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Shut up and take my money.

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Xerxes, May 25, 2012.

  1. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    I have a little different situation due to my geographic location. When it comes to shoes, socks, clothes I can be a complete impulse buyer. Solely due to the fact nothing here fits me. Especially shoes, there's nothing above size 10 in the entire Yucatan forget finding a 12 or 13. I walk a lot and the terrain here is not shoe or foot friendly, mostly limestone covered with a 1/4" of top soil. If I find comfortable shoes I will totally drop $200 or more without blinking.
  2. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Yeah that also falls into opportunistic purchasing. I do that for hard to find items and items that I know I will use in the future, this means sometimes gifts for other people like wines, books, etc. I know from experience that it makes no sense to pass something up when you know you'll need it in the future anyways.
  3. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i too am a convert from the 5$ specials on the boardwalk to good polarized brands. my brand is smith optics. they all come with a lifetime warranty and a new set of lenses is only 50$ even if you don't have an original warranty. i switched over when i realized i'd stopped losing sunglasses every couple months and had had the same pair of cheap-o's for 2 years.

    i have a red alert pop up in my head when anyone comes at me with a hard sell. i can feel the hairs on my arms raise up and i can't run for the door or hang up the phone fast enough. the non-sell is what sells me... letting me make up my own mind and bring it to the counter.

    i try to be real frugal and love myself a deal, but when it comes to stuff i wear on my body or protects my body, i believe in paying for comfort and health sustainability.

    my big impulse is my video gaming. i have a backlog of great games i haven't even loaded up and every week like a retard i'm still shelling out more money to add more games to the pile. luckily the games i buy are usually under 10$
  4. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Damn! You know before the Oakleys I would never drop more than $70 on a clothing item. Now I just don't know. I've purchased big ticket items but that took me at least 3 months of saving like my 50" LED TV. I planned for it and waited for the day it went on sale. But $200 on hiking boots? I would need to be sold on that!
  5. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

    I find that buying size 13 shoes/boots (size 12 in the UK - 'vive la differance') is easy, 'Do you have these in my size?' - the yes answer sells them, the no answer doesn't. I've got two pairs of Loakes shoes approaching 25 years old and they still look and feel great, around $300 new - bargain.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I have a pair of genuine crocodile leather dress shoes. I polish them often and have had them for the last 6 years. They must have cost my mom around $150 at the time but as soon as I saw them I REALLY wanted them. They're also in brand spanking new condition.
  7. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    I switched to oakleys firstly because they were about the only thing at the time that weren't either hipster glasses or ridiculously small thick framed rectangular slits, and secondly because after a string of utterly underwhelming yet allegedly accurate refractions I'd figured it was the budget lenses getting me. I stuck with them because they've taken abuse that would've turned my old bugle boys (which I've still got just in case) into shrapnel and are still more or less in perfect working order.
  8. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.


    OK, I just got paid and money is burning a hole in my pocket.

    I gave away my TV. I don't have a TV. I want a TV. I need a TV.

    This is not helping.

    As for the rest of you, how exactly will you be throwing away your money to pad the golden inner linings of some clever marketer?
  9. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Airsoft gear. Of course I get my stuff used and preferrably already upgraded from people who are quitting the sport or redoing their loadout.
  10. Xiomar

    Xiomar New Member

    Bay Area, Ca
    Never have I seen a thread get pulled from the topic so hard and fast....
  11. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Welcome. You seem to observing us in our natural habitat. Why don't you join in. The waters warm.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. i spend about $10 a week on spending money for myself (apart from my petrol and work expenses)[i know it sound frugal, but its not]. I also prefer to eat in rather than eat out. Add on top of that the fact that i dont drink or smoke.That kind of leaves a bit of a lead weight in my pocket right?


    not when you have a mrs that loves to shop! ive lost count of the number of packages for online shopping that have arrived in the last 2 weeks.

    i dont like shopping, in fact i loathe it, but the only time i actually look forward to buying something is when im looking for hiking gear. Of course ill look for a bargain, but if i need it, its coming home with me. apart from that, i impulse buy my plane tickets and thats not necessarily a good thing either. I just figure that if i just keep thinking about it its never going to happen. Do it now and be done with it.

    i have to add that all my impulse buys are done with my own money and not on a credit card
  13. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I was sold a more expensive stethoscope yesterday than I was intending to buy, but it is totally worth it because the sound is so much better than the cheaper ones and my hearing is not perfect. This was a purchase that made me happy and made me feel more confident. So, yay!
  14. Xiomar

    Xiomar New Member

    Bay Area, Ca
    I missed this place, hahaa. :)
  15. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Oh man.

    Based on the earlier reactions in this thread Imma keep mah mouth shut or mixedmedia will destroy me.


    Oh, and Xerxes save your money - those t.v.'s on the ad you posted are horrible.
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    On the opposite end of the pay-too-much-money scale is the didn't-pay-enough problem.

    A $500 big screen plasma TV is probably something like a $500 car. Probably not worth it.
  17. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Yup. Absolutely correct.

    LED tvs are teh suck that's the first thing
    Then there's the horrible refresh rate on the LED
    Then there's the whole 720p on the plasma
    But most importantly, they're Samsung. Bleh.

    Go to Amazon and get a good to great Panasonic plasma and have eyegasms.
  18. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Samsung is awesome, bro.


    On a Christmassy note: Anyone ever had Pfeffernüsse?

    Love 'em. Especially when coated in chocolate.

    • Like Like x 1
  19. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed


    Uh, no. Not in the T.V. world they aren't.

    On a Christmassy note: Can we get through Turkey Day first? My mind was already assaulted with Xmas decor next to ghouls and goblins in the box stores.

    (Note, some of the Xmas ads on t.v. that you're already tired of - sorry 'bout that, but money is money)
  20. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I avoid sales people when I shop. I make it clear that I'd rather just browse on my own. I don't appreciate feeling pressured into making a decision. I frequently stop into stores to look at things without making a purchase - I like to investigate the quality of a product and understand the full range of options available. I will spend a considerable amount of time looking things over, then walk away and wait a few hours/days/months before making a decision. This is my general pattern with clothing, shoes, bags, vehicles, cooking supplies... it works wonderfully for just about everything. Through this personal vetting process I have often decided not to purchase the product at all, or I have found an alternative that is much less expensive yet sufficiently meets my needs. When I have narrowed down my options and come to a conclusion on what I would like to purchase, I will walk into the store, knowing exactly what I want and where to find it - walk immediately to that item and from that item to the register - no distractions.

    Only one exception comes to mind - I saw an incredible and uniquely fine-petaled Cymbidium orchid at a grocery store that looked like it was about to burst from its pot. I had never seen anything quite like it, and I knew that I could take that one plant and divide it into at least 4 full-looking pots as soon as it finished flowering. We were standing in line at the register with just a couple of grocery items when I saw it - it wasn't a big trip to the store, just a milk-and-beer run. Hubby could tell I was eyeing the plant. He nodded at me, knowing. I grabbed that orchid and put it immediately on the line. At $25, it was a completely out-of-this-world impulse buy for me. A few weeks later I divided the plant into several pots and now nearly a year later I have it in every well-lit room in our house. I also donated one of the pots to our school's teaching greenhouse - they were quite appreciative.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012