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Why do we exist?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cynthetiq, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    This conversation came from a different one but being talked among the staff members. Maybe it's philosophical, but I don't mean that existentialism manner for ourselves.

    I mean this space? Why do we still exist? Sure old places I used to discuss things and get news from still exist, but why? They are shadows of their former self. Some even just husks. In fact one person was like, "Yeah I still check fark every day for my news and interweb cool stuff!" I was like, "Sheesh, you're behind, you should be checking Reddit!" She was like, "What's that?"

    I know why I keep this place afloat. Some of it was just plain ego, some of it is still just ego. I'm doing something that I wanted to do since I was a teen and never had the resources or had to get permission from my parents.

    This is my space, it's publically private. I know I have RL friends here that I met here. I have RL friends that I invited here. I have friends here I've never met but will one day. I have friends from here that I met long ago and are not here on 5.0. Either way it's because this space is a place I can be me and not a persona according to friends and family. I can be a persona of my own and friends come from that.

    We don't make any money. It strictly takes care of itself always from the generosity of someone or even just one person for the month.

    I thought I'd like to ask you why you think we are still here after 11 years. Why do you think we still exist?
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  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Because of the unique blend of regulars here.
    Because it's just the right size. Big enough to be active and keep people's attention through the day but small enough you won't get lost if you don't want to.
    Because of the general respect everyone gives each other.
    Because of the right blend of leadership by the staff that helps foster that respect.

    Those are the primary reasons that pop into my head immediately.
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  3. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I'm with Borla

    I'm an extremely new member of the site in the grand scheme of things, but I find myself on here more often than most of my other sites, because I know that what I write will be seen, read, sometimes responded to, so on. I've never felt left out or belittled or attacked, even when I have differing opinions on polarizing subject matter. I feel safe to share my opinions, which isn't even something I can say about the Book of Faces. I'm happy here.
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  4. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Because all roads lead to home and The TFP is my home on the Internet.
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  5. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    There's something special about TFP. I can't quite put my finger on it, but for whatever reason, for the most part, the site attracts some kickass people. I've seen quite a few new members say something along the lines of "wow, you guys are a really tight-knit group." And we are, but not in an exclusive, clique-y kind of way.

    I think one of the things I like best about TFP is the intelligence factor. I don't know how many of you spend time on other message boards (or even just comment sections), but it's scary out there.

    When I first joined TFP, I liked that I could get advice on stuff I wouldn't dare ask "real life" friends. And it was good advice, although not always what I wanted to hear. I left for a while, but when I came back, it was still the open-minded, welcoming, slightly twisted place I remembered and loved.

    And now, years later, I consider so many members my friends, even the ones I haven't met face-to-face. I wrote a blog a couple years ago and I remember saying something like, "I've laughed with you guys, cried with you guys, and stayed up all night with you guys." Y'all have helped me through some tough times.

    So, why? I think TFP is a kind of refuge for a lot of us.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
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  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    For me, TFP is a place I come to in order to get mental exercise. I feel like it is a place where I can safely pose questions, shape my opinion, and think about things. Now, mental exercise doesn't always mean the esoteric or academic; rather, it means a variety of things. TFP is a space to work through stuff, all kinds of stuff, because I know the community will listen and respond, or listen and support.

    Through the years, I've been grateful to have this space. It's a space where I can share myself and my problems without judgment. I can count on support from others when times get tough. I love that about this site. I agree with CinnamonGirl that it is a refuge of sorts. Twice (three times?) I've had my refuge invaded by a hostile outside force, and twice it has hurt me to think of this place as less than safe; however, thanks to the WONDERFUL, AMAZING staff we have here, I know I can count on you guys to take care of it if and when it happens again.

    I've made some wonderful friends here. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of them in person for the first time this summer. TORONTO 2013 REPRESENT!
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  7. For me the Internet is entertainment. TFP is quite entertaining. There's more but that's a lot of it for me. A respectful mix of interesting viewpoints. And Plan9.
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  8. PlaysWithPixels

    PlaysWithPixels Getting Tilted

    I'm really new here, so I really don't have much of an answer....

    It seems like a friendly place though.

    I always look at the internet like a virtual world. Forums are places similar to school or work or a bar. (Closest to the bar I think.) This is a nice bar and I like coming back here. It's comfortable. :)
    • Like Like x 5
  9. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    <Cue familiar theme music>
    Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
    Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
    Wouldn't you like to get away?
    Sometimes you want to go
    Where everybody knows your name,
    and they're always glad you came.
    You wanna be where you can see,
    our troubles are all the same
    You wanna be where everybody knows
    Your name.
    You wanna go where people know,
    people are all the same,
    You wanna go where everybody knows
    your name.
    </Cue familiar theme music>

    Who is Rebecca on here and who is Norm though?
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  10. One more thing, people here care. We really care about each other. That alone is reason enough to exist.
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  11. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I have no idea why we keep coming back to this tilted joint.
    We don't even have a mustache forum, gosh!

    I won't speculate on why you guys keep coming back, but one of the main reasons I come back is y'all let me be goofy as I want to be.
    Real life is too serious so I unwind here.

    Thanks, guys.
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  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    It's like I said to *Nikki* ...there's something about TFP that fills in the holes.

    But another thing I've noticed over time...that instead of what happens usually in the flow of conversation ...you lose things because of the momentum.
    This place...even more so than others, allows you to take your time...see what people said.
    Then respond, when you want...how you want. It doesn't get lost.

    And the fact that people can get what you're saying without any "interference"...it's more "pure"
    They don't know often what you look like, what you are, what you've been...
    So your words and thoughts are just taken as they are. (if you're sincere...)

    Frankly, it has helped define me over the years.
    I kinda know what's inside my head better, reaffirming certain ideas and values...and that others may appreciate that too.

    Thanks for the brain dump area. :cool:
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
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  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I vote Fremen for Norm.
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  14. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I'm ok with that, but with a dash of Cliffy. I like useful/less trivia.
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Then Cliff you are!
  16. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I really like the people here. I think that's a big factor for me, maybe the biggest. Too many forums (fora?) online are full of real dicks and stick-up-the-ass control freaks and whatnot. TFP may have some on-the-ball crowd control, but overall, it's a peaceful, easy forum: people are chill, and fun, and mostly pretty damn intelligent, and tolerant, and are interesting in good conversation, friendly debate, considerable mutual amusement and a wholesome smidge of mutual flirtation and titillation, and the giving of thoughtful and sound advice as needed. And there are spots for a lot of different interests here, and the differences live healthily alongside one another, not competitively or judgmentally. TFP is really unique, in my experience. I regularly post to several forums of various sorts, but this is the one where I feel most comfortable in just being me.

    My guess is that my perceptions of this place are not unique to me. In fact, seeing some of the previous posts, I know so.

    Whatever originally motivated you, cynthetiq, Hal, the_jazz, and all the rest of you folks who started and currently maintain this little oasis of decent human interaction on the interwebs, the existence of TFP is no mystery to me-- or, I think, to most of us here: it's our hangout spot. It's our clubhouse.
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  17. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    For me, it's more than any mere 'message board'. I've seen other message boards. Some are okay, some are just teeming with stoopids. This is the only place that I think of as a community. It is a place which we can all peacefully inhabit with low risk of being antagonized for being who we are. Even those of us with less intelligence, wisdom, self-esteem, or experience with various aspects of life, can feel welcome and valued.

    Also, I love the fact that TFP is dedicated to exploring all facets of existence. This is a place where I can comfortably offer my input on what few topics I know anything about, where I'm safe to be who I am, and at the same time learn more about myself. I've grown, matured, learned, and--according to one supporter from my now-favourite thread--I've managed to improve my writing skills.

    So, I guess I should have said this a long time ago, but I'm saying it now. Thank you for creating The TFP. To the administration for conceptualizing it and getting it up and running, and to all the community for continuing to create it every day as it evolves and expands with every new thread, every new comment, and every new member.
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  18. No matter how long i stay away from here, i always come back to TFP.

    TFP is like a marriage, you can go and look at as many menus as you want online, but you always come back and eat at home.

    Ive sampled some boards out there, but there's nothing out there quite like TFP.
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  19. Raghnar

    Raghnar Getting Tilted

    I quote that letter by letter
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    If only the rest of the world could be that way...