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I Hate My Cellphone

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by issmmm, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Lost my iPod today...this means that I get a new smartphone to replace both phone and iPod...woo.
  2. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    Three days and so far you are right, this thing is so much faster, got more stuff, takes less steps to do stuff
    It's all the stuff I used on the old one and none of the stuff i used to ignore because it was obvious commercial crap, there's still commercial stuff but not as much, most of whats on here is potentially useful
    best of all navigation is soooo simple

    here's the down side and it has nothing to do with the phone, and this might be helpful to someone
    One of the higher ups at my company and i discovered that we had the same phone, she loved it but warned me to always shut everything down that I wasn't using or I would suffer a drain on my battery, makes sense so i did it, thing is whenever I would go to task manager to shut stuff down there would always be apps/programs in use that I didn't open..activesync, email, etc
    So I would put it on charge almost every night before crashing, the techs tell me that's what killed it. I should have waited for the battery to be less than a quarter empty before I charged it, I should have drained the battery to empty about once a week and I should have just plain shut it down for a given period of time once a day. so it was my fault
    when they went to transfer all the data, contacts, important dates, whatever they couldn't the phone wouldn't do what they needed.

    so everythiing was lost
    the blond who drunk dials me is gone
    the brunette who likes to call and talk for an hour before asking me to come by...well
    everyone else I can get back easily
    thanks Sprint
    the phone was two and a half years old, wonder who else is missing
  3. crimemastergogo New Member

    Got iPhone 4G (whatever that means) last month. No problems so far... Had Nokia N72 before....Excellent battery life and the most robust phone after RAZR..
  4. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    whats the update on the phone ism?
  5. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    looks promising, it's a HTC Hero, I'm not that big on touch screen but this OS is great. Apps/programs on the old phone that took two or three steps to open and operate now take only one, still leaning how to use it though,
    it's a replacement phone and I didn't get any manuals or anything so I'm winging it, but so far so good
  6. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    once you learn to swype like a pro, you'll be on par with about 60% of those damn teenagers. scary huh?
  7. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

  8. wolf Evil Grin

    Right Behind You
    I have the Motorola Droid X with Verizon. I've had it for about a year and I really like it. I love the Android operating system. I would definitely upgrade to the Droid X2 if it was time to upgrade.