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Why do we exist?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cynthetiq, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I like a lot of the people here and my position of authority and seniority allow me to make shitty posts while drunk or blacked out on Ambien without fear of repercussions.
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  2. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I think folks are just comfortable with each other here and that translates as warmth to new people coming in. And people like warmth, comfort, closeness. That's not to say that everyone who wanders in is going to fit. There is also a standard of communication and general tolerance for socially progressive thinking that has to be met. I think for like-minded people, the combination of those factors make this place very unique on the internet.

    Not that I've done a lot of looking, but I've never found another place quite as good a fit for me as this one.
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  3. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

    Because the people here don't have constipated minds, and for the most part are kind and forgiving
    ( and that's my opinion ).
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2013
  4. MadMan317

    MadMan317 New Member

    Madison Wisconsin
    Why do we exist? This is a 2 part question.

    First, we have the question of why. This is perhaps the first question of mankind and we have been asking this question every day since. It is the question that has built and toppled empires. It is the qustion that sent man to the moon. It is the question that man and woman struggle with every day. Why is at the beginning of everything we do.

    Do we exist? YES!

    (Written with great admiration and respect for Professor Irwin Corey)
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  5. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    This isn't about philosophy or existentialism. It is about why THIS forum thetfp.com exists.
  6. MadMan317

    MadMan317 New Member

    Madison Wisconsin
    The post was not intended to be philosophical or existentialist. The question was just irresistible. Sorry for trying to inject a little humor.
  7. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    ah, sorry I missed the humor totally.
  8. MadMan317

    MadMan317 New Member

    Madison Wisconsin
    OK, I will admit it was philosophical humor. And you must be of a certain age to know who Professor Irwin Corey is. For those who don't know who he is, there's an internet search for ya to give you something to do.
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    There is no meaning but what you give yourself.

    That being said, you are giving yourself a bit of intellectual humor and hoping others might find the tangent also humorous.

    And that being said and noted before, the TFP often has tangents in its threads...flow of thought.
    Which is why I like it. (and at times annoys the shit out of me for the topics I create and hope to keep on the subject)

    And so, the TFP continues to give meaning where there is no meaning.

    And to quote the esteemed actor, Keanu Reeves, "Whoa..."
    I think we've taken the red pill. :cool:
  10. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    I'd like to hear from other long-time members on this topic. I loved reading these comments. This has been a beautiful discussion. It's authenticity is wonderful—including appreciation of all the silliness as kindredness among good friends.

    The discussion stopped in mid-April, then got sidewacked and frivolous, and went no further.

    The new member looking for community can easily fail to find out—amid all the bushes of ephemera among private friends here—that a very intelligent and serious group of folks are, in a sense, hiding in play, but really trying to make a long-lasting community.

    The group states this up front, but it's easy to feel that it's not really happening. Emphasis on "quality" postings is expressed, but you get points as easily for brainless frivolity as you get for thoughtfulness. "Pointless Announcements" among dear friends is beautiful; pointless announcements to those who don't know the dear friends is rather pointless.

    I'm not a pessimistic or depressive person, but when I came across "Tragic people" last night, I was deeply moved.

    I was deeply moved by solicitation of donations in the name of Uncle Phil, which implicitly expressed a sense of community that a new member could easily not find. Many of us are going to be living with cancer (not dying from cancer). Community becomes more and more important as we age. People who search for that online need to realize easily that TFP is not basically a chat shop trying to induce new members to donate money.

    MadMan317's frivolity is unsurprising, as a new member can come across the topic line "Why are we here?" and pass on it, without reading, thinking it's yet another chat topic, not the testimonial that this topic is.

    What is The Story of TFP that people searching for good community should hear/read?—should be led to? If you're trying to build community (apparently to also get as much money in donations as you can, making a new member feel that TFP is really a little business plan by a few old timers), you should make it easier for new members to discover how much of a community you are, besides a Cheers on the Internet with a big menu.

    What have "old" folks, who haven't contributed to this topic, been through that makes TFP worth a new member's perseverance to rack up points in chat and earn the privilege of finding out who you all are to each other?

    So, the new member is free to plow through tens of topics to find gems that make staying an investment.

    Before I got to MadMan317's trolling, I was thinking: This discussion should be "pinned" as something all new members are led to read. Now, I think: This discussion should be continued, the trolling edited out, and the topic pinned for new members to learn why racking up points for good postings is really worth one's time.

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  11. zoolady

    zoolady New Member

    Because people find the people here interesting?
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