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Do You Carry Your Gun with a Round in the Chamber?

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by cynthetiq, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    I said one to work the pump with. Hold them like a cross. Also works against vampires.
  2. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I think I had said this on here before about the shotgun, that it's not the noise you know. It became a habit long time ago when the kids were small and their rooms were right next to my bedroom.
    This guy at the gun range drilled into my head that a shotgun is safer if an intruder would show up in my house and the kids were in their rooms. He setup drywall at the range and showed me the difference between a shotgun and a revolver. I must admit that the shotgun made a pretty big hole, but the revolver went through two drywall pieces 10feet apart from each other. :p
  3. R

    ronnee New Member

    some pos guns, like the Raven .25 auto and Jennings J22, safeties are made of zinc, so they swiftly wear to the po9int that they do NOT prevent the gun from firing. So those are the only one's that I'd have around, much less on me, that didn't have a rd chambered. If the gun is left "out", not ini a vault or on your person, it not only should be unloaded, it should be taken apart and the pieces hidden, so that some kid or burglar doesn't have your gun, robbing killing people with it.
    --- merged: Jan 27, 2013 at 3:42 PM ---
    the only safe "backstop" for your projectiles, around loved ones, is in the torso of your attacker. If you can't put them there, don't fire. If you are not CERTAIN of your target, don't fire. It's very simple. the world will go on WITHOUT YOU, it does not revolve AROUND you, and there are worse things than being killed/raped, etc. the WORST is shooting someone who is dear to you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2013
  4. Snake Eater

    Snake Eater Vertical

    Sorry for the long delay.
    A Mossberg or Remington 870 is not likely to discharge if dropped, from any angle. However, the safety does not physically block the firing pin and the weapon 'in theory' if jostled in the correct manner can end up firing, even if the safety is on.

    Basically, while the safety is most likely an adequate preventive measure, I prefer to go with the sure thing. Since the safety does not actually prevent the weapon from firing I choose to carry without a round chambered. It isn't ideal but is the only way I get a personal warm-fuzzy.

    I should note though that throughout my training and at work we carry shotguns as secondary or tertiary weapons. Even then they really aren't 'weapons' so much as tools for breaching. If I were using a shotgun to advance on a known threat it would certainly be chambered despite the (very small) risk of a discharge due to rough handling.

    I am pretty big on using best practices. There are dozens of ways to do things, several good ones, but typically only one 'best' way which incorporates all the factors for each given situation. At my house that equals 'cruiser ready' for shotguns. In other circumstances or with other models that calculus might be different.

    Kirstang I continue to accept your challenge. Provided it is not over the internet.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2013
  5. Walt

    Walt Vertical

    Kirstang, you just got called out by a guy who wears Fibonacci sequence t-shirts and can explain the formation of igneous rock like it was cool. If you don't answer the challenge and beat him, bro code dictates that you must sit down when you pee for the rest of your natural life.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    KirStang, don't listen to him.

    He just sent me a PM with the word "fiance" in it. If I spot him wearing that skin-tight argyle sweater in public, I'll hafta get some happy snaps and absolutely ruin whatever street cred he developed here by posting pictures of that manly workbench.

    That and you can't win.​
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  7. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Posting a gay guy did not bolster your position.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Are we sure Kirstang isn't in the navy?
  10. Snake Eater

    Snake Eater Vertical

    Well, I have forgotten what we are supposed to be fighting over, but I intend to win.

    Name the place and time (as long as I am in the US)...

    Also, I don't JUST wear Fibonacci T-Shirts and the coolest rocks are (ironically) Igneous.
    --- merged: Mar 24, 2013 at 9:40 PM ---
    Also, what was the challenge?

    I assume we are going to be shooting, but what were the rules or criteria?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2013
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Haha, you're drunk.
  12. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    Maybe the TFP range day will finally come to pass?
  13. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    HAHAHA... that's a good one, brother. Tell me another.

    Given our work schedules and locations, how would that ever realistically happen?

    That and the TFP Range Day would consist of MAYBE 4 motherfuckers.

    I'll travel to shoot with you and Lordeden and that's about it.

    ChrisJericho is too white for us. Slims and Walt are far too ninja.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  14. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Yup, over 60 degrees and I'll get sunburn.

    Plus my #1 tactical skill is running away and calling 911.
  15. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    What does that have to do with putting holes in paper at 7 yards?
  16. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Oh 7 yards? I can do that.

    We're talking about rifles right?
  17. Snake Eater

    Snake Eater Vertical

    Actually, I would love to do a TFP Range Day. In fact, a couple months ago I thought I might have bumped into Crompsin/Plan9 at the 37PSR range. Dude just seemed like he should be you.

    I will be back by the end of the year. Since the world revolves around me I don't see why a December TFP shoot is not feasible.

    In any event I think the holidays are probably the most likely time to get max participation. Schedule it just after college students get winter vacation but before people really have to go home to see their families. Throw in a few incentives (reactive targets, long range seminars, CQB familiarization, Newby basics, prizes for beating the 'experts' etc) and you will have something nobody on the weapons forum will voluntarily abstain from.

    Also, I am sure some would attend simply to see me kick the shit out of Kirstang with his own weapon.

    I don't want to make anything official but it would be easy to have group 'discussions' regarding the most efficient first aid/trauma kit, how to sustain a casualty, how to really create a bug out bag, conducting assessments and planning off the Most Probable and Most Dangerous results, defining the roles each weapons system can reasonably perform, which weapons best serve specific roles, etc.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    Number one planning consideration is going to be the facility. (Then we can issue the Warn-o and start necessary troop movement, :lol:).
  19. Snake Eater

    Snake Eater Vertical

    Do we really need an MDMP class here on TFP?

    I was under the impression that any proposed Course of Action must meet these five criteria:

    Suitable, Acceptable, Feasible, Distinguishable, Complete

    And from there we could weight them against all other proposed courses of action to arrive at the best (most practical) solution within the constraints we have to work in.

    Dialing it back, no officer should ever dictate the priority planning consideration unless they intend to limit outside the box thinking and force the multiple COA development cells to arrive at the same conclusion (the officers).

    With this in mind I am pretty sure TFP can plan a trip to the range. Multiple COA's will be submitted and many won't make the cut. But don't turn off any potential winners arbitrarily.

    Also, don't insult TFP with TLP's. We are way beyond that. MDMP at a minimum.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2013
  20. RebelRooster

    RebelRooster New Member

    You're making a dangerous assumption here my friend. I am well over 250 lbs and 63 years old. I can shoot both fast and accurate, or slow and extremely accurate. From a bench I could shoot test targets for Wilson Combat. Ten of thousands of rounds fired downrange at steel as well as paper. A lot of us fat old men were once very active slim young men that developed skills they will take to their grave.

    I have many heavy friends that shoot at least as well as I, most better. Weight is not a deterrent to obtaining shooting skills. Many IDPA shooters are what you might choose to call large, we don't move as quick but we don't waste shots either.

    I carry condition one, if I am confronted and need to respond, I need to respond very quickly. I don't have time for cocking the hammer or cycling the slide, simply release the safety and engage the enemy.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2013