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Pointless Announcements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Baraka_Guru, Aug 2, 2011.

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  1. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I'll give pizza-making a try if I can find that dough. :)
  2. Ozmanitis

    Ozmanitis Trust in your will and Hope will burn bright!

    Texas USA
    Guy sues Subway because his footlong sandwich was only 11 inches, So by that logic, I can sue the Bob Keeshan estate claiming that he was neither a Captain, nor a Kangaroo.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. by that logic, my wife will be suing me soon
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Just remember, the first one is free.
  5. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I found out at my fathers service I had an uncle I never heard of, had passed on years ago but for whatever reason he was never mentioned in the house I grew up in. Services can get weird.

    Sorry about your grandmother.
  6. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    The guy actually has a case, especially since Subway has tried to enforce a trademark on the term "footlong" with other sandwich makers. They're not delivering on an implied promise of amount of food. That said, I don't know if he'd collect much.

    But this is a classic scenario for a winnable class action against Subway. And that would mean that anyone who can demonstrate that they've eaten there could get free food.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    • Like Like x 5

  8. Lumber yards everywhere must be in fear that this guy will decide to undertake a home remodeling project and buy a bunch of 2X4s.
    • Like Like x 3
  9. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Is it bad that I couldn't figure out how you were going to work the red penis into the joke.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    As my friend says, "red rocket!"
    • Like Like x 1
  11. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I have a zit on my earlobe. Is that possible?
  12. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Oh, yes. There are a whole bunch of them posted on YouTube.

    /shudders while continues to watch
  13. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  14. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Way too many grant proposals. I really did not want to get this far into my PhD only to run out of funding for the rest of my project.
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Weekend! Too much too do and feeling out of control.
  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Actually it's more like trying to keep alcoholics from owning/driving cars.
    --- merged: Jan 25, 2013 1:13 PM ---
    Out of control is not always bad.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2013
    • Like Like x 1
  17. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Sorry about your grandmother :(
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Ran across this posted elsewhere....

    Collective Nouns
    herd of antelope
    army of ants
    colony of ants
    swarm of ants
    shrewdness of apes
    flange of baboons
    congress of baboons
    tribe of baboons
    culture of bacteria
    cete of badgers
    colony of badgers
    sleuth of bears
    sloth of bears
    pack of bears (polar bears)
    colony of beavers
    lodge of beavers
    flight of bees
    grist of bees
    hive of bees
    swarm of bees
    congregation of birds
    dissimulation of birds
    flight of birds
    flock of birds
    volery of birds
    sedge of bitterns
    siege of bitterns
    herd of boar
    singular of boar
    sounder of boar
    chain of bobolinks
    brace of bucks
    clash of bucks
    herd of buffalo
    rabble of butterflies
    swarm of butterflies
    wake of buzzards
    flock of camels
    army of caterpillars
    clowder of cats
    clutter of cats
    glaring of cats
    pounce of cats
    dout of cats (house cats)
    nuisance of cats (house cats)
    kendle of cats (kittens)
    kindle of cats (kittens)
    litter of cats (kittens)
    destruction of cats (wild cats)
    drove of cattle
    herd of cattle
    kine of cattle
    team of cattle
    yoke of cattle (two)
    herd of chamois
    brood of chickens
    flock of chickens
    peep of chickens
    brood of chicks
    chattering of chicks
    clutch of chicks
    cartload of chimpanzees
    herd of chinchillas
    bed of clams
    quiver of cobras
    rag of colts
    rake of colts
    bury of conies
    cover of coots
    flight of cormorants
    band of coyotes
    sedge of cranes
    siege of cranes
    congregation of crocodiles
    float of crocodiles
    storytelling of crows
    murder of crows
    herd of deer
    leash of deer
    parcel of deer
    bevy of deer (roe deer)
    kennel of dogs
    pack of dogs
    litter of dogs (puppies)
    pod of dolphins
    drove of donkeys
    herd of donkeys
    pace of donkeys
    trip of dotterel
    bevy of doves
    cote of doves
    dole of doves
    dule of doves
    flight of doves
    piteousness of doves
    flight of dragons
    weyr of dragons
    wing of dragons
    brace of ducks
    flock of ducks
    flush of ducks
    paddling of ducks
    raft of ducks
    team of ducks
    aerie of eagles
    convocation of eagles
    swarm of eels
    herd of elephants
    memory of elephants
    parade of elephants
    gang of elk
    herd of elk
    mob of emus
    business of ferrets
    cast of ferrets
    fesnyng of ferrets
    charm of finches
    catch of fish
    haul of fish
    run of fish
    school of fish
    shoal of fish
    swarm of flies
    lead of foxes
    leash of foxes
    skulk of foxes
    army of frogs
    colony of frogs
    knot of frogs
    flock of geese
    gaggle of geese
    skein of geese (in flight)
    wedge of geese (flying in a 'V')
    horde of gerbils
    corps of giraffes
    herd of giraffes
    tower of giraffes
    cloud of gnats
    horde of gnats
    swarm of gnats
    herd of gnus
    implausibility of gnus
    drove of goats
    herd of goats
    tribe of goats
    trip of goats
    charm of goldfinches
    glint of goldfish
    band of gorillas
    skein of goslings
    leash of greyhounds
    covey of grouse
    pack of grouse
    colony of gulls
    group of guinea pigs
    horde of hamsters
    drove of hares
    down of hares
    husk of hares
    leash of hares
    trace of hares
    trip of hares
    warren of hares
    aerie of hawks
    cast of hawks
    kettle of hawks
    array of hedgehogs
    prickle of hedgehogs
    brood of hens
    hedge of herons
    sedge of herons
    siege of herons
    shoal of herrings
    crash of hippopotami
    herd of hippopotami
    bloat of hippopotami
    drift of hogs
    parcel of hogs
    passel of hogs
    nest of hornets
    harras of horses
    herd of horses
    stable of horses
    team of horses
    troop of horses
    cry of hounds
    mute of hounds
    pack of hounds
    charm of hummingbirds
    clan of hyenas
    band of jays
    party of jays
    scold of jays
    smack of jellyfish
    herd of kangaroos
    mob of kangaroos
    troop of kangaroos
    deceit of lapwings
    ascension of larks
    exaltation of larks
    leap of leopards
    leep of leopards
    lepe of leopards
    pride of lions
    sault of lions
    sowse of lions
    troop of lions
    lounge of lizards
    herd of llamas
    plague of locusts
    tidings of magpies
    sord of mallards
    stud of mares
    richness of martens
    horde of mice
    mischief of mice
    nest of mice
    company of moles
    labor of moles
    movement of moles
    cartload of monkeys
    tribe of monkeys
    troop of monkeys
    troup of monkeys
    herd of moose
    barren of mules
    pack of mules
    rake of mules
    span of mules
    watch of nightingales
    bevy of otter
    family of otter
    raft of otter
    romp of otter
    parliament of owls
    drove of oxen
    herd of oxen
    span of oxen
    team of oxen
    yoke of oxen (two)
    bed of oysters
    company of parrots
    covey of partridges
    muster of peacocks
    ostentation of peacocks
    colony of penguins
    crèche of penguins
    huddle of penguins
    parcel of penguins
    rookery of penguins
    nest of pheasants
    nide of pheasants (on the ground)
    nye of pheasants (on the ground)
    bouquet of pheasants (when flushed)
    flight of pigeons
    flock of pigeons
    drove of pigs
    herd of pigs
    litter of pigs
    farrow of pigs (piglets)
    sounder of pigs (wild pigs)
    shoal of pilchards
    congregation of plovers
    wing of plovers
    chine of polecats
    string of ponies
    pod of porpoises
    school of porpoises
    passel of possum
    coterie of prairie dogs
    bevy of quail
    covey of quail
    bury of rabbits
    colony of rabbits
    down of rabbits
    drove of rabbits
    husk of rabbits
    leash of rabbits
    trace of rabbits
    trip of rabbits
    warren of rabbits
    nest of rabbits (young)
    wrack of rabbits (young)
    gaze of raccoons
    nursery of raccoons
    colony of rats
    horde of rats
    mischief of rats
    pack of rats
    plague of rats
    swarm of rats
    rhumba of rattlesnakes
    storytelling of ravens
    unkindness of ravens
    crash of rhinocerouses
    building of rooks
    clamor of rooks
    storytelling of rooks
    run of salmon
    school of salmon
    shoal of salmon
    bob of seals
    colony of seals
    crash of seals
    harem of seals
    herd of seals
    pod of seals
    rookery of seals
    spring of seals
    team of seals
    school of shark
    shiver of shark
    down of sheep
    drove of sheep
    flock of sheep
    fold of sheep
    hurtle of sheep
    trip of sheep
    bed of snakes
    den of snakes
    nest of snakes
    pit of snakes
    walk of snipes
    wisp of snipes
    host of sparrows
    dray of squirrels
    scurry of squirrels
    murmuration of starlings
    muster of storks
    mustering of storks
    flight of swallows
    bevy of swans
    herd of swans
    wedge of swans (flying in a 'V')
    flock of swifts
    drift of swine
    sounder of swine
    spring of teals
    ambush of tigers
    streak of tigers
    knot of toads
    hover of trout
    flock of turkeys
    brood of turkeys (immature)
    bale of turtles
    generation of vipers
    nest of vipers
    colony of vultures
    mob of wallabees
    herd of walruses
    pod of walruses
    pack of weasels
    sneak of weasels
    gam of whales
    herd of whales
    pod of whales
    school of whales
    plump of wildfowl
    herd of wolves
    pack of wolves
    rout of wolves
    route of wolves
    warren of wombats
    fall of woodcocks
    descent of woodpeckers
    herd of yaks
    herd of zebras
    zeal of zebras

    One significant ommission, the ever popular cluster of fucks.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
    • Like Like x 7
  19. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

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