting games).

    And to put it into perspective, PA is just one of 706 threads in General Discussions. Looking only at General Discussions, PA accounts for 51% of the posts there.

    Focusing on three of what should be among the most "discussion-rich" forums—General Discussions; Life and Sexuality; and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics—PA still accounts for a full third of the posts.

    And to top it off, the number of posts in PA alone practically outnumbers the entirety of the posts in Life and Sexuality, and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics combined.

    Now, this issue isn't just about the stats, but at least this is some interesting stuff to know from that perspective.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
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  11. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    In other words, it's a lot more popular than Shout Box ever was.
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Yes, astoundingly so.
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  13. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Well now I'm curious... What was Shout Box, and why did PA replace it?

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  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It was a little box at the top of the page that was like a chat box. It was basically a spot for such phenomenon as Plan9 typing random exclamations about supernatural creatures and such.

    PA didn't really "replace" it per se, but it came about as an idea for people to just post about random stuff.

    Its evolution into what it's become and what it's done to the board was a drawn-out process that we're finally admitting to today.
  15. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    I cringe at the word "popular". I'll be honest - I don't care about how popular it is. Apparently whatever a Justin Beiber is is popular with a lot of people. I couldn't care less.

    Yes, I am saying that Pointless Announcements is the Justin Beiber of TFP.

    The stats that Baraka_Guru found were basically what I expected. My numbers were drawn from a couple of weeks of watching, not much more. That does not mean that those numbers are good for TFP. People post in PA because it's comfortable and friendly. That's fine, but when that is the ONLY place that people post, there is a problem.

    There are a lot of options open to us, including my favorite - "kill it with fire!"

    If the numbers tell us that this is by far our most popular thread, should we just ignore the rest of the board? Isn't the rest of the board where the good stuff really happens anyway? There are a lot of PA posts that could just as easily be blog posts or status updates or posts in other threads or NEW THREADS.

    Finally, I want everyone to realize that I'm talking to YOU. Not the staff. Not myself. To you, the members. Justify to me why it should stay open when everything that I see about TFP in general screams "no one lets go of their security blanket any more!"
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  16. I don't think you can use the post count as a good measurable for a thread. What threads have more quality posts than one-word responses like "gross" or :D ?
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  17. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    lol, wut??


    TFP has been cliquish for a VERY long time. PA did not cause that, PA provided a medium for it.

    PA is not the problem, however, I did vote Yes to ending it. If you have a pointless announcement you can twitter style slot it into the little status update announcement thingy on the side.

    You want discussion, create threads and/or participate in them. So far there have been threads that cater to afterthought posts like "complaining and bitching thread".

    We've become like an old couple bored with each other left with nothing to talk about cause every new thread's first response is "Well, this subject has been beaten to glue but the main consensus around here is ... " ...

    You want new things? Ease up on the insularity. Bring back porn. Let new people talk about old things that are new to them.

    But that's just my opinion.
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  18. I wouldn't throw a hissy fit if we got rid of PA. I'm just saying that I probably won't post as much if I have no where to drop a random line of my sarcasm and wit. It'll just happen organically. I lost a lot of anonymity on this site over the years. Things I would have started a thread about don't get created because things I have said in the past have leaked out into my real life.

    PA for me is silly and I post silly things.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
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  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I like it...
    It's a random thing. A status in my head. A shout out.
    And I don't like to do chat anymore...nor is it something that I want to open a full thread about.

    I'm certainly not one of those who just lurk or don't talk.

    Besides, isn't the essence of a board a bit random?
    So this just is the miscellaneous thread of an ad-hoc forum within a general section.

    Nothing specific, but you just want to spit it out.
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  20. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    What you will see in a typical day at TFP is a spate or two of banter between a handful of people on PA (or, alternatively, a handful of other throw-off threads) and then the place is like a ghost town content-wise except for those diehard politics guys, people saying what they're eating or drinking and people posting images of various sorts. There's nothing wrong with that if that's the nature of the medium - reddit or twitter or even facebook, etc., but I think what they're saying here is that this is not what they want the tfp to be. And although I freely admit I am just as guilty as anyone of making a day's contribution to the forum in the form of a one-liner on PA, I do sort of miss when there were more talkative people about. Part of me thinks that time is just passed, though, and there's no making it come back.
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