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The clit studied

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Yojimbo1963, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm super g-spot sensitive. I can come from intercourse without much clitoral stimulation at all. It's pretty rare for me not to come from vaginal intercourse. Usually, if I don't, it's because I'm not into it in some other way or I'm tired.

    Clitoral stimulation is much more difficult for me--it's almost too sensitive. One of the things I like about my Magic Wand is I can stimulate areas around the clitoris and get off that way. A vibe designed for direct clitoral contact is usually too much for me. I don't like oral except when I've been drinking for this reason. If I'm sober, I'm so sensitive I will either 1) crush your head like Xenia Onatopp or 2) fly off the bed. It doesn't feel good.

    My experience: every woman is different.
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  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage


    I can attest that just about every woman I have been with has her own special way of getting off. It's endlessly fascinating.

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  3. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I learned that shit in 5th grade. They made the boys go to one classroom and the girls go to another, and the teacher welcomed us to our "family life" class and handed out little booklets. We all opened our booklets to page 1 and there it was right in the middle of figure 1.2 - female genitals with a line from the clit to a note in the margin that read clitoris (see glossary.)

    I can only assume that while we were reading those helpful little booklets, the girls were in the next room over learning how to apply foundation and makeup to cover those lines and annotations, and whoever was teaching them did a damned good job.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2013
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    No, I was learning the importance of hygiene. My 5th grade teacher was not a makeup advocate, but she did stress that we needed to start showering every day.
  5. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I learned through copious amounts of Penthouse forum (for inspiration) and close inspection of my high school girlfriend. Not to say it wasn't awkward at first... I knew what I was after and managed to work it out.
  6. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    As i am sure you discovered, a diagram in a booklet and a real vagina are two different things.

    And I never had any sort of sex education class. I learned about sex the old fashioned way - my mom's Joy of Sex manual.
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  7. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    God, tell me about it! Before I actually got a girl naked, I had examined Gray's Anatomy, several textbooks, and The Joy Of Sex, and still when I actually saw my first pussy, I was like, "Got a map of the Underground? Guided tour? Anything to help a brother out?" What I wouldn't have given for there to be a Rand McNally Atlas of the Pussy. Or The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Pussy. Hell, I would've settled for a decently written and illustrated pamphlet "So You're Going To Eat Pussy."
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  8. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    But, not to be dissuaded, you persisted and pursued the clitoris to its lair. That is top notch. :)
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  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Yes! I don't know how I could have left that out. "Sauce and pickles" for the win.
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  10. Misguided

    Misguided Vertical

    Hyborian age
    Which brings to to the updated Vag chart, which is NSFW, so I didn't post it. Now, you can figure out what number you are.
  11. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Everything I leanred about the vagina, I learned from Nina Hartley
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  12. zoolady

    zoolady New Member

    Here's the thing. A healthy clitoris begins wayyyyy up at the top of the labial slit...at LEAST an inch and probably a little more. The root of it is hidden inside flesh you've probably never noticed or touched.

    So...here's what you do.....pay attention to the area above the slit and lick, stroke it. Don't do anything else. Just let her enjoy that feeling. Go slowly, gently and insistently.

    She'll tell you when to move to another location.

    spend 10 minutes there and see how it pays off..... ;)