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What's your day looking like?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Xerxes, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I did a search for a similar thread, albeit a rather cursory search because I'm lazy and IDGAF.

    Mon-Fri, I wake up at around 11 after sleeping for at least 10+ hours. Eat, gym then amble off to my occupation at my leaisure because I can do that. I have a flexible job that lets me jerk off as long as I am always outperforming my teammates. And I love it like that.

    Sat & Sun's I'm usually doing something family oriented like spending time with my neice.

    I also have no life, or a girlfriend. I am a largely unexciting human being.

    What do you guys do with yourselves mostly.

    Come on, someone please post an even more mediocre lifestyle than mine so I can make fun of you.
  2. Avestruz

    Avestruz Vertical

    You rang?

    I'm a brand new official immigrant as of two days ago, but I've spent the last two months under visitor status in Canada doing nothing other than blasting through my savings at ludicrous speed (I wish I had things to show for it).

    Actually, I tell a lie, I have also been cooking, so that has been a worthwhile pursuit. My husband just.can.not. So I'm having to handle matters of nutrition lest we end up living off pizza pockets and corn dogs. I used to belong to the muesli-for-dinner / penne-with-cheddar-melted-in-the-microwave school of cookery so this has been quite enriching.

    Back when I actually had a life, my day involved going to work and crunching numbers, coming home from work, internet, exercise and sleep, with regular food thrown in there. Maybe beers with colleagues on a Friday. Weekends were for lounging and more internet.

    Since I moved here, my husband and I instituted a weekly 'date night' of going for dinner but keeping that up with no job was not doing good things to my bank balance so we've had to knock it on the head temporarily.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It depends on the day of the week. Mondays, I have a meeting I have to attend, then I do homework. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm in the schools or at the library, doing homework. Wednesday, I'm doing homework. Friday, I'm catching up with whatever I didn't get done MTWTh so I can enjoy my weekend. I typically wake up at 8:30 in the morning and go to bed at 10pm. I need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep a night to be a happy, healthy human being and not kill people. I go to bed early because I have anxiety problems and will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and have a panic attack, which sometimes means I'm awake for an hour or two at 2am.

    Monday mornings I enjoy coffee for an hour, then get to work on housework. I like to make sure my house is ready for the week ahead. I wash whatever work clothes I may have missed when doing the wash the previous week. I make sure all of my stuff for the week is ready to go. Depending on how far I get, I may take an early bus down to campus and spend an hour previewing my workload for the week ahead and making sure I'm organized and know what I'm doing. All of my classes are online, so it's kind of up to me to make sure I'm crossing my Ts and dotting my Is. My meeting is a lunchhour meeting, and after that, I spend some time doing my actual job. After that's over, I may run some errands on my way home to further make sure I'm set up for the week if need be, but I typically go and get started on my readings for the week.

    Tuesdays I report to my observation site midmorning and stay there until the early afternoon. I sometimes stay later depending on my workload for the week and the school's schedule. There are so many days cut from the instructional calendar I have to make sure I get all of my hours in. After I go home, I take the bus down to campus, hole up in the library, and do my reading. Wednesday morning I sometimes take off. Sometimes I do housework. Sometimes I go do homework. Usually, by the afternoon, I am doing homework. Thursday is more or less a repeat of Tuesday. Friday may be a repeat of Tuesday, depending on what's going on. Typically I wrap my work up by 5pm, cook dinner, and hang out with my husband, unless it's Tuesday, in which case there is more actual work and then book club. These are of course rough guidelines. I don't always do homework; sometimes I veg out with my cats or go to the dentist or play video games.

    Weekends are just crrraaaazy. I rarely get anything done on the weekends, so I try and maximize my time during the week.

    I'm also not a morning person, and so I try to actively avoid being anywhere before 10am. I am still trying to decide on my schedule for next term, and trying to figure out if I want to get up at 7:30am in the winter. Next term, my practicum hours double, and spring term, I have to be on site at 8:30am. This is better than next fall, when I will have to be on site at 7:30. 7:30!!! This is why I don't want to teach high school.
  4. analog

    analog New Member

    Orlando, FL
    I work at night, monday to Wednesday and alternate Thursdays, from 6 pm to 6 am. When I'm not doing that, I watch tv shows and movies on netflix, etc., with my wife. Sure, we get out and do other things as well, but we enjoy staying in a lot. When we're lucky, we get to hang out with her brother, his wife, and their daughters. We love our nieces to pieces and probably spoil them terribly. Generally we hate kids, and aren't ever having any, but they are a very big exception lol...
  5. Same as every day: trying to take over the world.
    • Like Like x 4
  6. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    --- merged: Nov 28, 2012 at 8:33 AM ---

    my day? I come on here and watch Borla give people squishy pants then go back to work creating the filth that you stare at for hours on end.

    hmm... there's a connection there somewhere.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2012
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  7. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    I'm changing my tactics... taking over the world too. Aiming to beat you all to it :D
    • Like Like x 2
  8. I am building an infernal device.
    Perhaps you have seen the strange lights or heard the low moans that escape from some of my posts.
    I can't tell you what it is right now, but when it's done YOU WILL KNOW.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JaLjwSpZ6Cs
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
  10. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Right now?
    Get up around 7 or 8, go to the gym most days. Come home, plan out the day.
    Grab lunch at some point. Either start school work or head into the office after 12pm.
    Dinner around 6:30/7:00... we're cooking more or going out when S is home.
    Decompression time during dinner, usually catch up on shows or movies, until around 10.
    Pretend like I'm actually going to sleep... lay there for 1 - 4 hours, depending on the night,
    sometimes even longer. When S isn't home, I'll try to watch tv or something.
    Can't read, because I get too interested in the story. And neuropsych makes me anxious
    instead of sleepy. Once December 15th passes, I'm hoping to get more sleep.

    Weekends, I'm still up by 8ish, either to the Market on Saturdays or into the home office
    to work on school stuff, while S sleeps in... have to distract the beasties or they get things
    thrown at them and wake up the sleeping bear.
    Typically, we grab lunch or something, I run errands or we go see a movie or drive to St. Augustine
    for a beer, to escape the town a bit and to let S get some stress out driving his car.
    Sundays we usually cook something yummy, so that's most of the afternoon.
    Saturdays we typically end up eating out, going to the wine bar, hanging out with friends, etc.
    Finish up schoolwork or watch movies and stuff Sunday night, and it's off to pretend to sleep
    for the start of the new week. "Working" from home really kinda sucks... it throws off
    my whole schedule. That's why I'm trying to add in the gym regularly, so at least I'm getting
    up at a consistent time. 3 - 5 hours of sleep screws everything up.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    My work days start at 5 am, I go for breakfast, come back from breakfast, check e-mails, go off to site. Work anywhere from 10-12 hours. 2-15 minute breaks and one 30 minute lunch break, subject to discretion depending on how cold it is. When work is done, I usually pump myself up for a workout, eat dinner, read for a few hours and go to sleep.

    When I'm not at work, don't expect me to show my face till 9 or 10, and depending on what I want to do, my day will either be busy or I'll do sweet FA.
  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I so hear you on the trying to keep a regular schedule. Sometimes it's really hard. I don't need to go to the university library as often as I once did, mostly because my new house is soooo quiet. However, it's sometimes good to do it since I feel like I have to focus and get SOMETHING done while I'm there.
  13. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    i'm spending christmas eve in the Denver Int'l Airport... i'm less than thrilled