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Why I call myself a Juggalo

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Taliesin, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    Alright, well I wrote this as a blog,
    but I don’t have that option yet…

    So I’ve rewritten parts to make it a discussion topic.
    This is why I call myself a Juggalo, watch the video I will post on the end, tell me what you think about the Insane Clown Posses.
    I’m truly interested in peoples opinion of my favorite band.
    I have hatchetman tattoos. I am a serious believer. Tell me your thoughts..

    Just a couple of the examples that I found in seconds when I google searched the word “Juggalo”
    So why would I, an Australian, so far removed from the Detroit gang culture, be a huge fan of this group & why would I call myself a Juggalo?
    The funny thing is, I think that the ICP are a completely misunderstood band. I believe they are one of the most positive drives in music in our generation.
    If you listen beyond the foul language, the toilet humor, the stylized violence, and what most people consider a foul drink… Faygohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faygo (I’ve never tried it. They don’t export to Australia)
    If you listen to the message they are sending, you will hear a different story.
    All the bad and evil things that happen in their songs, happen to evil people. Bigots, pedophiles, murderers, rapists, judges, priests… There are also “good” songs, songs where they go to Shangri-La (obviously heaven) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wraith:_Shangri-La
    If you look at the entire carnival, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Carnival_(Insane_Clown_Posse)#Joker.27s_Cards
    The Ringmaster, the Riddle Box, the Great Milenko, the Amazing Jeckel Brothers, and the Wraith
    You see that each characters serves a specific purpose in the mythology. The Amazing Jeckel Brothers for example, Jack the “Sinister” & Jake the “Just” emerge from the smoke of a candle in the intro. They then proceed to juggle balls between them with another ball being added for each of your sins.
    Jack will throw curve balls in an attempt to make Jake drop one. If a soul witnesses a drop, they are condemned to hell.

    The sixth jokers card was the Wraith, released in 2002. It had two parts, or two sides of the same card as they called it.
    The first album was Shangri-La, and the second was Hells Pit, the representation of the Wraith was subtly different on each album. On Shangri-La he was offering a helping hand, on Hells pit he was reaching out to grab.
    The jokers cards were so successful, and the fan base so passionate & huge that Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope didn’t know what to do when they finished. They released the Calm, then the Tempest, then the Eye of the Storm. All different albums, all just experimenting & seeing what sold & what Juggalos liked. (just my opinion)
    Finally in 2009 the Insane Clown Posse came out with their new album & new mythology. Bang! Pow! Boom! Was a hit and a second deck of jokers cards was born. In 2012 the Mighty Death Pop was released, a 4 disc album costing over $40aus on Itunes. I still bought it.

    The Dark Carnival myths to me are hope. The Insane Clown Posse is speaking the language of the thug so they can get the message through. They give me hope that all is not lost in this world. The masses still care. We just need shepherds to lead the sheep.

    -Taliesin Pen Beirdd

  2. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    If it enriches your life, what does it matter what the rest of the world thinks? Personally I don't see the attraction, but I won't be advertising my opinion as the be-all and end-all of what's good and right.

    I don't get fandom at all, anyway. Not even for things I like. I don't see getting invested so far into a movement or band. I think you have to leave yourself some room to grow and change, or even leave if the movement/band changes into something you wouldn't like to be associated with anymore...
    • Like Like x 2
  3. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
  4. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    As someone from Detroit, I'm commenting not on your association with ICP (I strongly dislike them, but differing opinions make the world go round and stuff), but on Faygo.

    Faygo is delicious and wonderful. I think the only people who consider it foul are those who haven't tried it and are judging it based on its weird association with ICP.

    There is nothing better than an ice cold Red Pop or Rock'n'Rye on a hot day.
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  5. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Not my taste in music; but you are welcome to yours.

    I'm a huge fan of music; but music is more a sound track to my life, than cult or club I'd want to join.
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  6. Faygo Rock & Rye FTW!

    Another Detroiter and non-fan here. Actually, Violent J is the son of a former co-worker, recently deceased.

    Not a thug or a fan of thugdom. But, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone, enjoy it!
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  7. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I think you'll find that dislike of Juggalos has little to do with Insane Clown Posse, except accidentally. I think the problem is this:

    I can't say I like or dislike juggalos. I don't think much of Insane Clown Posse but I don't really have a problem with them. The whole subculture that has attached itself to them, though, has a, uh, less than stellar reputation. I don't know any juggalos so I don't care to pass judgement on them as a group, but were I inclined to make such decisions my impression wouldn't be a good one. I'd be hesitant to call myself a juggalo for the same reason -- I don't see any gain to be had in attaching myself to a group whose common descriptors are things like "stupid" and "violent" and "disrespectful."

    Like the music you like, that's entirely up to you. But trying to convince the world that juggalos are good people is going to be an uphill battle.
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  8. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    There are always those few people who like to show their asses and ruin it for everyone else. I'm sure most Juggalo's are decent folk. Like most hippies, etc.
  9. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    The only thing I know about the Insane Clown Posse is a video my daughter showed me a few years ago in which the fellows expressed confusion about the science behind what makes magnets work. We laughed, it was pretty stupid. My impression is not a favorable one.

    Sitting here with my daughter's boyfriend he tells me that there is a documentary about Juggalos that I am now interested in watching. Purely for sociological reasons.
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  10. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    HAha. That music video went viral. Juggalos understood it.
    and i can see what the masses see. I'm not a blind follower. I wouldn't have called myself a Juggalo 6 months ago. (although i had one hatchetman tattoo years ago) I've done some recent soul searching & i've decided i want to be associated with them. If i can get one or two people to listen to "the worlds most hated" and give them a chance beyond the paint, I can do anything in life.
    Non fans wouldn't get it. They don't have the inside scoop i have. Non believers would take it at face value and wonder what kind of idiot doesn't know about the poles of a magnet.
    But the point of the song is the childlike wonder we loose as we grow up.
    Its a song about the magic around us. the magic of life.

    I know i've linked this story before, but i think it belongs here
    FBI Reveals Gang Files For Insane Clown Posse's Fans, Juggalos

    I'm pantsless whilst i type this... Are you saying juggalos are nudists? :cool:
    The impression i get from the music is that VJ & S2D (i'm sure you can work out my brilliant code?)
    want the world to be a better place.
    want to empower the people to build that better place
    want everyone to be kinder to each other (much like Ellen, another guilty pleasure of mine)
    But they aren't against violence to people that do horrible things
    I'm not talking an eye for an eye, i mean really horrible things (raping a dead child or somesuch)

    Thanks for the Faygo props people, I'll give it a go if i get to America next year

    I found this when i was searching the Miracles link
    I haven't seen it, i've got to get ready for work
  11. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I hate to say it, but if you have to be 'on the inside' to see what something means, there's probably nothing there to see. As we adopt a culture, we tend to adopt that culture's confirmation bias and everything starts to make sense within that framework, whether it really does or not. That's one of the reasons I don't become a fan, amongst other things.

    Like I said, if it's something that makes you happy, go for it.
    • Like Like x 6
  12. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    Don't worry, I will. :D
    I'm encouraging feedback here.
    I'm going to have to verbally defend myself against friends & family when I fly home this arvo. It's been months since I've been home. (Working away) My original friends haven't seen my new leg tattoo (grim reaper with a hatchetman discreetly branded onto his weapon) or my new buzzcut haircut.
    It'll be a fun few days of teasing, no doubt...
  13. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    So, why does he say that scientists are lying and getting him pissed?
    --- merged: Sep 11, 2013 at 6:59 PM ---
    you might want to watch the video.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2013
  14. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    He doesn't mean specifically about magnets, but alot of science is just faith that the world works the way we think it does. Faith in our unprovable calculations...
  15. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Um, no science is not faith that the world works the way we think it does. That is actually the opposite of what science is.

    I can't hang with that sort of thinking.
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  16. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    I'm not going to argue.
    But go out on the street and ask the first person you meet how a rainbow works.
    The average person relies on faith that smarter people have worked this stuff out.
  17. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I don't know much about them but they were interviewed on the Howard Stern show a few years back and sounded like total imbeciles.
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  18. Science is getting me pissed as well but I think for different reasons.
    Juggaloism is not substantial enough for my psychic needs.
    Good luck on your path.
    Perhaps 200 years from now when we have our first Juggalo President,
    your family will sit in a place of honor in full make-up.
  19. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Perhaps, but I don't see much to celebrate. That your average adult doesn't have the vaguest understanding of what your average 3rd grader knew when I was in elementary school? Doesn't seem very miraculous to me. Seems like a tragedy.
    --- merged: Sep 11, 2013 at 7:53 PM ---
    On that note, I will back off of your thread. You're new here. You probably have no idea of what an unrelenting snob/jerk/bitch I am. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2013
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  20. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    It is a tragedy. But we have to realize as a society that it is a tragedy before we can do something about it.

    Ha! GH, I've missed your posts.
    I've never tried the face paint, suppose I'll have to give it some thought if I want to attend a Gathering...

    Violent J dispels skin cancer rumor | Faygoluvers