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Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011)

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by MexicanOnABike, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. This movie follows the same storyline as the original 1960s movies. It's built as the prequel to Planet of the apes. It has no ties to the movie with Mark Walhberg.

    I loved how they took a slow pace for most of the movie. And the CG was fantastic!

    What did you think?!

    And for those who saw the original, did you catch the few hint to those movies?
  2. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Haven't seen it but this <"It has no ties to the movie with Mark Walhberg."> is enough for me to seriously consider it.
    That and Andy Serkis starring in it.

    I do have all five of the original films in the box set.
  3. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    I enjoyed the film and was surprised by the CGI of the apes. They should have chosen a different actor to yell out "get your hands off me you dirty ape!" because Tom Felton had an awful American accent and wasn't that great as the character, more one dimensional than anything. Other than that, I liked how Caesar became the leader of the apes.
  4. woah! Can we please use spoiler tags?
    I agree with you. the actor used for that line was very simple.
    --- merged: Aug 14, 2011 at 9:17 PM ---
    Yes. I loved the book, saw the originals up to 3 I believe and I liked it enough to see the 2001 release with Mark Walhberg. What a mess! So when this one came out, i was worried but Framerate(podcast) rated it the best movie this summer. So I checked it out and I agree! good acting, good CG, good story, good timeline, solid start and ending. I didn't have any problems with it.

    And if you read/watched the originals, there are some subtle hints like
    they show the maned mission to mars and then they explain how they are lost in space. And they explain how the original humans destroyed themselves; very well done in the end credits.
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I dug it. I'd watched some of the making of the movie on HBO and how they did some of the CG with the apes and I was intrigued.
    I think they did a good job. Then S watched the Markie Mark one and I forgot that I'd actually kinda liked that one a little, too. But it made more sense, regardless, after seeing the latest one.
  6. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I havent seen this, but the whole concept annoys me and I expect this movie would too

    As if mankind would ever be beaten by a bunch of monkeys... there's a reason we won the evolutionary war in the first place and that is our intelligence and aggression
  7. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    no worse than then the standard suspension of disbelief needed for almost every action film these day.
  8. I thought it would bug me but there is nothing wrong with the movie in that aspect.
  9. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Im not being funny, but it just bugs me this constant bigging up of animals.

    I watch this show called Monster Hunters and they had an episode on chimps and they are going on about how much stronger than men chimps are, how dangerous they are, how weak all men are, etc etc etc

    Bollocks. If these pricks are so great and strong, thats why they live in the fucking woods while I live in a house. Thats why the king of monkeys probably lives in a zoo, behind bars, eating raw vegtables, while I'm strolling past and laughing at him. Thats why chimps are forced to dress up in child's clothes and pretend to drink PG Tips under the threat of electric shocks for the entertainment of people.

    Im not saying I advocate animal cruelty, but I am fed up of these apes giving it all the big "I am" when they are nothing but lowly beasts.

    If some chimp was here, using the 25 words of sign language it has taken him 8 years to learn FROM A HUMAN to say he was better than me, then I would fight him right now. I'd give him a knuckle supper that would cause him to re-evaluate his place in the tree of evolution.

    There is a reason humans won and chimps and still just stinking beasts. Our intelligence, our cunning, our aggression will ALWAYS far surpass these monkeys. Its ridiculous to think they can beat us. When I watch a movie I understand its fiction, but this is based on a premise thats impossible. Anyway, rant over, have to go to work.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Good movie. Wish I had thought to bring some petitions against testing on primates for fellow viewers to sign. The resignation on the face of old one eye as he lays down on the table with resignation because that is his life. Very sad. Very real. I liked it more than I thought I would (son took me). I agree with strangely famous - humans are far more reprehensable in behaviour than animals. If a Baboon told you to move outa the way sf - would you? I think it could take you in a fight.
  11. DRP967

    DRP967 New Member

    Movie was good, worth seeing imo.
  12. Confederate

    Confederate New Member

    Except they explained what happened to the humans in order for the apes to take over.
    the same virus that made the apes smart is deadly to humans, they show an infected person about to fly to New York which would really spread the virus.
  13. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    Strange Famous: I really look forward to seeing you fight one of these and see where you end up.

  14. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Unless I'm very much mistaken, those are gorilla's not monkeys/chimps!

    I couldnt beat a gorilla in a fist fight, but if we were both locked in a building I would beat him through other ways probably (ie - weapons, tools, laying traps, etc etc)
  15. Ice|Burn

    Ice|Burn Getting Tilted

    Assuming the ape/monkey/chimp wasn't hyper intelligent for the species and able to think as well as you if not better. ;)
  16. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Even if a chimp had the same level of brains as me, it wouldnt be as *manly*... even a brainy chimp would lack courage and come off second best in my experience.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wow, Strange Famous, I came in here to see how people liked this movie, as I've heard it's pretty good.

    But now I see your misinformation is spreading throughout it.

    Yes, humans are much more intelligent than chimps. But realize that they have a strength difficult to conceive. (And that we share 98% of the same DNA.)



    Also, check out this article. It explains on a biological level why chimps have far more strength than humans pound for pound: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090330200829.htm

    So intelligence? Humans. Strength? Chimps.

    It's pretty clear-cut.

    But now you need to apply the ideas typical in science fiction, which often ask "what if?" And if you look further into the plot of this film, you will likely see it's not as far-fetched as being all-out ridiculous:

    A mutation that doesn't merely "level the playing field"; it upsets it: chimps with human intelligence and chimp strength.
  18. Ice|Burn

    Ice|Burn Getting Tilted


    It's still early today, but this just might possibly be the funniest thing I encounter today. What made it was the "*manly*" :D
  19. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
  20. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Luckily I wasnt planning to arm wrestle the chimp!

    Whether he can pull a heavier weight than me wont do him much good against a sword. (for example)