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Apple or Android?

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Speed_Gibson, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Without the case I have, my galaxy S feels much slimmer than the Iphone. It also felt lighter. I love apple hardware, and while I hate how Android pushes forced apps to your phone on some updates (I don't want your book app..fuck off. I have a Nook Color tyvm) I like the customizable options for Droid. The only thing I wish is that droid phones would let me remove factory installed apps (not downloaded) without having to root the phone. I'd rather not risk walking around with a brick and a voided warranty.
  2. supafly

    supafly New Member

    I like my android, the free Google maps based navigation is very handy
  3. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Android. my incredible is my first cell phone ever.
  4. soma

    soma New Member

    I have a recommendation for you. If you do end up getting a smart phone, you can get this nifty thing called Google Voice that gives you free text messages. I use it myself and save money every month because of it.
  5. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    That plus the unlimited data/talk from T-Mobile for $45 almost sounds worth it. But AT&T will no doubt scrap any reasonably affordable plans that T-Mobile currently has in nanoseconds once they take over the helm.
  6. soma

    soma New Member

    You should go talk to some people at the store to confirm this, but I'm pretty sure whatever price you lock in at the beginning of your contract is good for the entire 2 year term. Part of the reason why I got the ThunderBolt from Verizon was to lock in unlimited 4G data at 30$ per month.

    Also, I've been doing some of my own research about the iPhone and apparently it has pretty lackluster Google Voice support. So if you were thinking about an iPhone and using Google Voice with it, the experience will not be as good as on an Android. Anyway, good luck.
  7. FelixP

    FelixP New Member

    I just bought my first smartphone (a Droid X2) on Sunday and I think it's pretty cool. I use verizon, but I'm sure you could get cheaper plans on other carriers (T-Mobile comes to mind). I might suggest picking the provider and then picking the phone.
  8. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    This fits here well enough (as in not worthy of new thread so I will just threadjack this one instead :) )
    The first router vonage sent me did not work properly , so I walked/drove uphill a half mile away and talked to tech support a few times. They sent me a 'new' refurbished router which just came in today and I have an actual land line again after 4-5 days of quiet isolation. Of course I only had one important message that was forwarded to my cell phone that whole time.

    puts me in the same place Time Warner did at a lower cost. If the internet is down, then all phone service is gone, and you might want to consider practicing 9-1-1 in smoke signals.

    <mild annoyance>Hearing routers referred to as 'modems' just hurts my ears. There is no analog signal being sent through my cable connection that is being demodulated or modulated back to analog</mild annoyance>
  9. I have a KooDo INQ Cloud Touch that I bought from Best Buy for $75.00 and it came with a $75.00 Best Buy gift card. I download with WiFi at work and home and I am not a power user. My monthly bill is $48.00(taxes in) and includes unlimited long distance and free roaming in Canada, unlimited text and text pics, 5 megs data, no contract, no hook-up fees, change the plan anytime free. And no ITunes! USB charger plugs into the 'puter and I can move any pics, movies or ripped music to the phone or make ringtones. I haven't had the phone long so it is still way smarter than me but learning something on it every day.
    --- merged: Sep 11, 2011 11:28 PM ---
    I have a KooDo INQ Cloud Touch that I bought from Best Buy for $75.00 and it came with a $75.00 Best Buy gift card. I download with WiFi at work and home and I am not a power user. My monthly bill is $48.00(taxes in) and includes unlimited long distance and free roaming in Canada, unlimited text and text pics, 5 megs data, no contract, no hook-up fees, change the plan anytime free. And no ITunes! USB charger plugs into the 'puter and I can move any pics, movies or ripped music to the phone or make ringtones. I haven't had the phone long so it is still way smarter than me but learning something on it every day.
  10. Rekna New Member

    go with a high end android. Don't expect to buy a cheap android and get an iphone like device. If you buy a 2 year old phone expect a 2 year old phone!
  11. My brother and my son both have Android phones and both are very disappointed in battery life. Anyone else have battery issues?
  12. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Yes. Even with all of the included bloatware removed and a more battery-friendly ROM installed, My EVO can't make it more than a couple of hours if I'm using it frequently. If I know I'm going to be unable to charge it for several hours, I shut off its internet capabilities and pretend like it doesn't exist unless I need to look something up or send a quick email.
  13. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    First of all, like with laptops, any comparison has to be between to items in the same price range. So don't expect to get great battery life from the cheapest Android phone.
    I ran into that the battery would not last 5 hours on my Samsung Gio. I went to the dealer intending to return the phone, there I was convince to give it a second chance. The phone was reset to "factory defaults" then it looked like the phone was completing the Gingerbread (2.3.3 ) upgrade. Since that the average time between charging is 2 days + (close to 60 hours). I'm not a heavy user and I have disable the GPS but WiFi is constantly on and I use blue tooth moderately.
  14. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    My phone was top of the line a year ago. I think that the pricier Android phones probably have more energy consuming bells and whistles and therefore potentially worse battery life.
  15. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    I apologize for being unclear. The comment about comparison was on this thread in general.
  16. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Aha, I see. :)
  17. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I finally ditched the straight talk phone today. It still has 10 days of service left but will sit unused.
    The middle ground was the path I chose; I chose a "free" Samsung Intensity II (I actually chose the lower model below it and they were out - free upgrade) through Verizon for only $20 more than the old phone with far better features.
    The damn thing kept switching from "entering/leaving service area" when it was sitting by the computer monitor here which is saying ALOT if you have ever have seen the complete lack of service AT&T has in most of this town. I have to walk several blocks and uphill substantially to get even a trace of service with that provider.
  18. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    It is an absolutely amazing concept to walk outside and be able to text AND call. I get no bars - just '1x' on the upper corner of the screen - but it is enough to text reliably and make phone calls. Personally I am choosing my land line when here as it is far more solid, but it is nice knowing I finally have an option when the internet goes down and takes out the land line with it.
    The only 'down side' is that the 250 msg/month that I chose initially will have to upgraded now to at least 500, and $5 per month sounded so nice too. I can even sit by the window and text most of the time.