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Dexter (Use spoiler tags for anything that hasn't aired yet)

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by fill23ca, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Feckin' Carl. And his hat.
    It's the actor. He's trying too hard.
    Though, I do love my sociopaths.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Who the hell is Carl?
  3. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Ahem. 'Carl' is slightly off-topic. He's a 12 y.o. sociopath-to-be in The Walking Dead.
  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    My bad. Sorry, MSD.
  5. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Coy 'Dexter' Producers Hint At 'Huge Plot Holes' In Season Finale | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

  7. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    damn, that was unexpected.
  8. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    *hugs LaGuerta's bloody corpse*
    *shows up to party 15 minutes later with her dress and cast completely spotless*
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Shauk

    Shauk Vertical

    The NorthWest
    so um, I don't know who killed the latest round of dead people. not the slightest clue.
  10. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I could tell you but then I'd have to scoop out your brain.*
    *Serious about the "I could tell you," part.
  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I say kill your whiny sister who keep undermining your life and fly off with the blonde to a far off land. (she understands you, not your sis)
    Then hire yourself out as an assassin who only takes jobs taking out obvious bad guys.
    (your new wife can make you great poisons to get the ball started...you can finish off the deal under the Code)

    Who wants to bet the Doc is the brain scooper maniac? A psycho who studies psychos.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  12. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Not going to bet...watch this Sunday!
    EDIT: Though I realize the writing on Dexter has gotten weaker, esp. since season 5, isn't Dr. Vogel such an obvious choice as to be insulting to the audience's intelligence? Just sayin'. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  13. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Still need to finish the season 2 finale on DVD, kept trying to watch months ago when I was too tired from work. Lack of access to season 3 and beyond has been the main factor I suspect for it taking me this long.
  14. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    Anyone watch the series finale? Thoughts? I found it sort of anti-climactic. I knew there wouldn't be a happy ending. But I feel it was lackluster to be THE end.
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Dexter Season 8 in a nutshell.

    Dexter is now a lumberjack in Oregon!
    I want to go stabby on the self-satisfied showrunner Scott Buck, who also wrote the finale and on the EP, Sara Colleton.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I didn't think that it would be the endings of all endings
    ...especially since there have been rumors galore of a movie being made.

    This gets rid of all his attachments...so now he can become the ultimate hunter...and hunted.
    Debra becomes effectively a part of the "Force"...sharing the thoughts inside his head as a ghost like his father.
    He's got the whole world as a potential now.

    And really, they'll only have to negotiate and budget for one castmember.

    I'd say actually, I'm happy about that...since all his attachments were kind of a drag.
    It can go from the comic relief and happy/bright atmosphere of Miami...to something even more dark & intense.

    Hannibal Lecter without the eating of people; Jason Bourne as a psychotic without having to his past.

    I guess his challenge now will be certifying potential kills without the whole damn Police/Fed database.
    But there should be enough evil people out there that he can guess at.

    Besides, other psychotics tend to find him...he's like a friggin' magnet.
  17. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I was hoping the series would end with Dexter killing Deb. Never could stand her. (the character and the actress)
  18. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Dexter did kill Deb.
  19. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Dexter “Remember The Monsters?” S8 / E12 Review - Dexter Season Finale (PHOTOS)

    “There will be people who hate it, but we can’t try to anticipate that or put it through the lens of any other show’s finale, because that was another show. This is our show. This is Dexter.” — Executive Producer Sara Colleton

    The Dexter series finale, “Remember The Monsters” did have a shot at not being an affront to the suckers who spent 96 hours watching Dexter... Instead, "The Big Brawn" epilogue is a knife through the heart of any Dexter fan.

    Dexter has been up and down for a while, but nothing could have prepared us for a finale that bad.
    MAJOR SPOILERS for “Remember the Monsters?”

    Dexter is fleeing Miami with Hannah and Harrison... (Showtime)
    But he gets a call that his sister’s been shot. (Showtime)
    Dexter runs to Deb in the hospital, and she tells him to go to Argentina because he deserves a happy ending. (Showtime)

    This is where I knew for sure that Deb would die. The doctor was entirely unconvincing in her assurances that Deb should be fine...and the statement she made about the bullet "bouncing around in there" (inside Deb) sealed it. The Dex of old would have cared enough to stick around to find out. The selfish prick Dexter of the last few seasons just wanted to be with his unrepentant, unreformed, serial-killer girlfriend A.S.A.P.

    Blah, blah, flashbacks. (Rita is conspicuously absent.) (Showtime)
    No mention of the mother of the baby. Just a lot of filler and a really ugly newborn. Deb seemed like the Deb of old, whose peppiness irritated (some) ppl.
    Then Dexter sends Hannah and Harrison off to Argentina without him. (Because he is the worst boyfriend and father ever.) (Showtime)
    Saxon is very easily apprehended by the police.
    Why the hell is Saxon lurking around the hospital? Did he think there would be no police there? All this time he's been smart enough to evade arrest...did he loan out his smarts to the cops?

    Debra takes a turn for the worse. (Cue soap opera music.)
    Early in the season 8 filming process, Jennifer Carpenter, the actor who plays Debra Morgan, said that she would prefer that her character die and be dropped in to sink to the bottom of the ocean rather than (have the actress) "spend the next 15 years" wondering what became of Deb. This is exactly what the writers wrote and probably why it is the only spoiler that was 100% true. It was the low point of the episode, maybe the series, for me, not because Debra died but because of the stupid way they portrayed it.
    Hannah almost gets caught, but then she doesn’t. (Because duh, she carries around a hypodermic needle full of horse tranquilizer with her at all times. Don’t you?) (Showtime)
    OK. This was actually funny because the previews showed it happening and because the detective dude was a real pompous twat.

    Dexter kills Saxon. With a pen to the neck. On camera. (He's upset about Deb, yeah, but this is still REALLY sloppy/out of character. Did he suddenly forget how to murder properly? He’s also acknowledged (in his never-going-to-be-missed voiceover) that Miami Metro has a solid case against Saxon...) (Showtime)
    Another (unintentionally?) funny scene. But stoopid. So stoopid.
    The other cops are totally cool with it, by the way. (Remember when Quinn was pretty sure Dexter was a murderer? Well, neither does Quinn, apparently.) (Showtime)
    Dex decides to take his sister off life support. Which is fair. But what he does next makes NO SENSE AT ALL. (Showtime)
    He STEALS HER BODY. (Showtime)
    And better, Dex just waltzes through a crowd of maybe 200 people and no one bats an eyelash. He must be wearing the cloak of invisibility! And again, Dex gets the very best parking spot for his boat, right next to the hospital!
    So he can THROW HER INTO THE OCEAN. (Maybe she would have wanted a proper burial?) (Showtime)
    Dex gives no shits about Joey Quinn, who wants to marry Deb and therefore probably would have liked some kind of memorial service for her, let alone know what happened to her body.
    And then Dexter sails off into a bad CGI hurricane. Suicide by hurricane. Meanwhile, Hannah and Harrison are still waiting for him in Argentina.(Showtime)
    Covering up his crimes is something that Dexter has always done well, so this scene actually made some sense. However, given all the implausibilities throughout the episode (the entire season, really) it carried no weight for me whatsoever. I should have cared but after eight years of watching this fucking show, the last three being a devolution into craptasticness, instead, I felt nothing.
    Hannah is sad for a few seconds when she learns the love of her life is dead. Then she takes Harrison for ice cream. (Showtime)
    OMG. Bad acting, much? Sniffle. One tear. Then <smile> Let's get ice cream!

    But it turns out Dexter isn’t dead. He’s just a lumberjack with a really unfortunate beard now. Seriously. This is THE END OF THE SERIES. (Showtime)
    The final shot is bearded Dex looking at the camera.
    The lumberjack ending was just funny and bizarre. Dexter, who previously used serial killer logic, ends up wimping out on his kid and his girlfriend because he feels responsible for both his wife and sister's deaths (He claims to cause harm to 'everyone" he loves.) So he just fucking abandoned his kid to Hannah, who just weeks ago killed her husband and poisoned Dex and Deb--after actually attempting to murder Deb the previous season. But Dex never had an impulse to hurt his kid ever and Hannah--now a half million dollars ahead, safely out of the country, believing Dex is dead, is supposed to raise Dexter's kid alone, never again having any inclination to kill? What a botched up mess of a series finale. As other fans have said and I agree, This season, this ending has made me retroactively hate the entire series.
    Screencaps SOURCE: BUZZFEED The "Dexter" Series Finale Was Unbelievably Awful

    (There is one happy ending here: Michael C. Hall and his ex-wife Jennifer Carpenter no longer have to spend long hours at work together...)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  20. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Not really, he just unplugged her to finish off quicker. I wanted her on his table and him going full out Psycho. Now that would be an ending.